Supreme Chef

Chapter 791 Spike Showdown

Chapter 791 Spike Showdown (1)

Getting up from the ground, the house snatcher also wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Young man, you are really strong. I didn't expect there to be a young man like you in modern times. You are already proud of being able to force me like this. But you will die in the end!" Directly attacked the forest.

And Lin Mu also let out a cold snort, and then rushed up directly.

The body grabber's movement skills are indeed weird, but Lin Mu uses the ground to shrink into an inch, and his speed is no slower than the opponent.

Moreover, although the house-taker is rich and has strange methods, his cultivation is here after all.

No matter how many means he has, without the support of his cultivation, everything will be in vain.

Lin Shu and the house snatcher came and went, and the speed of both of them was as fast as the limit.

Outsiders can't see the movements and trajectories of the two of them clearly at all, and often the two collide in one place, and the explosion of the two colliding will not be heard until the two leave.

The two fought back and forth for half an hour, but there was still no winner.

Although the one who seized the house relied on experience, he had a slight upper hand.But Lin Shu's flawless body completely made up for this disadvantage.

Another half an hour passed, and the two separated.Lin Mu and the snatcher stood still again, both of them were in a very embarrassing situation at this moment.

There were bloody mouths on Lin Mu's body, and the blood was all over the front of his clothes.The one who seized the house was also uncomfortable. Although Lin Mu was not as good as himself, Lin Mu's strength was not inferior to him at all.

And he doesn't have Lin Mu's flawless body, so it seems that his wounds are much more than Lin Mu's.

"The old monster's bones are quite tough, let's come again!" The house snatcher also completely aroused Lin Mu's fighting spirit, and Lin Mu hadn't fought so happily for a long time.

My own road to promotion has been crushed all the way, and it is too difficult to meet a strong person who can really compete with me.

Although pushing horizontally all the way does make Lin Mu feel good, but the lack of this kind of tempering of confrontation at the same level will always make Lin Mu lack in xinxing.

But now that he met this house grabber, it just made up for the lack of trees in this regard.

Seeing that Lin Shu became more and more brave as he fought more and more, those who seized the house were also a little frightened.

But Lin Mu didn't even give him a chance to speak, and he already bullied him again.



The two fought together again, a piece of pure land, under the fighting between the two, directly turned into a piece of scorched earth.

Looking at Lin Shu, who was fighting more and more courageously, finally there was a trace of panic in the heart of the house snatcher.

"What kind of monster is this? How can there be such an evildoer in modern times!"

Such monsters, even in his era, were almost non-existent.But in modern times, not only do you have it, but you also let yourself encounter it.

He really didn't know whether to sigh that he was lucky or that he was unlucky.

The battle between the two of them here has reached a fever pitch, while Blood Spirit Dragon and Luo Ye's search for treasures is also in full swing.

Under the leadership of Xue Linglong, Luoye and Xing'er soon found a very secret ancient well.

"Xing'er, what's wrong with you?" Luo Ye looked at Xing'er's pale face, and quickly asked with concern.

Xing'er shook her head, and said with a painful expression: "I don't know what's wrong. As soon as I approach this place, I feel powerless all over. I feel like another self is sealed here."

Luo Ye looked at this ancient well that was sealed, her eyes were also full of dignity.

"There must be something good in this well, let's go down first." Xue Linglong looked at the ancient well and said.

"Let's wait for Brother Lin." Luo Ye said as well, looking at the complicated formation above the mouth of the well.

Blood Linglong took a look and said, "Okay, we'll just wait for him."



After the two collided again, they separated again.

The wounds on Lin Mu's body have increased a lot, and the wounds on the body of the house snatcher are even more.

Moreover, in comparison between the two, Lin Mu's fighting spirit was high, while the one who took the home was pale.

This body of his was completely taken away, although he has completely integrated this body.

But this body is still too weak, completely unable to compare with his past body.Even more unable to bear the power of his own moves, he has many big moves that he cannot use.

