Supreme Chef

Chapter 788

Chapter 788
The reason why Luoye and Xing'er have such expressions is because this person is none other than the head of Longmen and Xing'er's father.

"Father, why are you here?" Myolie asked in surprise.

Xing'er's father was dressed as a middle-aged Confucian scholar, but his cultivation was somewhat beyond Lin Mu's expectations, and he was only on the fourth floor of Dujie.For a head of the Seven Star Sect, such a level of cultivation seems a little too low.

Although his cultivation somewhat surprised Lin Mu, Lin Mu felt a very dangerous feeling from him.

Lin Mu didn't even feel this kind of feeling on the powerhouses of Ascension Realm.

Xing'er's father smiled slightly and said, "I'm just waiting for you, my good daughter."

Xing'er's father, looking at Luo Ye with a wary face, smiled and said, "Don't you know me as a teacher?"

Luo Ye looked at her former master, and felt a completely strange feeling spontaneously.But Luoye really couldn't find any flaws in her master.

"Seeing Master, why don't you come to see Master?" Xing'er's father said again.

"My master has already died in battle, who are you? What are you planning to hide in my treasure land of Longmen?" Although Luo Ye didn't find the slightest difference in his master, he still believed in his intuition .

Xing'er's father said: "Luo Ye, you have completed your task, you brought Xing'er back, the teacher will definitely reward you heavily."

Luo Ye directly blocked Xing'er behind her, and said, "I don't care who you are, as long as I'm here, you don't want to hurt Xing'er."

Xing'er's father said, "I'm Xing'er's father, so how could I hurt Xing'er? Don't you want Xing'er to stop being tortured here in the future?"

Luo Ye was a little shaken when she heard what her master said.

However, just as the fallen leaves were shaking, Lin Mu said quietly, "If you are really Xing'er's father, it would be fine for us to hand over Xing'er to you. But you are just a body that was stolen from you. What do you have?" The right to take Xing'er away."

Lin Mu paused, and said: "And if my expectations are correct, you should have leaked the matter of the Longmen Treasure Land. Your purpose should be to make everyone think you are dead, right?"

Xing'er's father couldn't help but twitch when he heard Lin Mu's analysis, then looked at Lin Mu in surprise, and said, "Young man, you are very smart, you can analyze so much through some clues."

Lin Mu smiled and said: "Actually, I didn't analyze anything before, but after seeing you, I feel that everything is suddenly clear."

Xing'er and Luoye looked at Lin Mu and said, "Brother Lin, what did you say? You said this is not my master? My master has been taken away?"

Lin Mu looked at Xing'er's father and said, "If you two don't believe me, you can ask him yourself?"

Luo Ye looked at Xing'er's father angrily, and said, "Who are you? Why did you kill my master?"

Xing'er's father didn't panic at all because he was exposed, and said: "It's very simple, I just found this place a year later for you to be able to."

"Why? Why did you do this?" Myolie heard that her father had been taken away by this, unknown person, and tears welled up in her eyes instantly.

Just now Xing'er thought a lot about why her father abandoned the entire sect and herself.But now Xing'er misses her father more.

Xing'er's father looked at Lin Mu and said, "Isn't he good at analysis? You ask him to analyze it for you. I want to hear it too, to see what this person who is so trusted by you is capable of."

Lin Mu was not polite either. He smiled and said directly: "This is not difficult to analyze. After you seize the house, the first thing to do is to restore the peak strength of the year. And the treasure land of Longmen is the place that can help you restore your strength.

As for your intentional disclosure of the secret, I think it should be that if you recover your strength here, you will have a long period of weakness.You took the opportunity of revealing the secret and caused your own suspended animation so that no one would suspect you.

As for Luo Ye and Xing'er being able to escape all the way to Dong Xuan Continent, I think you were the one who secretly helped. "

In fact, Lin Mu had doubts for a long time, although Luo Ye and Xing'er had the cultivation base of Transcending Tribulation Realm.But if faced with the pursuit of Ascension Realm cultivators, Lin Mu doesn't think that Luo Ye has the same escape ability as himself, and can escape from the hands of Ascension Realm experts.




