Supreme Chef

Chapter 793 Sky Dragon Bone Arrow

Chapter 793 Sky Dragon Bone Arrow
This is an ancient well whose age and origin cannot be seen at all. The ancient well was sealed by a formation.

However, this formation is not a profound formation, it just blocks people's consciousness and line of sight, so that people cannot see what is going on inside the ancient well.

Lin Mu circled the ancient well, and then said to the fallen leaves: "Stand back a little, I'll break the formation here."

Luo Ye supported Xing'er and Xue Linglong, and retreated to a relatively safe position.

Lin Mu saw the fallen leaves and they retreated, so he also started to crack the formation above the wellhead.

With almost no effort, Lin Mu had already cracked the formation.

After the formation was cracked, the spout of spiritual energy in Lin Shu's imagination, or the shaking of the earth did not appear.

Gujing is still calm, without any waves.

After a while, after confirming that nothing had changed, Lin Mu walked to the front of the ancient well and looked inside.

The ancient well is very deep, even with the cultivation of trees, it is impossible to see the deepest part.

"Is there any treasure inside?" The Blood Spirit Dragon also leaned over and looked down.

But when the Blood Spirit Dragon looked around, it was also a piece of darkness.

"Let's go down and have a look!" Blood Spirit Dragon said.

Lin Mu nodded, and was also going to investigate.

This ancient well is really too deep, you can't really see anything on it, so you can only go down to check.

"Brother Luo, let's go down together." Lin Mu turned his head and said to Luo Ye.

Luo Ye glanced at Xing'er, Xing'er also nodded.

This place has troubled her for too long, if the problem can really be solved, then it would be great for her.

Lin Shu and Xue Linglong lead the way, Luo Ye and Xing'er follow behind, and Xiao Diao ends up at the end.

There is no light in the ancient well, even at the mouth of the well, there is no light piercing.

Lin Shu and the blood spirit dragon went all the way down the front. At the beginning, the blood spirit dragon was still very excited.

But after an hour, the blood spirit dragon's enthusiasm has faded a lot.

After another hour passed, the blood spirit dragon's enthusiasm decreased a lot.

The further down the tree was, the more frightened he became. With the speed of himself and the blood spirit dragon, they had already fallen by almost [-] miles in two hours.

And the most important thing is not this, the most important thing is that this is already the bottom of the sea.

There are already thousands of miles away from the ground. If this distance is added, I am already nearly [-] miles underground at this time.

Another hour passed, and there was still no sign of going to the end. Lin Mu was almost impatient.

Lin Mu directly sacrificed the flying spirit treasure, so that everyone entered the flying spirit treasure, and let the flying spirit treasure continue to fly downward.

"How deep is this ancient well? It won't directly penetrate the entire realm of comprehension, right?" Xue Linglong was very bored, looking at the ancient well that hadn't changed in the slightest, he said depressedly.

In fact, Lin Mu really wants to know how deep this ancient well is, and it doesn't really penetrate the entire realm of self-cultivation.

After Xing'er entered the ancient well, her face was always pale, and Luo Ye was always by Xing'er's side.

After a full day, Lin Mu no longer remembered how far he had descended, so he simply practiced.

"Hey! Something has changed!" After another half day, the Blood Spirit Dragon, who was bored, suddenly found a little light on the wall of the well.

Hearing the words of the blood spirit dragon, Lin Mu also woke up from his cultivation, came to the side of the flying spirit treasure, and looked outside.

Following the finger of the blood spirit dragon, Lin Mu really saw the dots of light on the well wall.These lights come from some luminous crystals, like night pearls.

Lin Shu controlled the flying Lingbao to stop, and with a spread of hands, he snapped a piece of these glowing crystals from the well wall.

"This is a divine substance!" Seeing the crystal in Lin Mu's hand, the Blood Spirit Dragon rushed towards it.

The divine substance does not have much effect on human monks, but for the blood spirit dragon, the divine substance is the best thing that can help him advance.

