Supreme Chef

Chapter 787

Chapter 787

Looking at Tianjie who was directly defeated by the spear, Lin Mu's heart was also full of joy.

Once again, a spear appeared. Lin Mu looked at the spear and said to himself, "From now on, you will be called the Thunder Gun."


The spear in his hand seemed to like the name very much, and released a bolt of lightning on his own initiative.

The goal has been achieved, and Lin Shu directly broke through the sea of ​​thunder.

Seeing that Lin Mu broke through the sea of ​​thunder again, the eyes of those who were still alive almost popped out.

Such a Lei Hai, let alone staying in it, they would be killed or injured even if they touched it.

Lin Mu looked at the few monks left below, and directly sacrificed the Thunder and Lightning War Spear he had just comprehended.

Seeing the ten-foot-long thunder and lightning spear that appeared between Lin Mu's raised hands, the expressions of the monks below couldn't help but suddenly changed.

They could all see now that Lin Mu was not crazy.It's that Lin Mu is too against the sky, he can comprehend the skills and combat skills when crossing the catastrophe, and he succeeded.


Lin Mu threw his hand, and the spear flew out, directly hitting a cultivator on the third floor of the Transcendence Tribulation Realm.

Before the monks on the third floor of the Transcending Tribulation Realm could scream, they were directly crushed by the lightning spear.

Seeing the power of Lin Shu's lightning spear, the faces of those who survived became even paler.

Lin Mu didn't care about the expressions of these people at all. The thunder and lightning spears were thrown out one by one by Lin Mu. Almost every spear that flew out would take the life of a strong man in the Tribulation Realm.

Lin Mu was very satisfied with the power of the Thunder Spear, which gave Lin Mu new cards and confidence in facing the enemy in the future.

An hour later, all the people standing there were wiped out by Lin Mu.

And Lin Mu also withdrew all his energy and used his energy to fight against his own catastrophe.

The cultivation base has already broken through before the end of the Heavenly Tribulation, and now it is very handy for Lin Mu to deal with the Thunder Tribulation.What's more, Lin Mu now still has the Thunder Robbery Gun.

Directly pointing at thunder with thunder, soon the catastrophe will come to an end.

I'm used to the alien trees that descended after the Heavenly Tribulation ended, but this time it was the Corpse Mountain Tribulation that landed.

The so-called mountain of corpses is the unyielding heroic soul of the dead strong man in the world, attracted by Lei Hai, and finally turned into a mountain of corpses.

The Calamity of the Corpse Mountain did cause a little trouble for Lin Mu, but the forest has a sky fire, which is the best thing to deal with the Calamity of the Corpse Mountain.

The calamity of the mountain of corpses also passed smoothly, and the sky once again sent down auspicious clouds.

It took half a day for Lin Mu to absorb all the auspicious clouds.However, the three-level and four-level consecutive jumps in the imagination did not appear.This time, Lin Mu just broke through two small classes, and just jumped from the ninth floor of Huashen to the second floor of Dujie.

Lin Mu was also very satisfied when he felt the real essence in his body being condensed again.

It's just that he didn't break through the third and fourth floors in a row, which still made Lin Mu feel a little uncomfortable.

However, if Lin Mu's displeasure is heard by outsiders, he may directly break into the wall.

The higher you go in cultivation, the more difficult it will be, and the more difficult it will be to improve.

In the realm of annihilation and the realm of transforming gods, there may be people who can break through and upgrade continuously, all the way like a broken bamboo.

But when it comes to the Tribulation Transcending Realm, the cultivation world has never heard of it. Anyone who can break through will be directly on the second floor of the Tribulation Transcending Realm.

Basically, it is already very difficult to successfully transition to the Small Heavenly Tribulation in the Tribulation Realm.

As for those who can successfully enter the Transcendence Tribulation Level, they are already geniuses.As for those who can reach the completion of the Tribulation Transcending Realm, they can already be called monsters.

A direct breakthrough like Lin Mu's is the completion of the second level of Transcendence Tribulation Realm, and his strength is far beyond the same level. There has never been one.

After carefully checking his cultivation base and body.

