Supreme Chef

Chapter 786 Big move

Chapter 786 Big move
The Heavenly Tribulation was detonated by the trees, and dozens of Heavenly Tribulations landed immediately.

Before the people who were searching could curse, they were directly enveloped by the catastrophe.

"Damn that bastard did it!" Some people who managed to survive the first wave of catastrophe began to curse one after another.

And those who are far away still don't know what happened at this time.

Lin Mu looked at those people who were far away from him, and also sneered, and then directly shrunk into inches.In an instant, he entered their group and led them through the tribulation together.

In this way, the trees used the ground to shrink into inches, constantly shuttling among the crowd.

Soon Lin Mu spared the entire Dragon Palace, enclosing all the people in his own catastrophe.

Seeing that he has finally surrounded all the people in his catastrophe, Lin Mu can finally overcome his catastrophe with peace of mind.

Lin Mu's catastrophe this time is equally massive.After only two rounds, the Dragon Palace was already destroyed by the catastrophe.

As for those who accompanied Lin Shu to cross the tribulation, less than [-]% of them could still stand after two rounds.

And those who can persist are the real masters.Most of them are experts in the Tribulation Transcending Realm, but none of them are in the Ascension Realm.

Obviously, these masters did not participate in this kind of search work, and they all returned to their own sects.

After two rounds of catastrophe, everyone finally found this breaking point.

Looking at the trees in the sky that were crossing the catastrophe, the rest of the people did not even ask, they had already shot together, ready to destroy the flash point of the trees.

At this time, they didn't care who Lin Mu was or which sect he came from, even if Lin Mu came from Emperor Zong.Now it is about their own life and death, and they have to kill them.

With so many masters directly attacking him, Lin Mu was also happy and unafraid. He directly took out the Tianlong Bow, guided the Tianlei to turn into a light arrow, and then shot it out without thinking.


The thunder arrow turned into a thousand-foot spear and blasted directly into the crowd, instantly roasting countless people into coke.

Seeing that the Thunder Arrow has such power, Lin Mu was also a little tempted.

The damage done by the thunder to the cultivator is the most powerful and threatening among all attacks.

But Tianlei is also the most difficult to control. If you are not careful, you will not threaten others, but play with fire | set yourself on fire.

But if you master it well, it is definitely an invincible combat skill.

Although Lin Mu now has a lot of combat skills, there are only a few that can really leapfrog to kill people.Although he still has hole cards, these hole cards cannot be exposed until his strength is insufficient.

Lin Mu has always been a decisive person. Now that he has an idea in his heart, Lin Mu will decisively implement it.


Lin Mu directly soared into the air, rushing into the densest core of thunder light, Lin Mu wanted to use his body to comprehend the veins of the sky thunder.Only when we really understand it can we say that Tianlei can be used for himself.

Seeing Lin Shu rushing directly into a large sea of ​​thunder so frantically, the monks below were also dumbfounded.

"Is this fucking lunatic? Just to lead us through the catastrophe, and then rush into the catastrophe and commit suicide?"

Seeing Lin Mu's almost suicidal behavior, the people below were also dumbfounded.

If Lin Mu is really such a lunatic, they can only sigh to themselves that they are unlucky.

Lin Shu rushed into the sea of ​​thunder, and the power of the sky thunder suddenly increased several times.

However, Lin Mu didn't sacrifice the Yaowang Ding and the Shadowless Knife to stop him, but let the sky thunder strike him directly.

Only by experiencing it for yourself can you truly understand the context and power of Tianlei, and you can truly use Tianlei for yourself.

This is only the third level of thunder tribulation, although its power has been increased several times.But with his flawless body, Lin Mu thought he could still resist.

The sky thunder kept rushing into Lin Shu's body, and the damage caused by the sky thunder was short and sharp.

What Lin Mu has to do is to understand the nature and context of Tianlei during the short-term destruction.

This means that Lin Shu has a flawless body and can be so crazy.If it was someone else, it would be too late to hide, let alone rush directly into the sea of ​​thunder.

At the end of the third wave of sky thunder, Lin Mu suffered a lot, but he didn't capture any attributes and veins.

However, Lin Mu is not surprised by this. If the attributes of Tianlei are so easy to be mastered, thunder and lightning combat skills will not be so rare and difficult to master.

