Supreme Chef

Chapter 784 Three-Color Treasure Wheel

Chapter 784 Three-Color Treasure Wheel
He Lianfei's big hand slapped out, and before Lin Mu got in front of him, Xiao Diao let out a cry, and violently tore open He Lianfei's big real essence hand.

He Lianfei and Yunfan looked at Xiao Diao who was intact and had no scars on his body, their eyes were also full of shock.

" did you do it?" He Lianfei asked in surprise as he looked at Xiao Diao who was even more imposing.

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "What's the use of knowing so much for a dying person. Xiao Diao, you have revenge now."


Xiao Diao let out an excited neigh, and then directly swooped down on the two of them.

"Little bastard, die for me!" He Lianfei snorted angrily, and then sacrificed his own spirit treasure.

He Lianfei's magic weapon is an eighth-grade spirit treasure that looks like a wheel. There are three holes on the wheel, emitting three-color lights.The light is so powerful that everything that is swept by the light will instantly shatter.

Xiao Diao's fatal injury at that time was swept away by the light just because he didn't check for a while.

Seeing the three-color light again, a trace of caution appeared in Xiao Diao's eyes.


Xiao Diao directly sacrificed his own sky-shaking bell, and then waves of sound waved out to resist the three-color light.

But the three-color rays of light, like long eyes, directly pass through the gap of the sound waves, and come straight to Xiao Diao's body.

Seeing that the three-color rays of light could pass through the sound of the Zhentianling, Lin Mu's eyes couldn't help but tighten.

Although Xiao Diao's Zhentian Bell is an imitation among imitations, it is also born out of the ancient and famous spirit treasure.

But the wheel in Helian Fei's hand, Lin Mu didn't see any tricks.But the three-color light can pass through the ring tone, which proves that the origin of this wheel is absolutely extraordinary.


Xiao Diao couldn't see the magic weapon in Helian Fei's hand, so he neighed, and then he spread his wings and flew into the air.

"Want to run!" Seeing that Xiao Diao was about to run away, He Lianfei also sneered.

As soon as He Lianfei's hand formula changed, the three-color rays of light directly formed a fan-shaped precious light and shot straight upwards.

Seeing the three-color light chasing after Lin Mu, he directly sacrificed the Yaowang Ding to block the three-color light for Xiao Diao.

Seeing the medicine king tripod offered by Lin Mu, a sneer appeared on the corner of He Lianfei's mouth.

My own running wheel was confiscated from a sect with ancient inheritance during a mission.

After owning the three-color treasure wheel, He Lianfei has not seen any spiritual treasures that can block his own three-color light with this three-color wheel.


The three-color light brushed on the medicine king cauldron, and there was a violent explosion immediately.

However, the collapse that He Lianfei imagined did not happen, and the medicine king tripod just trembled slightly, without any change.


He Lianfei's eyebrows twitched when he saw that Lin Mu's medicine king tripod actually blocked his own three-color precious light.

However, He Lianfei didn't believe in evil, so he changed his hand formula again, and more three-color precious lights were swiped out directly.

More precious light swept out and hit Yao Wang Ding's body, causing the Yao Wang Ding to spin around.

Looking at the medicine king cauldron that was bumped by his precious light, He Lianfei once again showed a sneering smile at the corner of his mouth.

In his opinion, even Lin Shu's Medicine King Cauldron is miraculous, but his own three-color revolving wheel is even more miraculous and powerful.

However, before He Lianfei's sneer could be revealed, the Yao Wang Ding turned up rapidly, and then a large amount of three-color precious light was absorbed into the cauldron by the Yao Wang Ding crazily.

The absorption speed of the Medicine King Cauldron became faster and faster, while the light of He Lianfei's three-color treasure wheel dimmed instantly, and the grade dropped even more instantly.

Seeing his three-color treasure wheel, its grade dropped instantly, and the endless light was absorbed, He Lianfei was completely panicked.

He Lianfei quickly changed his hand formula, trying to get the three-color treasure wheel back.

But at this time, his three-color treasure wheel is completely out of his control.

The three-color precious light continuously merged into the medicine king's cauldron, and Lin Mu clearly felt the awakening and excitement of the instrument soul in the medicine king's cauldron.

