Supreme Chef

Chapter 795 Repairing the Remnant Soul

Chapter 795 Repairing the Remnant Soul
Xing'er looked at Lin Mu and nodded heavily, with an indescribable excitement in her expression.

After waiting for hundreds of years, Myolie finally arrived at this day.

Luo Ye is also very excited at this time, Longmen is gone, and Xing'er is everything to him.If Xing'er is gone, Luoye doesn't even know how she will live.

Seeing that Xing'er was ready, Lin Mu also slapped Xing'er's celestial spirit cover with his palm, the brown blood stains entered into Xing'er's sea of ​​consciousness through the top of Xing'er's head.

The blood entered into the sea of ​​consciousness, and Lin Mu also used his own consciousness to forcibly break through Xing'er's sea of ​​consciousness.

Then help Xing'er, using her own spiritual consciousness as a bridge, let that strand of remnant soul merge into Xing'er's soul little by little.

The fusion process is very slow, and Lin Shu is also very careful.

Half a day passed, and the fusion finally reached the final stage.

Lin Mu has also become more careful, using his spiritual consciousness to build a bridge so that the remnant soul can merge with the real soul.


Finally, the remnant soul merged into Xing'er's own soul.


The soul was completely fused, and Xing'er also groaned in pain, and then passed out.

Seeing this, Luo Ye hurried up to support Xing'er.

"Brother Lin, is Xing'er alright?"

Lin Mu wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said, "Xing'er is fine, she will be fine after a short rest. From now on, there will be no control over Xing'er anymore."

Hearing Lin Mu's answer, Luo Ye was also very happy.

"Thank you, Brother Lin!" Luo Ye said excitedly, clasping her hands.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "You guys rest here, I'll collect the bone arrows, and we'll leave after we collect the bone arrows."

Luo Ye knows that Lin Mu collects bone arrows, and she can't help much, so she can only accompany Xing'er.

Lin Mu returned to the side of the bone arrow, and stretched out his hand to try to pull the bone arrow out.

However, Lin Mu obviously thought of things too simply, this is an arrow that is enough to shatter Taikoo.Even if the Dao is broken now, it cannot be pulled up by manpower.

And this small bone arrow, although it is only more than one foot long, its weight is incomparable to the sum of several mountain ranges.


Just when Lin Mu was thinking about how to collect the bone arrow, the Heavenly Dragon Bow in the chaotic world suddenly lifted the dragon's head, and then exhaled a big mouthful of dragon energy.

The dragon energy passed through the chaotic world and directly acted on Lin Shu's arm.

Feeling the dragon energy, the Tianlong Bone Arrow trembled by itself, as if it was about to rise from the ground.

Seeing this, Lin Mu quickly exerted his strength, and directly pulled the Sky Dragon Bone Arrow from the ground.

With the help of Dragon Qi, it is much easier for Lin Mu to collect the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow.

Lin Mu pulled out the Sky Dragon Bone Arrow, and then sent it directly to the chaotic world.

The Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow entered the chaotic world, and seeing the Heavenly Dragon Bow lying in the depths of the chaotic world, there was also a burst of joy.

After the Heavenly Dragon Bow made a circle in the chaotic world, it flashed directly into the Dragon Mountain of the Heavenly Dragon Bow.

"Hey! Why are you so disrespectful? I helped you collect your celestial keel arrows. I have no benefit at all! You can lend me your celestial keel arrows for a few days, just in case of emergency? Can I have a miniature Sky Dragon Bone Arrow?" Lin Mu complained looking at Longshan not far away.


As if hearing Lin Mu's words, Tianlong Gonglong opened his mouth, and a golden light shot out.

A miniature celestial dragon bone arrow appeared next to Lin Shu's miniature celestial dragon bow.

Putting the miniature version of the Tianlong bone arrow on the miniature version of the Tianlong bow, Lin Mu immediately felt that the power of the Tianlong bow doubled.

This is the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow, no matter in terms of level or power, it is many times stronger than the Light Arrow transformed by his own aura.

Lin Mu is confident that if he uses the current bone arrow and Tianlong bow to cooperate, he can take advantage of the situation that the Ascension Realm expert is not prepared, and kill the Ascension Realm expert face to face.

However, there is only one Sky Dragon Bone Arrow, if it can't be killed with one blow, then Lin Shu will be in bad luck.

So although Lin Mu is confident, Lin Mu doesn't want to try.


The celestial dragon bone arrow was collected by Lin Shu, and the entire bottom of the well shook violently, as if it might collapse at any time.

"What's the matter?" Blood Spirit Dragon, who was collecting the divine substance, felt the shaking of the ground, and asked nervously.

"This place is about to collapse, let's go!" Lin Mu also said to Luo Ye and Xue Linglong.

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he directly sacrificed his own flying spirit treasure.

Seeing that there are still a large piece of divine substances that have not been collected, Xue Linglong also yelled: "But I still have a lot of divine substances that have not been collected, so you won't wait for me to collect the divine substances before you collect them." Your Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow!"

Lin Mu sent a voice transmission to Xue Linglong, saying: "There is no time to talk about this now, let's go quickly. I will help you move the divine substance here as directly as possible into the chaotic world."

The blood spirit dragon looked at the large piece of divine substance here, although he was unwilling.But there is no other way. If this place collapses, my life will not be guaranteed.Still talking about divine substances, and talking about promotion.

The Blood Spirit Dragon and Xiao Diao flashed back to the Flying Spirit Treasure, and Lin Shu cast down the formation flag in an instant, and then began to collect as much of the divine substance here as possible into the chaotic world.

"That large area is of the highest quality, you just need to gather that large area." Blood Spirit Dragon said with his finger, a large area of ​​the best quality divine substance that he found out.

Lin Mu nodded, and also followed the instructions of the blood spirit dragon, and pulled the divine substance there into his own chaotic world.

Lin Mu's big hand stretched out his true essence, and with the cooperation of the formation, the mountain-like divine substance was grabbed by Lin Mu forcefully.

At the same time, Lin Mu's other hand was not idle, and he also grabbed the divine substance next to it, which was like a mountain.

After receiving the two huge divine substances into his own chaotic world, the entire bottom of the well began to collapse completely.

Pieces and pieces of divine matter disappeared, and the blood spirit dragon's heart was bleeding.

"This is all the resources for me to advance!" Blood Spirit Dragon also yelled in pain.

This place has already begun to collapse, and Lin Shu can no longer stay here. He also quickly controlled the flying spirit treasure and began to leave here quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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