The fourth wave of catastrophe fell, and Lin Shu was still in the center of Leihai.

Lin Mu's calamity is stronger than one wave. The fourth wave of thunder calamity directly buried Lin Mu in the thunder sea. People outside can only see the radiant thunder sea. There was no sign of trees at all.

Seeing Lin Mu's situation like this, the people below have already begun to think that they are unlucky, because they are convinced that Lin Mu is a lunatic, and Lin Mu will not survive at all.

What they have to do now is to wait for the trees to be wiped out by the catastrophe, and then end this meaningless catastrophe.

But they waited for another two waves of catastrophe.

After six rounds of catastrophe, less than [-]% of them can stand.

The sea of ​​thunder is getting denser and more powerful, and now everyone is far away from the sea of ​​thunder.

If the thunder sea detonates, they have no doubt that they will be directly swallowed by the thunder sea, and it will be the kind of engulfment that doesn't even leave a bone.

"This lunatic is not dead yet!"

The fact that his catastrophe has not ended means that Lin Mu is not dead yet.

"What the hell did this lunatic do? Our people are almost dead, but he's not dead yet!"

The living people no longer know how many times they have scolded Lin Mu.

At this time, Lin Shu, who was in the sea of ​​thunder, was not feeling well, and he resisted three rounds of catastrophe in a row.But still didn't have a clue, instead it caused countless wounds on his body.

Although he has a flawless body, Lin Mu still feels a little struggling.

Looking at his current situation, Lin Mu also secretly decided: if he persisted for two more rounds, if he still couldn't comprehend the essence of Lei Jie, he could only withdraw decisively.

The sixth wave of thunder tribulation ended, but Lin Shu still had nothing to gain.

The seventh wave of thunder tribulation didn't give Lin Shu a chance to breathe, it just blasted down.

The sky thunder that was as thick as an adult's waist fell, and just a few strikes already made Lin Shu vomit blood.

However, Lin Mu didn't shrink back because of this, but still carefully comprehended the route and attributes of Tianlei's attack on him, trying to understand the trace of the thread.



Dozens of Heavenly Tribulations fell in a row, and the trees were directly split and blood spurted wildly.

The Flawless Body and the "Sorcerer God Body Refining Technique" were running crazily, and the wound on Lin Mu's body was in the process of healing and tearing, constantly reciprocating.

This kind of pain is simply not something ordinary people can bear, even Lin Mu is still gritting his teeth at this time.

Just when Lin Mu felt that he might not achieve anything in this round of catastrophe, the "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue" was circulated, and the cultivation technique of crossing the catastrophe was also circulated at this moment.

After gaining the experience from last time, Lin Mu originally planned to find a place to comprehend the Dao well after crossing the tribulation, and stimulate the skills of crossing the tribulation.

But now the tribulation-crossing cultivation method has been circulated by itself, which is indeed somewhat beyond Lin Mu's expectations.

Lin Mu closed his eyes and carefully comprehended the kung fu of crossing the tribulation realm.

Suddenly Lin Mu opened his eyes abruptly, and a trace of joy flashed in Lin Mu's eyes involuntarily.

"I understand that the catastrophe is also a manifestation of the Tao. Although I have not grasped its context, such an impact has already made this Tao into my Tao." , the forest is also suddenly enlightened.

Knowing that I have gone astray, and the catastrophe is also induced, the Tao has no form to understand the context of the catastrophe, which has fallen into a cliché.

But fortunately, the Dao of Heavenly Tribulation was integrated into his own way, which inspired the "Taishang Yin-Yang Jue", otherwise, Lin Mu would not know that he had already mastered the magic of Heavenly Tribulation until now.

After thinking everything through, when Lin Mu raised his hand, a ten-foot-long electric spear appeared in his hand.

Although the length and thickness of the electric spear cannot be compared with the real Heavenly Tribulation, its power is not inferior at all.

"Boom!" Lin Mu threw the electric spear directly.

The electric spear directly confronted the Thunder Tribulation in mid-air, and even directly defeated the real Heaven Tribulation.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing such a scene, Lin Mu couldn't help but looked up to the sky and laughed three times.

(End of this chapter)

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