Supreme Chef

Chapter 792 Spike Showdown

Chapter 792 Spike Showdown (2)

Seeing the soaring aura of the house snatchers, although Lin Mu said he didn't care, he was already fully alert in his heart.

This is a house grabber from ancient times, and what he has mastered is completely unknown to Lin Mu.

Facing such a dangerous existence, Lin Mu had to be cautious.


Suddenly, thick medicinal aura rose from around the body of the snatcher, and the medicinal aura was unusually strong.

At first, Lin Mu didn't understand the purpose of so much medicinal energy rising from the opponent's body, but soon Lin Mu knew.

Because Lin Mu saw that the medicine gas, which originally represented vitality and cultivation advancement, began to gradually change after gathering to a certain concentration.

All the things contaminated by this medicine gas, after a moment of prosperity, quickly withered away.

"Prosperity and decline!" Lin Mu said in shock, staring at the surging medicinal energy all over the body of the snatcher.

After anything falls to its peak, it will quickly decay. This is the truth that proves that the end of life is death.

And what the seizer is doing now is to use medicinal energy to make him reach the peak in an instant, and then he will naturally decline.

This kind of method can be said to be vicious, let a person reach the peak, and then make him flourish and decline.After enjoying the short-term peak, he died quickly, which is probably unacceptable to anyone.And such a way of death is extremely cruel to anyone.

"The Palm of the Medicine King!" The house snatcher roared, and then charged directly at Tang Linmu.


The surging medicinal energy filled the air, and everything in the space quickly bloomed for a moment of brilliance, and then quickly disappeared.

The garden was still full of flowers when passing by, but after passing by, it was dead silent.

Lin Mu looked at the Yaowangzhang who was coming towards him, and his expression was unprecedentedly dignified.

Although dignified, Lin Shu did not choose to retreat.

Because at this time, as long as I have the intention to retreat, the one who will be defeated must be myself.

"Flame wave!"

Lin Mu also roared loudly, and then the flame wave blasted out directly.


The blazing sky fire filled the air, melting the space as if.

"Sky fire is ineffective!" The snatcher sneered, and then punched again.

When the medicine gas collided with the sky fire, there was no explosion as imagined, but the medicine gas invaded the sky fire.

"This medicinal gas itself is refined by the sky fire, and the sky fire can only continue to amplify its medicinal properties!" Taoist Guang quickly sent a sound transmission to Lin Mu.

When Lin Mu heard the sound transmission from Taoist Guang, he immediately changed his style of fist, from 'flame wave' to Wuhuang fist.


As soon as the Witch Emperor Fist was released, murderous intent immediately filled the air, and a whirlwind of red murderous intent rushed out violently.

Immediately, he was swept together with the medicinal qi, constantly fighting against the medicinal qi, trying to smash all the medicinal qi into his murderous whirlwind.

Although the trees blocked most of the medicinal energy, a small part of it passed through the whirlwind of killing intent and entered his body.

As soon as these medicine qi entered his body, Lin Mu immediately felt that his cultivation base was improving rapidly.

The cultivation level increased rapidly, and soon Lin Mu's cultivation base was like a broken bamboo all the way, from the second floor of Crossing Tribulation to the fifth floor of Crossing Tribulation.

Lin Mu would be very happy if his cultivation had improved so quickly.

But now Lin Mu's expression is unprecedentedly dignified.

These improved cultivation bases were not obtained from his own hard work, but were forcibly improved by those medicine qi.

And what worries Lin Mu most now is not his infinitely improved cultivation, but what to do if his cultivation continues to improve and finally attracts a catastrophe.

With my cultivation base at this time, if I want to overcome the catastrophe by force, there is absolutely no other possibility except death.

When his cultivation was about to reach the ninth floor of Transcending Tribulation, Lin Mu resolutely gave up the Wuhuang Fist, and jumped away directly by shrinking the ground into an inch.

