Supreme Chef

Chapter 794 Remnant Soul

Chapter 794 Remnant Soul
The celestial keel arrow was inserted there quietly, except for the Taoism around the body and the mysterious and unknown patterns.No one could have imagined that the three arrows shattered the ancient powerful bone arrow.

Lin Mu had always thought that his Thunder Spear was the biggest opportunity for him to come this time.

Unexpectedly, the biggest opportunity is here.

If this is the case, the blood spirit dragon is not bad this time.

"Baby!" Seeing the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow, the Blood Spirit Dragon rushed over with his eyes shining.

This is the backbone of Tianlong, if it is refined and used by oneself.Then his cultivation must have soared in a straight line, much faster than absorbing divine substances.

"Bang!" The blood spirit dragon had just rushed halfway, but it was directly bounced back by Dao Ze around the bone arrow.

Being bounced back, the Blood Spirit Dragon was still unconvinced, and rushed forward again, but the result was already doomed.

After trying several times in a row, Xue Linglong also knew that the Dragon Bone Arrow was definitely not something he could collect this day.

"Forget about arguing with you about this kind of thing, I'll go collect my divine substance." Blood Spirit Dragon also patted his butt, pretending to be magnanimous to collect his own divine substance.

Lin Mu knew that the Tianlong Bone Arrow was what Tianlong Bow asked him to collect.

However, Lin Mu was not in a hurry to collect the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow, which was definitely not easy to collect.Lin Mu didn't know how long it would take, so he decided to help Luoye solve Xing'er's matter first.

Lin Mu turned his head to look at Luo Ye, and said, "Brother Luo, you and Xing'er, have you found anything?"

Luo Ye also frowned, shook her head, and said, "I didn't find anything. But Xing'er said that what she was looking for is here, and Xing'er felt that there seemed to be another self here, calling her."

"Another self?" Lin Mu frowned after hearing this.

"Senior, do you know what's going on?" Lin Mu asked Taoist Guang through sound transmission.

Taoist Guang thought for a long time before shaking his head.

"The Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow is stained with the blood of her ancestors, so every generation of her lineage will have half a strand of remnant soul on the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow. As long as you collect the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow, her problem will be solved." Tianlong Gong unexpectedly said such a long sentence to Lin Mu.

When Lin Mu still wanted to ask, Tianlong Bow fell silent again, and ignored Lin Mu at all.

He couldn't get an answer from Tianlong Bow, so Lin Mu could only ask Taoist Guang.

"Senior, do you know what's going on?" Lin Mu asked Taoist Guang.

Dao Guang said: "What Tianlong Gong said should be true."

Lin Mudao: "I know what Tianlong Bow said is true, but the Tianlong Bow collapsed in the ancient times, that's what happened in the ancient times. Could it be that Xing'er's lineage already existed in the ancient times?"

Taoist Guang pondered for a long time after hearing Lin Mu's words, and finally shook his head and said, "I don't know about that, but I don't think Xing'er's bloodline is the kind that can be passed down from ancient times.

The blood that can be passed down from ancient times to the present is very powerful.If it is the bloodline passed down from the ancient times, it must be unimaginably powerful.In Xing'er's blood, she couldn't feel this powerful blood power at all. "

Daoist Guang said after a pause, "It's not certain that the blood will be stained with the celestial dragon's bone arrow. It can only be contaminated when the celestial dragon's bone arrow hits here. Other reasons may also cause the blood of Xing'er and the others to Contaminated on the sky dragon bone arrow."

Lin Mu thought for a while, and felt that what Taoist Guang said made sense.

Those ancient families that can be passed down from ancient times are already very powerful.If it was a bloodline passed down from the ancient times, Lin Shu couldn't even imagine how powerful it would be.

Although Xing'er's aptitude is good, it is much worse than that of the ancient family.Not to mention, the blood that has been passed down from the ancient times.

In the end, Lin Mu felt that it would be better to directly ask Xing'er about such a matter.

Lin Mu looked at Xing'er and said, "Xing'er, I probably know the reason why you have such a problem, but I still have a few questions to ask you?"

"Brother Lin, do you know the solution to Xing'er's problem!" Luo Ye asked excitedly.

Lin Mu nodded, and said, "I probably know it, but there are still a few issues that need to be confirmed."

When Luo Ye heard Lin Mu's words, her expression became completely excited.

If Xing'er's problem can be solved, then for Luo Ye, his biggest concern will be solved.

"Senior Brother Lin, if you have any questions, just ask." Myolie was also very excited at this time.

Lin Mu nodded and asked, "Xing'er, has your body been in this condition since you were born?"

Xing'er thought for a moment, then nodded, and said, "I've been like this since I was born."

Lin Mu said: "Then did your ancestors have the same problem?"

Xing'er thought for a while, and said: "I seem to have heard my father say that not every generation of our lineage can open this place. Like my father, it is impossible to open and discover this place."

Lin Mu frowned and said, "Is there such a thing?"

Xing'er said: "It seems to be true. It is said that only female monks of our lineage can find the treasure land of Longmen and open it."

Lin Mu said: "Then do you know the reason?"

Xing'er shook her head and said: "I don't know about this, and my father doesn't seem to know either. Many of my Longmen's ancient books have long been lost, and my Longmen's downfall is due to the loss of those ancient books." .”

Thinking of her downfall and her father being taken away, Xing'er couldn't help feeling sad again.

Lin Mu nodded, but Lin Mu didn't doubt Xing'er's words.

For a sect like Longmen that has been passed down from ancient times, if all the classics in the sect are there.Longmen will definitely not fall down, let alone be occupied by others.

It is obviously impossible for Xing'er to know too much, and Lin Mu doesn't want to continue to investigate the reason, so he should help Xing'er first, and solving her problems is the most important thing.

Lin Mu said: "You two stand here and wait for me, I will collect the bone arrow, and then help Xing'er solve her problems."

Luo Ye and Xing'er took two steps back, nodded and said, "Brother Lin, be careful."

Lin Mu walked slowly towards Tianlonggujian step by step, the pressure he imagined did not appear, and everything went very smoothly.

Lin Mu felt that this should have something to do with the reason he possessed the Heavenly Dragon Bow, otherwise he would have been bounced back by Dao Ze like the Blood Spirit Dragon.

Lin Mu walked to the side of Tianlonggujian smoothly.

Observing the Tianlong bone arrow at close range, Lin Mu felt that the bone arrow was vast and impossible to look up to.

Although there is no trace of formation on the celestial dragon bone arrow, the natural dragon pattern on the celestial dragon bone arrow is already the most powerful formation in this world.

Lin Mu carefully inspected the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow up and down, and finally Lin Mu found a blood color different from the Dao Blood color in the most inconspicuous place of the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow.

This drop of blood has already dried up long ago, and the color can't be seen at all.

Lin Mu stretched out his consciousness to check this drop of dried blood, and sure enough, Lin Mu found a very weak wave of soul in this drop of dried blood.

Sensing this weak to almost dissipated soul wave, Lin Mu also secretly rejoiced.

If he and Luo Ye hadn't rushed over in time, this ray of soul fluctuation might not last the next year at all.At that time, Xing'er can only wait to die.

Lin Mu sacrificed his divine consciousness knife, and carefully peeled off this drop of completely dried blood from the sky dragon bone arrow, and then used his divine consciousness to nourish the almost dead soul inside.

Protecting this drop of blood, Lin Shu also returned to the side of Luoye and Xing'er.

Lin Mu looked at Xing'er and said, "Xing'er may feel a little painful during the meeting, you must bear it!"

(End of this chapter)

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