Xing'er's father applauded for a while, and said: "Wonderful is really wonderful. It's almost as if you saw it with your own eyes. Your reasoning ability surprised me. Among the younger generation, there are people who can analyze calmly like you." , I'm afraid it's running out.

If you can grow up in the future, you will definitely be a great person.But it is believable that you met me today. "

"You killed my master, today I will avenge my master!" Luo Ye roared, and charged forward with bloodshot eyes.

Although Xing'er's father is only on the third level of the Tribulation Transcending Realm, he is actually unmoved by the fallen leaves on the fifth level of the Tribulation Transcending Realm.

When Luoye rushed in front of her, Xing'er's father just raised his hand, and then a flash of light, faster than lightning, just flashed past.

And the next moment, Fallen Leaf was thrown out and flew upside down with blood spurting from the mouth.

"My good disciple, your kung fu was taught by your master. Although your cultivation level has dropped as a master, you are still no match for a master." Xing'er's father said quietly.

Seeing Xing'er's father being so lighthearted, he spat out blood from the fallen leaves, Lin Mu's brows were also furrowed.

The white light that Xing'er's father used just now was the trees, but he didn't see clearly what it was.

"Brother Luo!" Seeing the fallen leaves being pulled off, Xing'er rushed up to check the fallen leaves.

Luo Ye wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, stood up from the ground, and said, "I'm fine, I must avenge Master and his old man today!"

Lin Shu took a step forward and blocked the fallen leaves, preventing them from rushing up again.

This old thing that seizes the house is a bit weird, the trees can't let the leaves fall, so they just go up to die like this.

Lin Mu looked at the old monster who looked like Xing'er's father, and said, "We have five here, and you only have one. Do you think you are sure of victory?"

Xing'er's father remained calm and said, "Your greatest reliance should be the ninth-level spirit beast behind you, right? It is indeed not easy to find a spirit beast with the blood of Kunpeng. But you Look, does it dare to do something here?"

Hearing Xing'er's father's words, Lin Mu and the others quickly looked at Xiao Diao.

"Xiao Diao, tear him apart!" said the Blood Spirit Dragon.


Xiao Diao neighed, and was about to rush up and tear Xing'er's father apart.

But just now there was some movement on Xiao Diao's side, and suddenly a huge coercion from the depths of the soul swept over directly.

And Xiao Diao, who felt this coercion, immediately fell to his knees on the ground, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

The blood spirit dragon also felt great pressure, but he didn't kneel down like Xiao Diao.

"Longwei! At least it is a dragon above Tianlong!" Blood Linglong said in shock.

The Kunpeng family is the servants of the Dragon Clan, and Xiao Diao only has the Kunpeng bloodline. Naturally, Xiao Diao is powerless to resist this kind of dragon power from the Heavenly Dragon.

Xing'er's father was also surprised to see that the blood spirit dragon was able to resist. He stared at the blood spirit dragon for a long time, and then laughed wildly: "God helped me to find a spirit beast with the blood of the legendary ancient dragon." , It seems that God is helping me. Luo Ye saw that you helped me so much and brought me such a gift.

The old man promises you, wait until the old man finishes enjoying Xinger.I will reward Xing'er to you.Let the two of you be my servants forever. "

"You're looking for death!" Luo Ye roared, and rushed up again.

"Do not……"

The tree didn't even have time to stop it this time, and the fallen leaves rushed up.

There was still a flash of white light, and then the fallen leaves were thrown out again.

The fallen leaves fell heavily on the ground, and they coughed up blood again, and their expression suddenly became sluggish.

"Young man, I appreciate your calmness and talent very much. As long as you swear to be my servant, I will give you endless benefits!" Xing'er's father looked at Lin Mu and said with a superior expression.

"Fart!" Lin Mu replied simply and straightforwardly!
(End of this chapter)

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