After leaving, Lin Mu directly sacrificed the Heavenly Dragon Bow, and then compressed all the cultivation bases raised by the medicinal energy into light arrows.


Seeing that Lin Mu took out a magic weapon again, the snatcher frowned.


Lin Shu shoots an arrow directly, the light arrow is hundreds of feet long, and its momentum is unparalleled.

Seeing Lin Shu's light arrow coming, the house snatcher hastily used his medicinal energy to block it.

However, besides enhancing the power of the light arrow, its medicinal energy cannot make the light arrow flourish and decline in a short period of time.

Seeing the Light Arrow getting stronger and stronger, the snatcher didn't dare to escape or give up, but continued to shoot with his palms continuously, and more medicinal energy rushed towards the Light Arrow.


Seeing that the light arrow had reached its peak, Lin Mu also directly detonated the light arrow.


The light arrow detonated, and a violent explosion occurred directly, and the medicine gas was also directly blown away.


The house snatcher let out a muffled grunt, and also took half a step back.

The medicine qi dissipated, but the trees did not stop, but continued to bend their bows to shoot and kill the snatchers.

Lin Mu once again suppressed the cultivation bases that did not belong to him, and gathered them all on the Heavenly Dragon Bow.

Seeing another arrow of light taking shape, the face of the snatcher also changed drastically.


Lin Shu blasted out with an arrow again, and went straight to the snatcher.

Seeing Lin Mu's arrow shot out, the house snatcher didn't even hesitate, he just turned around and fled.

He knew that he would definitely not be able to block this arrow, although the secrets in the dragon gate could allow him to quickly recover his cultivation.

But if the little life is gone, what's the use of improving the cultivation base.

"Boy, I'll let you off this time, and we'll settle the score in the future!" The snatcher left a harsh word and ran outside.

"The future! You have no future! Explode!" Lin Mu snorted coldly, and immediately burst the light arrow.


The powerful explosion directly affected the body of the person who seized the home.


The house snatcher hadn't thought of it at all, but now it was too late for him to think about it.

He could only watch helplessly as his physical body, which had been seized with great difficulty, collapsed like this.

"Boy, I want you to die!"

Although his physical body was shattered, his powerful primordial spirit did not shatter, but directly escaped from the treasure land of Longmen.

Although it was a pity that Yuanshen escaped by him, Lin Mu was not surprised.

The primordial spirit who was able to escape from the ancient catastrophe.If it is solved by one arrow of oneself, then it is the real ghost.

Lin Mu also heaved a sigh of relief as the house snatcher was finally dealt with.

Although he solved the house snatcher, Lin Mu's regret was that his cultivation was still raised by one level after all.

It is a happy thing to improve his cultivation base, but for Lin Mu, this is not a good thing.

"It seems that we need to pay more attention to oppressing ourselves in the future." Lin Mu checked his body and made sure that there was no problem other than improving his cultivation base, and he said to himself.

"If my deduction is correct, the person who escaped should be the pharmacist who discovered the golden-winged turtle in the void of chaos." Taoist Guang deduced.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I guessed the same way. I'm afraid he did the catastrophe on purpose."

Daoist Guang said: "I don't know about this, but it must have something to do with him. We let him escape this time, so we have to be more careful in the future."

Lin Mu looked at the wave of his escape, and nodded.

Being remembered by such an ancient power, Lin Mu will not be careful in the future.

And with such great power, if he seized the house again, even if he stood in front of him again, he might not be able to recognize him.

"Forget it and leave him alone, let's see what the Blood Spirit Dragon and the others found." Such future things are still far away from him, and Lin Mu doesn't bother to think about them.

Lin Mu came to the side of Xue Linglong, looked at Xing'er who was pale and very sad, and said, "What's wrong with Xing'er?"

After Luo Ye briefly explained the matter to Lin Mu, Lin Mu also turned his attention to this ancient well.

(End of this chapter)

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