The Blood Spirit Dragon jumped in front of the Flying Spirit Treasure again, looked down, and immediately saw more shiny divine substances.

"It's done! It's done! It's really done this time!" The Blood Spirit Dragon looked down, the specks of light were about to flow out.

Lin Mu stared at the divine substance in his hand, and worked the exercises a little bit.Immediately, the divine substance melted quickly, and an extremely pure aura entered Lin Shu's body.

"This is an aura comparable to the best aura." Feeling the pure aura, Lin Mu's face couldn't help but change.

The top-grade spirit stones are almost invisible in the cultivation world, and the spirit stones commonly used in the cultivation world are top-grade spirit stones.

Even if there are top-quality spirit stones, they will not be traded.It can only be used for cultivation, because the top-grade spiritual energy in the top-grade spirit stones hardly contains any impurities, and the effect of cultivation is the best.

"Get down quickly! Get down quickly! I want to pack and take away all the divine substances here!" Blood Spirit Dragon kept urging.

Lin Shu is also manipulating the flying spirit treasure to go straight down, while the blood spirit dragon began to wantonly harvest the divine substance crystals containing the best spiritual energy on the well wall.

But soon the blood spirit dragon stopped making shots, because the blood spirit dragon found that the further down, the larger the crystal volume.

Now the Blood Spirit Dragon has no interest in those divine substances the size of sesame seeds.What the blood spirit dragon is looking forward to now is to see if there will be a piece of divine substance appear later, that is what the blood spirit dragon really needs.

Another day has passed, and the divine matter has also begun to appear in pieces.

The Blood Spirit Dragon looked at these stretches of divine matter, his eyes were almost narrowed into a line, and the halazi was almost on the ground.

"Mine! Mine! It's all mine!" The Blood Spirit Dragon saw the divine substances appearing in pieces, and began to harvest these divine substances wantonly.

Now Lin Shu and Xue Linglong have completely forgotten how deep they are in the ground.Because the surrounding divine matter has been completely connected together.The entire wall of the well has become a divine substance.

There was such a change in the well wall, which made Lin Shu and Xue Linglong look forward to the things at the bottom of the well.

After half a month, the flying spirit treasure finally approached the bottom of the well.

The eighth-rank Lingbao has been flying for more than half a month, and Lin Mu is already unable to calculate how far he has flown.


A sound of piercing the sky came out, and Lin Shu's flying spirit treasure finally reached a very large space composed of divine substances.

This piece of space is very large, with a radius of tens of thousands of feet.

But what really attracts Lin Shu is not the space composed entirely of divine substances.It's the one in the center of the space, where an arrow dives into the ground, only a bow and arrow more than ten feet long.

It can be seen that the bow and arrow is a bone arrow, and the bone arrow is covered with mysterious patterns.Every stroke of these patterns is consistent with the Tao, it seems that this is not a bone arrow, but an arrow of the Tao.

Lin Shu couldn't tell what level this bone arrow existed at all.

However, no matter what level it exists, it is still unable to exert its true strength now.

Because the whole bone arrow was covered in blood, and the Tao was completely shattered, so it couldn't release its true power at all.

"Could it be that this is one of the three arrow feathers that match the Heavenly Dragon Bow, the ancient Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow that shattered!" Lin Mu looked at the bone arrow, his voice trembling a little.

The powerful trees of the Tianlong bow are already known, and if combined with this legend, it can directly crush the ancient bone arrows, and the power of the trees is simply unimaginable.

Taoist Guang looked at the bone arrow, and said in a solemn tone: "This should be the ancient dragon bone arrow that shattered, but I didn't expect it to be here."

Soon Lin Mu thought of another question, if the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow is here, then this ancient well should have been shot out by the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow.

In fact, Lin Mu should have thought that if it wasn't for the celestial dragon bone arrow, there was something else that could open up such a deep and unexplorable ancient well all at once.

(End of this chapter)

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