Supreme Chef

Chapter 783 Ambush

Chapter 783 Ambush (2)

Lin Mu spent a month in the Tower of Time refining thousands of formation foundations.

These formations are not very powerful, and of course Lin Shu has never thought about arranging such a powerful formation.

Lin Mu was going to kill the six-star sect and the Zhenyuan sect by killing Yunfan and the others alive.

After refining the base, Lin Mu spent another day rearranging the entire island.

At this moment, the entire isolated island is like an explosives depot. As long as there is a little spark, the entire isolated island will be detonated.

At that time, the power can be imagined.

After arranging all this, Lin Mu also stayed with Xiao Diao, very 'carelessly', leaving some traces of his own escape, and also left many traces of Xiao Diao's serious injuries.

After finishing all this, Lin Mu returned to the isolated island and set up a one-time teleportation array to facilitate the departure of himself and Luo Ye.


Yunfan and He Lianfei followed the escape route along the forest with a mighty force.Soon the army also entered the range of the Heartless Sea.

Looking at the vast and endless ruthless sea, He Lianfei also frowned.

There are many dangers in the ruthless sea, if Lin Shu has already run away, even I am afraid there is nothing I can do.

He Lianfei and Yunfan sent everyone out to find the whereabouts of Lin Shu.

After half a day, He Lianfei's subordinates came back and reported that they found traces of Lin Mu's escape.

He Lianfei and Yunfan also hurried over when they heard the reports from their subordinates that they found Lin Mu.

Seeing the traces left behind, He Lianfei also laughed loudly and said, "It's really hard to find anywhere, catch up with me!"

Yunfan frowned looking at the 'traces' left behind, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

"Commander Helian, do you think we should wait and send someone to check first?" Yunfan suggested.

He Lianfei looked at Yunfan and said: "The opportunity is fleeting, we send people there, it will only speed up his escape."

Yunfan expressed his worries, and said, "But this trace seems a bit too weird, right?"

He Lianfei sneered and said: "Master Yun, you think Lin Mu is too powerful. I admit that his cultivation speed is against the sky, but in the final analysis, he is nothing more than a consummation of God. With three injuries, he can do it." This point is already very difficult.

It is not surprising that such traces are left behind.If City Lord Yun thinks something is weird, he can stay here and wait for the news. My people and I will check it out first! "

After finishing speaking, He Lianfei didn't wait for Yunfan at all, and led his men to chase after him.

Yunfan stayed where he was, staring at these traces for a while.

After hesitating for a while, he followed with others.

From Yunfan's point of view, what He Lianfei said was correct, even if Lin Mu's cultivation speed was against the sky, he was only at the perfect state of transforming gods.And his biggest reliance, Xiao Diao is now seriously injured.Relying on himself and He Lianfei, it is absolutely possible to take Lin Shu down.

Seeing Yun Fan following up, He Lianfei also smiled and said: "City Lord Yun still can't help but follow up."

Yun Fan accompanied him with a laugh, and said: "Commander Helian is right, there is only one chance, and I must grasp it well."

He Lianfei laughed loudly and said, "Isn't that right for City Master Yun? If you capture Lin Shu, we will split everything equally, and City Master Yun and I will be friends from now on."

He Lianfei's words once again verified a truth, there are no eternal friends in this world, only unchanging interests.

With little effort, the two found the isolated island where Lin Shu was hiding.

When Lin Mu saw the two coming, he also sneered in his heart, but his face showed an expression of incomparable horror, panic and resentment.

" did you find this place?" Lin Mu asked pretending to be frightened.

Seeing Lin Mu's terrified expression, He Lianfei also sneered, and said, "Lin Mu, you can't run away, hand over your storage ring and cultivation skills, and I may consider to spare your life."

If He Lianfei was still apprehensive about influence before, then now He Lianfei is blatantly asking for it.

Lin Mu looked at He Lianfei and scolded angrily: "You are dreaming. Even if I die, it is impossible for me to give you these things."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu turned to Yunfan and shouted loudly: "Yunfan, you despicable villain, I helped you take down the city lord that day, but I didn't expect you to turn your face and deny anyone, if I knew I would never help you today! "

When Yunfan saw such a sincere expression, the uneasiness in his heart finally came to the ground.

Yun Fan looked like a master of Taoism, and said: "Lin Mu, don't be bloody, you and the city lord Xue had a conflict that day. You hired a master to assassinate the city lord Xue while I was away. Later, when I went to find you , you have already escaped. When did I join forces with you to deal with City Lord Xue?"

When Lin Mu heard Yun Fan's words, he also sneered, and said sarcastically: "Yun Fan, you are really shameless, you really should die with your father, Xue Long left you as a disaster, it is really his fault in this life The biggest mistake I made. Cooperating with you is also the biggest mistake I have made in my life."

When Lin Mu mentioned his father, Yun Fan's face changed suddenly, and he said directly, "Lin Mu, you are looking for death!"

Lin Mu sneered and said, "I'm courting death today, but even if I die, you'll never get any of my secrets."

After talking about Lin Mu, he immediately raised his cultivation crazily and made a look like he was about to explode.

"Stop him, he's going to blow himself up!" Seeing that Lin Mu was going to blow himself up, He Lianfei shouted loudly, and was the first to rush to the isolated island.

Seeing that Lin Mu was about to blow himself up, Yunfan felt a little puzzled, but He Lianfei had already rushed to the isolated island, and Yunfan was also unwilling to be left behind, and also rushed to the isolated island with his own people.

Seeing the two rushing towards the isolated island at the same time, Lin Mu also sneered in his heart, and then directly pinched his hands and started to launch the teleportation array.

He Lianfei was the first to step on the island, raising his hand to control the trees, and Yunfan also shot at the same time when he saw it.

However, both of their shots went directly through the forest.

"Not good! Phantom! We have been tricked!"

The two realized almost at the same time that something was wrong.

But when the two of them realized it, it was already too late.

"Goodbye!" Lin Mu was ten miles away from the isolated island, looked at the isolated island and uttered two words coldly, and then directly detonated all the killing arrays on the isolated island.

The killing array arranged by Lin Shu may not be of high level, but it is better than the number.

Hundreds of killing formations detonate at the same time, even the powerhouses of the Ascension Realm are not so easy to follow.


A huge mushroom cloud rose directly into the sky, even if it was hundreds of miles away, it was clearly visible.

The monstrous flame directly baked a huge vacuum in the location of the isolated island.

The people led by He Lianfei and Yunfan didn't even have time to react, they were already swallowed by the flames.

Luo Ye stood beside Lin Shu, looking at an isolated island with an area of ​​at least hundreds of square kilometers, and was secretly shocked to be wiped directly from the heartless sea like this.

Although I am a strong person in the Transcending Tribulation Realm, if I am in such an explosion, it is absolutely impossible for me to survive.

"Can He Lianfei and Yunfan be left in this way?" Luo Ye asked.

Lin Mu shook his head and said: "This kind of power is not enough to kill a strong Ascendant, but it is definitely no problem to seriously injure the two of them."

The flames faded away.

The sea water also filled it up again, erasing all traces.If Lin Mu didn't tell, no one would know that there used to be an isolated island here.



Two bewildered figures broke through the sea and flew to the opposite side of the forest.

These two are officially Yunfan and Helianfei.

Lin Mu guessed right, such power did not kill them both.But apparently neither of them were having a good time.

He Lianfei looked at Lin Mu with an angry look on his face, and said: "You actually plotted against me and killed so many of my subordinates, so give me your life!"

After He Lianfei finished speaking, he directly swung his big hand with real essence, ready to kill Lin Shu forcefully.

(End of this chapter)

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