Supreme Chef

Chapter 782 Ambush

Chapter 782 Ambush (1)

With Yunfan's affirmation, He Lianfei's expression also changed drastically.

He believed that Yunfan definitely didn't lie to him, and there was no need for Yunfan to lie to him on this matter.

According to what Yunfan said, when Lin Mu came to Yunshui City, he was on the seventh floor of Nirvana.

That means that it took Lin Mu less than a year to forcibly raise his cultivation to a higher level.

He Lianfei has practiced for more than 5000 years at such a speed of promotion, and he has never heard of it before.

And the most important thing is that Lin Mu is not only practicing.At the same time, he is also a formation master, and even a half-immortal alchemist, which is really too scary.

A person's energy is limited, if he has attainments beyond ordinary people in formation and alchemy, it means that he is above the level of cultivation, and it is difficult to surpass others.

But this is not the case for Lin Mu. Not only is Lin Mu's cultivation base against the sky, but his attainments in alchemy and formation are also against the sky.

He Lianfei really couldn't imagine what kind of person this is. He Lianfei felt that his brain cells were not enough.

But soon He Lianfei regained his composure, and at the same time, He Lianfei's eyes became unusually hot.

He Lianfei is now sure that there is definitely a shocking secret in Lin Mu's body.

He Lianfei looked at Yun Fan and said, "City Master Yun, Lin Mu has committed an unforgivable crime by killing the deputy leader of the law enforcement team. I don't know City Master Yun, but he intends to hunt down Lin Shu with me. After the hunt, we can deal with Lin Shu together .”

What He Lianfei said was very clear, that is, the two of them join forces, and the benefits after joining forces will be divided.

In fact, Yunfan's heart is also very hot.

Although Yunfan knew that the trees were against the sky that day, he never thought that the trees could be against the sky to such an extent.

In one year, more than one major level has been crossed. This kind of cultivation speed is absolutely sensational and sensational.

If I can really grasp the trees, this is definitely a big opportunity for me.

But Yunfan hasn't figured out the bottom of the forest until now, which makes Yunfan dare not decide whether he wants to do it or not.

He Lianfei saw Yunfan's hesitation, and said quietly: "The host of Yuncheng may only have one meeting for everyone. Lin Mu is now a remnant and defeated general, and his biggest reliance is now seriously injured. If we can't If you seize this opportunity to kill him, you will probably miss the opportunity forever."

After hearing He Lianfei's words, Yunfan's face changed a few times, and there was also a hint of determination.

Yun Fan gritted his teeth and said, "I am willing to cooperate with Commander Helian's actions."

He Lianfei laughed loudly and said: "That's very good, then City Lord Yun will go to gather the troops now, and we will set off immediately to hunt down Lin Mu!"

On the other hand, Lin Shu, who controls the flying spirit treasure, is already far away from Yunshui City.

Knowing that Lin Mu was only able to work hard at this time, he asked Xiao Diao and the others what happened.

Xiao Diao was seriously injured and was sent by Lin Mu to the chaotic world to recuperate.Luo Ye and Xing'er were only slightly injured and rested for a while, and they have almost recovered.

"What happened? Why did the law enforcement team come to us suddenly?" Lin Mu asked with a frown.

Although he killed the Quartet in the Tiannvzong, the news will not spread so fast.Moreover, very few people know about Fumanlou in Yunshui City, so how could they provoke the law enforcement team so quickly.

Luo Ye said: "The one who took the lead this time is called He Lianfei. He is a close friend of Xue Long, the previous city lord. This time he brought people to avenge Xue Long."

After listening to Luo Ye's words, Lin Mu frowned, and said, "Avenge Xue Long? What is Yun Fan doing?"

Yunfan has a vested interest in solving Xue Long, and He Lianfei came to seek revenge on him, so Yunfan will not be safe and sound.

When Yun Fan was mentioned, Luo Ye gritted his teeth and said, "At the beginning we helped Yun Fan to become the city lord, but now Yun Fan beat him back. He said that there was a conflict between us and Xue Long, and that it was our design that killed Xue Long. He once came forward to mediate. And now He Lianfei is in his City Lord's Mansion."

After listening to Luo Ye's words, a cold light flashed in Lin Mu's eyes.

Lin Mu didn't ask Yunfan to be sincere to him, and Lin Mu never thought that Yunfan would be sincere to him.

