Supreme Chef

Chapter 785 Heading to the Dragon Gate

Chapter 785 Heading to the Dragon Gate
Seeing that his three-color treasure wheel was directly sucked into scum by the medicine king tripod, He Lianfei spat out another mouthful of old blood.

The three-color treasure wheel was obtained by myself after a lot of effort, relying on this three-color treasure wheel.He Lianfei was always going against the odds, but now he was directly sucked into scum by the medicine king tripod.


Taking advantage of He Lianfei's serious injury, Xiao Diao also attacked decisively, and directly grabbed a large piece of flesh and blood on He Lianfei's chest with his claws.

A large piece of flesh and blood was missing from He Lianfei's chest, and it looked horribly bloody.

Seeing that he was already invincible, He Lianfei didn't stop, turned around and was about to run away.

But in front of Xiao Diao, a spirit beast with the blood of Kunpeng, if he wanted to run, he had to keep up with the speed.

With a flutter of wings, Xiao Diao had already surpassed He Lianfei, and then Xiao Diao grabbed He Lianfei with both claws.Then with a strong pull, He Lianfei was torn in half.

He Lianfei was chopped alive by Xiao Diao, and his internal organs flowed to the surface of the sea, looking very terrifying.

After chopping He Lianfei alive, Xiao Diao didn't intend to let He Lianfei's Nascent Soul go, and directly grabbed He Lianfei's Nascent Soul in his hand and swallowed it alive.

Yun Fan saw that the situation was over, He Lianfei was killed by Xiao Diao, and his face was pale.

He has regretted it now, he should not have accepted Helian Fei's instigation from the very beginning.

Lin Shu is so against the sky, how could he be able to deal with it.

Yun Fan looked at Lin Mu, and said with a pale face: "Little friend Lin, I was inspired by this He Lianfei because of a momentary fever. I didn't intend to do so. This is my ring. It contains my savings and money Please Lin Xiaoyou, spare my life!"

Lin Mu looked at Yun Fan with a cold smile, and said, "Do you think it's possible for me to let you go now?"

Yunfan's face turned even paler when he heard Lin Mu's words, but he still fought hard: "Little friend Lin, I still have savings in Yunshui City, and I am willing to pay you all of it."

Lin Mu said: "After killing you, I can still go back to your Yunshui City to get it."

Without waiting for Lin Mu's order, Xiao Diao went straight up and swallowed Yun Fan alive.

Xiao Diao swallowed Yun Fan and He Lian Fei, and felt a lot of anger.

Flapping his wings, he returned to Lin Mu, and handed the storage rings of the two of them into Lin Mu's hands.

Lin Mu put away their storage rings and patted Xiao Diao on the head.

"Where are we going now?" Fallen Leaves asked.

Lin Mudao: "Go back to Yunshui City to collect some interest, and then go to Longmen to solve Xing'er's matter."

At night, Lin Shu, Xiao Diao, Luo Ye, Xing'er, and the unwilling Xue Linglong sneaked back to Yunshui City.

The city lord's mansion was directly captured, and all the things that could be seen were looted from the inside and outside of the city lord's mansion.

It can be said that except for the houses and trees in the City Lord's Mansion, the rest of the trees were all taken away.

By the time the brigade's support arrived, Lin Mu had already fled and re-entered the Heartless Sea.

The five Lin Mu returned to the Heartless Sea, and also found a hidden place again, and settled down.

After all, Lin Mu is not familiar with Longmen and everything around it, so if he passes by hastily, it is very likely that he will be in great danger.

And using the fortune teller, going this time is a narrow escape, Lin Mu has to be careful, more careful.

After Lin Mu settled down, Lin Mu also asked: "Luo Ye, please tell me the details of Longmen."

Xue Linglong interrupted: "You don't need to talk about it, let me do the math for everyone."

Regarding Xue Linglong's proposal, Lin Mu slapped him flying, and said, "Squat in the corner and calculate it yourself."

Xue Linglong said: "I am the successor of the new magic fortune teller, how can you despise me, the magic fortune teller?"

Lin Mu said: "You are a magic stick, I didn't see that you did the calculation accurately that time."