Once these big moves are issued, he believes that Lin Shu can definitely be hit hard.But once it is sent out, it is very likely that one's body will collapse directly.


Standing on the spot with a high fighting spirit, Lin Mu suddenly felt a stir in his sea of ​​consciousness, and a sharp and very sharp consciousness directly pierced into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Seeing that the other party launched a spiritual attack, Lin Mu also responded decisively.

Several divine consciousness knives formed in the sea of ​​consciousness in an instant, directly strangling the divine consciousness that came in from the snatcher.

The Divine Consciousness Knife went up to strangle, and directly smashed the Divine Consciousness that came in from the snatcher.

And after the shredding, Lin Shu didn't stop, and directly sacrificed the Divine Consciousness Knife, piercing into the opponent's Consciousness Sea in an instant.

"Spiritual Consciousness Technique!"

Seeing the Divine Consciousness Knife suddenly appearing in his sea of ​​consciousness, the face of the snatcher changed again.

However, he also reacted quickly, and directly placed a thick shield of spiritual consciousness in his own sea of ​​consciousness.



Lin Mu's Divine Consciousness Knife collided with the opponent's Divine Consciousness Shield, instantly shattering and disintegrating.

"You still have mastered the Divine Consciousness Technique!" After smashing Lin Mu's Divine Consciousness Knife, the house snatcher also looked at Lin Mu in surprise.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "I still have a lot to learn. How about you take a look at this?"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, a spear made of spiritual consciousness appeared in his hand.

"The number one attacking skill with divine consciousness in ancient times, Nine Slashes with Divine Sense!" Seeing the spear in Lin Mu's hand, the snatcher also yelled.

When Lin Mu saw the other party, he recognized the source of his spiritual sense and combat skills at a glance, and said: "You really come from ancient times."

Seeing that his identity was exposed, the face of the snatcher also changed, but he did not panic.

"Since your grievances are still there, I will beat you until all your grievances are gone!" After Lin Mu finished speaking, he threw out the Spiritual Consciousness Spear in his hand.


The Spiritual Conscious Spear exceeded the speed of sound, and directly stabbed at the house grabber.

Seeing the spear of spiritual consciousness piercing towards him, the house snatcher hastily placed a layer of spiritual consciousness shield in front of him.


The spear hit the shield, making a metal-like impact sound.

"It's a pity that you can only master the first cut. If you can master the second cut, maybe I will really be afraid of you." Seeing that Lin Mu had only mastered the first cut of the nine divine sense cuts, the snatcher also sneered. Said.

"Really?" Lin Mu asked back, and then transformed into a war spear again.

Seeing that Lin Shu transformed into a spiritual spear again, a trace of doubt appeared on the face of the snatcher.

He didn't know why Lin Mu used the same move twice.

But before he could react, Lin Mu had already thrown out his Spiritual Consciousness Spear.

This time the imaginary collision did not happen, because the spear of spiritual consciousness passed through the shield of spiritual consciousness strangely when it was about to collide with the shield of spiritual consciousness of the person who seized the house.

Seeing Lin Shu's spear, it passed through the shield he had set up without any hindrance.

The person who snatched the house hastily started to resist.

But in a hurry, how could he resist it.


With a muffled snort, the house snatcher was knocked back two steps, and his face became even paler.

"Second cut of divine sense!" Said the house grabber with a pale face while covering his chest and looking at the trees.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "The answer is correct, but there is no gift!"

In fact, Lin Mu has already mastered the second slash of divine sense, but he has never used it against the enemy.

The difference between the second slash and the first slash is that the second slash can pass through the opponent's consciousness without hindrance, directly acting on the opponent's body and consciousness.

"Boy, you are forcing me again!" The house snatcher threatened sharply.

Lin Mu sneered and said, "Forcing you. I want to force you to death!"

"Boy, you forced me. It's hard for you not to die today!" The house snatcher straightened up slowly, and said with a cold face.

(End of this chapter)

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