But Lin Mu didn't expect Yunfan to turn his face so quickly. If he had known this earlier, Lin Mu might as well have helped others.

Lin Mu said: "How are the other guys in Fumanlou?"

Luo Ye said: "The casual cultivator on the first floor of the Ascension Realm ran away, and the rest of us died except the two of us and Xiao Diao."

Lin Mu's eyes glowed red, and he said, "I will definitely avenge this revenge."

Luo Ye suddenly remembered something, and then took out more than ten rings, and said, "These are Fumanlou's income for the past ten months, as well as some medicinal herbs and some purchased materials."

Lin Mu took the rings and glanced at them, and was also taken aback by the spirit stones inside.

Lin Mu asked in surprise, "Why are there so many?"

Luo Ye said: "Most of the items here are the proceeds from the sale of the ninth-level spirit beast that you left behind when you left."

Lin Mudao: "Even if you buy a ninth-level spirit beast, you can't buy so much money, right? And the spirituality of that ninth-level spirit beast is completely gone, so it's not more than this price?"

The top-grade spirit stones in more than a dozen rings add up to nearly [-] million, which is far beyond Lin Shu's imagination.

Luo Ye said: "Actually, these spirit stones are not obtained by buying the meat of the ninth-level spirit beasts. There are still a lot of meat from the ninth-level spirit beasts that have not been sold, but they have been destroyed during the battle."

Lin Mu said: "It's not from the auction, how did you get it?"

Luo Ye said: "I asked the chef to grind these spirit beast meat directly into seasonings, and then put some in when cooking.

This will greatly improve the quality of the dishes, and at the same time improve the taste of the dishes.And everyone will not find the mysterious level in it. The most important thing is that after adding the seasoning made by the ninth-level spirit beast, as long as the monks eat it, it will be very addictive.

And all the people in my city are almost addicted to eating.It directly increased the prices of all dishes, and each dish tripled. "

After listening to Luo Ye's words, Lin Mu also admired Luo Ye's business acumen.

In fact, the method of falling leaves is somewhat similar to taking drugs on the earth.On Earth, as long as you are a drug addict, even if you have a lot of money, you will end up poor.

As for dried fallen leaves, although it is different from taking drugs, the effect is exactly the same.

Lin Mu is also very lucky now. When he left that day, he entrusted Fumanlou to Luoye.

These [-] million high-grade spirit stones, for Lin Mu who has just established a sect, can definitely solve Lin Mu's urgent needs.

"The two of you know about Wuqinghai, do you know where is a good place to ambush?" Lin Mu asked.

Luo Ye said: "Who are you going to ambush?"

Lin Mu sneered and said, "Of course it's Helianfei and Yunfan. Yunfan knows about me, and he will join forces with Helianfei to hunt down me. If I don't take the opportunity to give him a big gift, how can I be worthy of them?" What about chasing after thousands of miles?"

Luo Ye said: "But just the three of us plus Xiao Diao, I'm afraid they won't be their opponents? And Xiao Diao is still seriously injured right now."

Lin Mu said: "Don't worry about this, of course I have a solution, you just need to think about whether there is any suitable place to ambush."

After Luo Ye thought about it for a while, her eyes lit up, and she said, "There really is a very suitable place to ambush. When I ran away with Xing'er, I hid there and escaped from those people's pursuit." .We set up an ambush there, and no one will doubt it."

Lin Mu said: "Okay! Let's go there and set up an ambush!"

After a day's flight, the trees and fallen leaves also arrived at the place the fallen leaves said.

This is a very remote island, and there is a natural hidden formation on the island, which is indeed very suitable for avoiding.If he really set a trap here, He Lianfei and Yunfan would never doubt it.

Lin Mu said to Luoye: "You two help me protect the law, I want to refine some foundations."

Luo Ye nodded and said, "Okay."

After Lin Mu entered the chaotic world, he went directly to the time tower to check the situation of the little eagle.

Xiao Diao's injury was completely healed with the help of Nine Cailian and the elixir, and the serious injury this time Xiao Diao was a blessing in disguise, his blood was further awakened, and his strength also improved to a higher level.

Seeing that Xiao Diao was fine, Lin Mu was also very happy.

Touching Xiao Diao's head, Lin Mu said: "You also go out to protect me with Luo Ye and the others, and I will avenge your revenge."

"Oh!" Xiao Diao excitedly agreed, and left the chaotic world.

(End of this chapter)

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