Supreme Chef

Chapter 781 Shocked Yunfan

Chapter 781 Shocked Yunfan

The two Ascension Realm powerhouses naturally noticed the existence of the forest, but they didn't care about the arrow at the forest.

But when the arrow of light approached, both of them couldn't help but their faces changed drastically.

As Lin Shu's cultivation soared, the power of the Heavenly Dragon Bow naturally also soared.

When Lin Mu hadn't reached the realm of transforming gods, the Heavenly Dragon Bow was enough to threaten the strong ones in the realm of transcending tribulations.

Now that Lin Mu had reached the perfection of the God Transformation Realm, although this arrow couldn't kill the two Ascension Realm powerhouses, it was enough to distract them to deal with it and buy time for Xiao Diao.

Seeing the light arrow approaching, the two Ascension Realm powerhouses had to turn around to deal with the light arrow.

And this also gave Xiao Diao time to breathe.

When Xiaodiao saw Lin Mu, he also uttered a cry of excitement, and then flew directly to Lin Mu's side.

Looking at the wound on Xiao Diao's body that almost severed Xiao Diao's waist, Lin Mu's eyes almost burst into flames.

Lin Mu took out a piece of nine-colored lotus, put it directly into Xiao Diao's mouth, and then took out a lot of elixir, and let Xiao Diao eat all of it.

After eating so many genius treasures in one go, Xiao Diao's injuries were relieved immediately, and the wounds on his body were quickly repaired.

"Xiao Diao, I will use the Heavenly Dragon Bow to harass them, you go and kill them both!" Lin Mu said to Xiao Diao, looking at Xiao Diao who had improved a lot.


After Xiao Diao yelled, he threw himself at the two of them angrily.

The two of them watched Lin Shu open his bow again, and there was a trace of solemnity in their eyes, and then they directly struck first, preparing to kill Lin Shu.


Before the two of them could make a move, Lin Mu shot out with an arrow.

The light arrow exploded, causing great distress to the two of them again.

And Xiao Diao is also very good at seizing the opportunity, hiding behind the light arrow, and at the same time as the light arrow explodes, he also directly sticks out his sharp claws.

Xiao Diao's cultivation level is higher than those of these two people, the reason why he will always be suppressed by them is because Xiao Diao himself is injured.

Now with Lin Mu's help, Xiao Diao can finally take revenge.


Xiao Diao's sharp claws hid behind the light arrow, and stuck out with one claw, directly scratching a big hole in a person's chest, causing serious injuries in an instant, and that person had no strength to fight anymore.

Seeing that Lin Shu and Xiao Diao cooperated, his companion was seriously injured in an instant, and another strong man in the Ascension Realm was also decisive, and he took his companion with him and was about to leave.

However, Lin Mu didn't intend to let them go. After swallowing a large amount of elixir to restore spiritual energy, Lin Mu opened his bow again and shot out with an arrow.


The light arrow exploded again, directly affecting the stability of the entire area, and at the same time greatly slowing down the two people's escape speed.

And Xiao Diao also fought hard, and the wound was torn apart again, and he also released his maximum attack power.

Zhentianling cooperated directly with it, and sound waves surged out, and at the same time, his sharp claws also grabbed out fiercely, directly tearing the two people into pieces.

After killing two Ascension Realm powerhouses, Xiao Diao was seriously injured again.

The people from the East Xuanzhou Law Enforcement Team immediately sent out a signal when they saw the two strong men on their side being killed by Xiao Diao.

"Boom!" Lin Mu shot another arrow, this arrow was to understand the danger of fallen leaves and Xing'er.

The light arrow exploded, also blasting a gap in the masters who besieged Xing'er and the others.


Lin Mu sacrificed his own flying spirit treasure, and after sending Xiao Diao in, he directly pulled Xing'er and Luoye into the flying spirit treasure, and then fled directly to the direction of the Heartless Sea.

Lin Shu controlled the flying spirit treasure and headed out of Yunshui City at full speed.

Under Lin Shu's full control, he had completely left Yunshui City with just a cup of tea.

After the four of Lin Mu left, Yunshui City was in full swing.

In the City Lord's Mansion of Yunshui City, the new City Lord Yun Fan was sitting with a tough middle-aged man.

This fierce middle-aged man is a monk who has ascended to the seventh floor, and he is full of heroism.At the same time, the smell of blood on his body is full, obviously this is a soldier who has passed through mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Yunfan sat on his lower head, with a respectful expression on his face.