Although Lin Mu didn't know what the three-color precious light was, Lin Mu could be sure that the instrument soul in the Medicine King Cauldron liked the three-color precious light very much.

And the reason why Yao Wang Ding was hit by the three-color precious light just now is obviously because Yao Wang Ding behaved that way on purpose.


Seeing that his three-color wheel was about to be sucked dry by the medicine king cauldron, He Lianfei finally lost his composure, and went directly to capture the medicine king tripod.

But without the three-color runner, how could Xiao Diao let He Lianfei go.


Xiao Diao let out a neigh, and then swooped down, cooperating with the sky-shaking bell, and directly attacked He Lianfei.


There was a fluctuating bell, and He Lianfei, who was not protected by the three-color treasure wheel and was seriously injured, was instantly repelled.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and He Lianfei's face turned pale again.

He Lianfei looked at Yunfan and said, "What are you still doing!"

After hearing He Lianfei's words, Yunfan's complexion changed a few times, and he shot and killed Lin Mu decisively.

Seeing Yun Fan beheading him, Lin Mu sneered and said, "I wanted to spare your life, but now you have to die."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he also directly took out the Heavenly Dragon Bow, bent the bow, and shot an arrow.

Seeing the Heavenly Dragon Bow in Lin Mu's hands, and the powerful light arrow, Yun Fan's eyes also showed shock and fire.

But Yunfan knew that he was not himself now, when he was greedy for the forest tree Tianlong bow, what he had to do now was how to save his life.


Yunfan's palm struck out, and immediately collided violently with the light arrow, which directly caused a huge wave.

However, after Lin Mu flew out with an arrow, he was followed by Yan Lang who fused with Daoquan.

It seems that the spreading fire waves all over the sky evaporated all the sea water in an instant, and then pressed towards Yunfan.

Seeing the fire that filled the sky, Yunfan didn't dare to face it head-on. He also raised his palms again and again, and arranged a lot of spiritual energy to protect his body.

At the same time, Yunfan sucked it down with the palm of his hand, and immediately tens of thousands of tons of seawater was directly sucked up by Yunfan.

Although the sky fire cannot be extinguished by ordinary water, Yunfan has never thought of extinguishing the sky fire, but just wants to stop the flame wave of the forest.

Four layers of flame waves spread out, but Yun Fan had already left the coverage area of ​​the flame waves.


Seeing that Yunfan was about to attack Lin Mu again, Xiao Diao also used the sky-shaking bell to stop Yunfan.

Although Xiao Diao's strength is comparable to that of He Lianfei, both He Lianfei and Yunfan are seriously injured now.In addition, He Lianfei's three-color treasure wheel has almost been sucked dry by the medicine king's cauldron, so even if Xiao Diao is one-on-two, it is completely acceptable.

After Yunfan was stopped by Xiao Diao, he couldn't attack Lin Mu anymore.

On the surface of the sea, Xiao Diao played one-on-two, and on the other side, Yao Wang Ding also absorbed it very happily.

The grade of the three-color treasure wheel dropped crazily.Soon it fell from the eighth-rank Lingbao to the third-rank.

And this level is still playing down.

He Lianfei looked at his three-color treasure wheel, his face became very ugly as the grade dropped so quickly.

He Lianfei already knew at this time that he would definitely not be able to get back his three-color treasure wheel.


He Lianfei once again sacrificed a spirit treasure, a flying sword, which directly slashed at Xiao Diao's wings.

The three-color treasure wheel Zhentianling couldn't stop it, but it was too easy for Zhentianling to stop this flying sword.


Zhentianling stepped forward and directly shook the flying sword, and then Xiao Diao directly stretched out his sharp claws, which was comparable to the flesh body of the eighth-rank Lingbao, and directly grabbed the flying sword sacrificed by He Lianfei.

"Crack it!"

Xiao Diao directly crushed He Lianfei's spirit treasure with force.


The Lingbao was crushed, and He Lianfei spat out another mouthful of blood.

And the thing that made He Lianfei vomit blood even more happened at this time.

The Yaowang Ding directly sucked up all the precious light in the three-color treasure wheel, and then the three-color treasure wheel directly collapsed, turning into a handful of fly ash, and completely disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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