Xue Linglong said: "What do you mean I was accurate that time, my calculations have always been very accurate, okay?"

Lin Mu said: "You are accurate in your calculations, just squat in the corner and do the calculations, come and tell us when you are done."

Xue Linglong lost his temper when he heard Lin Mu's words, and said: "I don't believe it yet, I will do the math for you today!"

Looking at the Blood Spirit Dragon playing with the turtle shell and copper coins, Lin Mu said: "Don't pay attention to him, let's talk about ours."

Luo Ye took out a jade slip and said, "Brother Lin, this is the map to Longmen. As for how to get to the treasured place of Longmen, only Xing'er knows."

Lin Mu took the map of fallen leaves and looked at it, but found nothing.

Lin Mu looked at Xing'er and said, "Xing'er, we will send you to Longmen, so you can find the treasure land of Longmen, right?"

Xing'er nodded, and said, "As long as I'm sent to Longmen, I can use my connection with Treasure Land to find the location of Treasure Land, but..."

Lin Mu said, "But what?"

Xing'er said: "But now my Longmen is occupied by other sects. They must not leave yet. It must be very dangerous for us to go there now. I don't want you two to take risks for me."

Luo Ye put on a straight face, and said: "Xing'er, what are you talking about, I am willing to take even the greatest risk for you."

Before Xing'er looked at him, Lin Mu smiled and said, "I'm willing to take any risk for you two, and I'm going this time because of that little thing."

When Xue Linglong heard Lin Mu mentioning himself, he also muttered: "What is it for me? I did a divination just now and found that your chance is greater than mine. I really don't know what Longmen has to do with you?"

Lin Mu chose to ignore Xue Linglong's words.

Luo Ye said: "But what Xing'er said is right. Now the entire Longmen Gate is occupied by people, and their people must not have left. They are just waiting for us to go back. We really need to make a long-term plan."

Lin Mudao: "You don't have to worry about this, I have a big move, I can clean them up directly. We just need to prepare for some, possible emergencies. How long can Xing'er last?"

Xing'er said: "It should last for two more months."

Lin Mu lowered his head and thought about it, and said: "In this way, we will spend a month to prepare as much as possible, and at the same time improve our cultivation as much as possible, and then leave for Longmen in a month."

Although Luo Ye didn't know what Lin Mu's so-called ultimate move was, he believed that Lin Mu would never fight an unsure battle.

Within a month, Lin Mu once again oppressed and improved his cultivation base in the Tower of Time, and did not give up cultivation until the oppression was beyond oppressive.

In the following month, the five of them took the flying spirit treasure and flew directly to Longmen.

The distance between Longmen and Dongxuan Continent is not too far, within half a month, Lin Mu and the others have already felt Longmen.

And the closer they got to Longmen, the more nervous Xing'er and Luoye became.

Especially Xing'er, after approaching the dragon gate, her body actually glowed brightly, which looked very miraculous.

And later on, Xing'er was completely enveloped by the light, and the whole person turned into an unconscious state. If Lin Shu hadn't trapped Xing'er with a formation, Xing'er might have flown away.

Xing'er's change made Lin Shu and the fallen leaves understand that the time had come and there was no longer any delay.

Lin Mu said: "Brother Luo, you wait here first, after I clean up the outsiders on the dragon gate, you can go up."

As a seven-star sect, Longmen's sphere of influence is naturally not small.

There are tens of thousands of large and small islands scattered all over the place, and the main island in the middle is tens of thousands of square kilometers.

Lin Mu sneaked into the main island secretly, and found the Dragon Palace of Longmen according to the map given by Luoye.

When Lin Mu arrived, he indeed saw tens of thousands of monks, looking for something around the Dragon Palace.

These are the other sects that captured the Longmen. Lin Mu sneaked around carefully, and after confirming that all the masters who captured the Longmen were here, Lin Mu didn't hesitate for a moment, and directly triggered his own small catastrophe.

This is Lin Mu's so-called ultimate move, and this is the fastest way Lin Mu can think of to clean up these people.

(End of this chapter)

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