Lin Mu discovered this breakthrough, and his body refining technique had another breakthrough.

Although there is still a long way to go before reaching perfection in the later stage of breaking through to the flawless body, at least he can still break through in the realm of comprehension, which is already a very good thing for Lin Mu.

Flying directly back to the Flying Spirit Treasure, Luo Ye also stepped forward to congratulate: "Congratulations, brother Lin, for breaking through again."

Lin Mu also smiled slightly, then looked at Xing'er in the formation, and said, "How is Xing'er doing?"

Luo Ye looked at Xing'er who was completely unconscious and her body was almost transparent, her eyes were also full of worry, and she said, "Xing'er's condition is pretty stable now, but I think it's still necessary, take the time to send Xing'er there."

Lin Mu looked at Xing'er, raised his hand and removed the formation he had set up, and then let Xing'er fly out of the flying spirit treasure, flying along a route that Lin Mu didn't know about.

Lin Mu put away the Flying Spirit Treasure, Fallen Leaf and the little Diao Xue Linglong, and followed closely behind Xing'er.

Xing'er's body circled in the air, and then directly entered the heartless sea.

Seeing this, the trees and fallen leaves followed closely.

The four of Lin Mu followed Xing'er all the way down, they didn't know how far they dived, and finally they saw a hole in the bottom of the sea.


And when she reached the entrance of the cave, Xing'er also stopped suddenly, and the light on her body disappeared.The whole person fell unconsciously.

Seeing this, Luoye quickly catches Xing'er.

After shaking Xing'er twice, Xing'er still didn't regain consciousness.

"This should be the treasure land of Longmen." Luo Ye pointed to the entrance of the cave where Xing'er brought them.

The blood spirit dragon stared at the hole, his expression became a little confused.

"What's wrong?" Lin Mu looked at the Blood Spirit Dragon and asked.

Blood Spirit Dragon pointed at the entrance of the cave, and said: "If the fortune teller is right, this is the place where I can advance, and I should have a sense of it. And it feels weird to me here, I think I should be here You get something here, but you really don’t feel it at all.”

"not good!"

At this moment, the fallen leaves also screamed.

"What's wrong?" Lin Mu asked quickly.

Luo Ye said in panic: "Xing'er's breath of life is slowly disappearing, we must go in immediately to renew Xing'er's life."

When Lin Mu heard what Luo Ye said, he also said directly and decisively: "Let's go in directly."

After talking about Lin Mu and Xiao Diao, they explored the way ahead, and Xue Linglong Luoye and Xing'er followed closely behind them.

There were no restrictions or formations on the surface of the cave, and the trees and the blood spirit dragon passed through without hindrance.

"Xing'er's breath is draining very quickly, we must speed up!" Luo Ye said anxiously as soon as she entered the cave entrance.

After listening to Lin Mu, he and Xiao Diao also speeded up. As for whether there will be any danger, it is no longer Lin Mu's concern now.

Lin Shu and Xiao Diao accelerated all the way, and finally arrived at a water world completely shrouded in water after making seven turns.

There are pavilions, terraces and pavilions in the water world, and rockery and water pavilions, and it seems that the construction period is far, far away from now.

When Luo Ye saw this, she rushed directly into the water world without even thinking about it.

And with the entry of the fallen leaves, a miracle happened. The fallen leaves gradually woke up, and the breath of life continued to rise.

Seeing this, Lin Shu and Xue Linglong followed into the water world.

As soon as he entered the water world, the blood spirit dragon's eyes couldn't help but brighten up, and said: "I feel the call from the blood, and there are definitely good things here that can make me advance."

After entering here, Lin Mu's brows also twitched, because Lin Mu received a message from Tianlong Gong, and Tianlong Gong told himself that there is something it needs here.

"Luo Ye, you really didn't disappoint me. You finally found this place at the scheduled time." Just when Lin Mu and the others were about to start the treasure hunt, a voice suddenly sounded, and then Lin Mu and the others saw a person coming from a house. walked out.

When Luo Ye and Xing'er saw this person coming out of the house, their expressions were incredulous at first, and finally turned into anger.

(End of this chapter)

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