Supreme Chef

Chapter 790

Chapter 790
Xing'er's father looked at the trees as if he was looking at a treasure mountain, the fire in his eyes was self-evident.


Xing'er's father threw out the whip again, this time Lin Mu didn't use the Skyfire to deal with it, nor did he use the Shadowless Knife to resist, but directly activated the Speed ​​Rule, and quickly dodged.

The speed of the golden-winged tortoise is extremely fast, and it is completely impossible to avoid it with ordinary movements. Only the speed rules can avoid the golden-winged tortoise.

"Speed ​​rules!"

Xing'er's father was not happy when he saw Lin Shu activate the speed regulation, instead he frowned.

According to Xing'er's father's expectation, Lin Mu is already a corpse now, but Lin Mu is not only not dead, but has shown more and more things, which makes him jealous.

If Lin Mu still has some hole cards, and this hole card happens to be able to restrain himself, then it may be very difficult for him to win today.

Thinking of this, Xing'er's father stepped up his attack.The Golden Winged Whip was in his hand, coming and going without a trace, making it impossible for people to catch any traces.

Although Lin Mu's speed was unparalleled, it was still slightly slower than the Golden Winged Whip. Just a moment later, dozens of bloodstains were drawn from Lin Mu's body.

"That's all the information I know about the golden-winged tortoise. I don't know what specific things can restrain the golden-winged tortoise. I hadn't started practicing at the time of the war, so the specific powers and what methods were used I don't know either." Taoist Guang quickly sent a sound transmission to Lin Mu.

The golden-winged tortoise came and went without a trace, even the sky fire was useless to it, Lin Shu didn't know what to do with it now.

I can't keep hiding like this, if I continue to waste like this, I will be the one who will be grinded to death in the end.

"Damn it!" Seeing Xing'er's father smoking more and more happily, Lin Mu gritted his teeth, and then stopped.

Seeing Lin Mu stop, Xing'er's father said jokingly, "Young man, aren't you very good at hiding?"

Lin Mu didn't answer either, and directly raised his hand to see a Thunder Spear that he had just realized.

Seeing Lin Mu's move, Xing'er's father followed suit.



The thunder gun and the gold-winged whip collided together, and a violent explosion occurred immediately.

What Lin Mu didn't expect was that his Thunder Spear was actually effective against the Golden-winged Turtle.

With this impact, hundreds of golden-winged turtles immediately turned into coke and fell to the ground.


Xing'er's father looked at Lin Mu, and his expression changed drastically.

"Haha! I understand. The golden-winged tortoise lives in the void of chaos. As long as there is a sky thunder opening up the void, the golden-winged tortoise will disappear. It turns out that the sky thunder is its nemesis!" Lin Mu looked at the golden-winged turtle that had turned into charcoal on the ground. Turtle also wanted to understand all the reasons.

After figuring out the key points, Lin Mu immediately felt refreshed.

He raised his hand and threw several thunder guns, and threw them directly.

Seeing Lin Shu's powerful Thunder Spear, Xing'er's father could only resist with the Golden Winged Whip.

But every time they resisted, hundreds of golden-winged turtles would turn into charcoal.

After a few rounds of resistance, his Golden Winged Whip has visibly thinned out.

This Golden Winged Whip was refined with a lot of painstaking efforts.Now that he was beheaded by hundreds of thousands of trees like this, what he saw was bleeding from his heart.

In the end, he also had to put away his Golden Winged Whip, and then escaped by relying on his body skills.

Although this dodger who came from an unknown era, although he did not have such a mastery of the speed rules like Lin Shu.But his movement is also very strange.

Although the speed of Lin Mu's Thunder Robbery Spear was fast enough, the snatcher could still dodge it with his weird body skills.

But Lin Mu was not in a hurry, he had just mastered the Lei Jie Spear, and just needed someone to practice his moves, and this person who took the house was obviously the most suitable candidate.



Lin Mu threw out a lightning gun again, this time Lin Mu was very tricky both in terms of speed and angle.