This middle-aged man is none other than He Lianfei, the former city lord Xue Long's best friend and the leader of the law enforcement team.

Half a year ago, Lin Mu and Yun Fan killed Xue Long together.At that time, He Lianfei had already received the news, but because of the mission, he couldn't get back at all.

And after everything subsided, it was too late for He Lianfei to come back.

Moreover, behind Yunfan, there is also the support of the elders of Emperor Zong, and he is already powerless to change everything.

But he can't touch Yunfan, but he will never let Lin Mu go.

Of course, He Lianfei worked so hard not because he and Xue Long were really close friends, but because Xue Long told He Lianfei that Lin Mu had an unworldly secret.

There is no absolute benefit, even if it is a close friend, He Lianfei will not work so hard.

Yun Fan looked at He Lianfei, and said cautiously: "Commander Helian, Xue Long's death really has nothing to do with my subordinates, it is completely a conflict between Lin Mu and Xue Long. I also thought about mediating it, but when I come back By then, it was already too late.

Later, I also reported this matter to Elder Yang, after Elder Yang knew about it.He also ordered me to look for Lin Shu, but when I went to look for it, Lin Shu had already left Yunshui City! "

At this time, Yunfan pushed everything cleanly, and blamed Lin Mu for everything.

He Lianfei looked at Yunfan coldly, snorted coldly, and said: "I already know about this matter, I am here this time to arrest Lin Mu, you just need to cooperate with me."

Behind Yunfan is Elder Yang's support. Although he is the great commander, it is impossible for him to move Yunfan.

Yun Fan nodded again and again when he heard He Lianfei's words, and said, "I will definitely cooperate with all my strength."


A member of the law enforcement team ran in in a panic, knelt down on the ground, and reported to He Lianfei about the Fumanlou incident in detail.

After hearing the following words, He Lianfei's expression changed drastically.


He Lianfei slapped his palm heavily on the table, and said, "What are you talking about, the two deputy commanders were killed!"

"Yes!" The team members below also nodded.

"Then what about the person who killed the two deputy commanders?" He Lianfei asked again.

"They were rescued by a young man, and they have left Yunshui City now." The team member said again.

"Young man?" He Lianfei frowned when he heard the report from the people below, and then looked at Yunfan.

Seeing He Lianfei looking at him, Yunfan also looked at the team member and said, "Does that young man look like this?"

After Yunfan finished speaking, he also drew a portrait of Lin Shu.

The team member glanced at the portrait drawn by Yunfan and nodded, "It was this young man who killed the two deputy commanders with a powerful bow and that ninth-level spirit beast."

When Yunfan heard that Lin Mu had obtained another powerful spirit treasure, his face couldn't help but also changed.

"Master Yun knows this person?" He Lianfei asked.

Yunfan said solemnly: "This person is the shopkeeper of Fumanlou, Lin Mu. He is also a formation master, and I suspect that he is very likely to be a half-immortal alchemist."

He Lianfei's face changed when he heard Yunfan's words, and said: "How old is he, he can master alchemy and formation at the same time, and his attainments are still extremely high."

Yun Fan said: "Indeed, Lin Mu is not very old. Moreover, his cultivation is only at the seventh level of the Nirvana Realm."

"Lin Mu is not the seventh level of Nirvana, he has already completed the cultivation of the God Transformation Realm." The member of the law enforcement team also retorted when he heard Yun Fan's words.

"What!" Yunfan's face changed drastically when he heard the team member's words, and he stood up from the chair involuntarily.

"You said that he has already achieved the perfect cultivation of the God Transformation Realm?" Yun Fan asked again in a solemn tone.

The team member nodded heavily and said, "Absolutely."

He Lianfei looked at the shocked Yun Fan, and said, "Is there any problem with City Lord Yun?"

Yunfan finally calmed down, and then said: "I am dissatisfied with Commander Helian. When the forest tree arrived in my Yunshui City, it was indeed only the cultivation of the seventh floor of Nirvana. He was able to gain a foothold in Yunshui City entirely because of it. That ninth-level spirit beast."

After hearing Yunfan's words, He Lianfei also took a breath, and said, "You mean, it took less than a year for the tree to soar directly from the seventh level of Nirvana to the perfect cultivation of the God Transformation Realm." for!"

After Yunfan listened, although he was very reluctant to admit it, he still nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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