Although the thunder gun still didn't hit the body of the person who took the house, it exploded at his feet.

It directly made him ashamed and embarrassed.

Looking at the man who was in a state of distress, Lin Mu couldn't help laughing, and then returned the words he gave to himself, "Don't you know how to hide old things?"

Hearing that Lin Mu returned what he said just now, the nostrils of the snatchers were so angry that smoke came out of their nostrils.

Thinking about when he was all-powerful, Lin Shu didn't know where he was conceived.But now, being forced by a junior like Lin Mu, he had no choice but to run away.

"Don't be crazy, junior, if this old man recovers one percent of his strength, he can raise his hand and kill you directly!" Xing'er's father shouted loudly.


Lin Mu seized the opportunity of his speech, and directly threw a lightning gun.

This time, the thunder gun directly hit Xing'er's father on the ground.

Lei Jie speared Xing'er's father until it was scorched on the outside and tender on the inside, and a smell of meat wafted out immediately.

"Haha! It's become a roast suckling pig!" Xue Linglong looked at Xing'er's father who was all scorched, and laughed loudly.

Lin Mutou didn't turn back and said: "Kneading He Luoye and the others to find your own chance and the solution to Xing'er's problem, leave it to me here."

After finding a way to deal with this old thing, Lin Mu doesn't need the help of Xue Linglong and the others.

"Junior, you are looking for death, don't think that you are invincible because of the thunder!" The house snatcher stood up from the ground and said angrily.


With a wave of his palm, the snatcher cut his burnt hair into strips.At the same time, his body shook, shaking off all the dead skin on his skin.

Although the dead skin was shaken off, the scorched black color was still there.It looks like a black charcoal.

"Junior is able to force me to this point, you are already very strong." After the house snatcher said, he suddenly mobilized and rushed directly to the forest.

Seeing the house snatcher rushing towards him, Lin Mu also unleashed his Thunder Spear, ready to attack the house snatcher.


But before Lin Mu's thunder gun was thrown out, Lin Mu suddenly found a blur in front of his eyes, and the next moment the house snatcher appeared in front of Lin Mu.

Seeing the house snatcher appearing in front of him, Lin Mu hurriedly blocked it with his hands.

However, the speed of the snatcher was extremely fast, just as Lin Mu had time to resist, the snatcher had already slapped him.


Lin Mu was slapped flying with his palm, a big gash opened in his chest, and blood gushed out.

It was the first time for Lin Mu that his body was split apart by a strong player of the same level.

Moreover, the movement of the person who seized the house just now is very strange. Although it is not the speed rule, the speed is not slower than his own speed rule.

Lin Mu's body hit the ground heavily, also making a big hole.

"Junior, although you are defiant enough, you are still not good enough in front of me." The house snatcher looked at Lin Shu with a sneer.

Lin Mu got up from the ground, performed some body training exercises, and healed the wounds on his body.

After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Lin Mu also shook his body and rushed towards the house snatcher.

Seeing that Lin Mu wanted to activate the speed rule and rush to kill himself, the house snatcher also sneered, and was about to activate his weird movement skills.

But before the house snatcher could activate his movements, Lin Mu had already appeared in front of him.

"Shrink the ground into an inch!" Seeing the speed of the trees, the expression of the snatcher also changed drastically.


When Lin Mu came in front of the house snatcher, he also punched out directly.


Although the house snatcher tried his best to resist, he was still blown away by the tree with one punch.


The body of the snatcher also hit the ground heavily.

Lin Mu looked at the snatcher who was thrown on the ground by him, and also sneered: "Old man, you are not enough in front of me."

The house snatcher looked at the trees, his expression changed a few times.

The strength of Lin Mu completely exceeded his expectations, and the combat skills and exercises mastered by Lin Mu shocked him even more.

If it wasn't for sure that Lin Mu didn't come from the same house as himself, he would think that Lin Mu and himself were of the same generation.

(End of this chapter)

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