Supreme Chef

Chapter 796 The Siege

Chapter 796 The Siege (1)

Lin Mu increased the speed of the flying spirit treasure to the maximum, but even so, it took a full ten days before he left the ancient well.

As soon as Fei Lingbao left the ancient well, the entire ancient well collapsed completely. At the same time, a huge vortex slowly formed, and endless seawater poured into the ground.

"It's over! It's over! It's all gone!" Xue Linglong looked at the collapsed ancient well, his heart was broken.

Lin Mu continued to control the flying spirit treasure, and quickly rushed out of the sea and left the bottom of the sea.

After rushing out of the Heartless Sea, a few days later, Lin Shu also controlled the flying spirit treasure, and flew back to where the dragon gate was.

Lin Mu said to Luoye and Xing'er, "Do you two want to rebuild Longmen, or come with me to our new Fumanlou?"

Luo Ye said, "I'll listen to Xing'er."

Xing'er lowered her head and thought for a moment, then raised her head and said: "There is no one else in Longmen except the two of us, and the treasure land of Longmen has also been destroyed. It is not easy to rebuild it. Brother Luo and I still Follow you back to Fumanlou."

Lin Mudao: "You don't need to think about other things, if you want to rebuild Longmen, I can help you."

When Xing'er heard Lin Mu's suggestion, her eyes could not help but light up.But in the end, he shook his head and said, "Let's forget it. With the abilities of the two of us, we can't rebuild Longmen at all. Even if we really want to rebuild, we have to wait until Brother Luo and I have a certain strength."

Lin Mudao: "That's fine, whenever you want to rebuild the Dragon Gate, you can leave directly. Now let's go back to Fumanlou first."

Lin Shu controlled the flying spirit treasure and quickly headed towards Dongxuanzhou.

Returning to the mainland, Lin Shu also headed for the nearest city.

Arriving at a seven-star city called Liangcheng, Lin Mu and the others were also planning to use the teleportation array here to head towards their Fumanlou.

"Have you heard? The Eastern Emperor Sect is said to have followed the emperor's will, and the army has already oppressed Xiang Linmu's Fumanlou!"

When Lin Mu was about to pay the fee for using the teleportation array, he heard some whispered discussions.

Hearing this, Lin Mu's expression also changed suddenly.

"What did you say!" Lin Mu stepped in front of the speaker.

Seeing Lin Shu appearing suddenly, and speaking so bluntly, he also wanted to get angry.

But just as he was about to get angry, he saw that Lin Mu's cultivation was at the third level of the Transcendence Tribulation Realm, which was much stronger than his own, who was at the Perfect Transformation Realm.

"The junior has met the senior!" He also quickly bowed and said respectfully.

Lin Mu didn't pay attention to these at all, and asked directly: "What did you say just now? What did you say about Fumanlou?"

"The younger generation also heard that the Eastern Emperor sect sent soldiers to suppress the border. With the emperor's decree in his hand, he planned to destroy Fumanlou in the name of revenge from the Zhenyuanmen..." The man also said truthfully.

Before he could finish his words, he felt that his eyes were blurred again, and the next moment, the trees had disappeared.

"Who was that senior just now? Why are you so concerned about Fumanlou's affairs." After Lin Mu left, the person next to him also asked cautiously.

"I think he looks a little familiar, where does he seem to have seen it?" Someone asked suspiciously.

"I also think it looks familiar, but I just can't remember it. I met it there." Another person said.

When the two of them said this, the others felt a little familiar.

"I remembered!" Someone's face suddenly changed, and he shouted in shock.

"What do you remember?" Everyone around asked immediately.

"He...he is Lin Mu! The head of Fumanlou!" The man's voice trembled a little.

Hearing this person's words, the expressions of the others also changed drastically.

"Lin Mu! He is actually Lin Mu, who dares to disobey the existence of Emperor Zong!"

Everyone couldn't help but sighed.

"No, I remember that after Lin Mu participated in the Martial Dao Competition, he was only at the ninth level of the God Transformation Realm. How long has it been, even half a year, and he has already crossed the third level of tribulation?" Someone raised a question.

As soon as this question came out, someone immediately said with disdain: "Lin Shu's cultivation level is beyond our guess."

When everyone heard this, they all nodded in agreement.Ever since Lin Mu rose like a comet, his cultivation has been like a rocket, and the speed at which his cultivation has increased is simply unimaginable to them.

It took the trees a few years to complete the journey they had traveled for thousands of years.This kind of cultivation speed, not to mention that there will be no one in the future, but it is absolutely unprecedented.

Everyone looked at the direction where the trees disappeared, and they all realized that a big storm was about to begin.

"Quick! Go! Let's all go to Fumanlou to have a look!"

When everyone saw Lin Shu disappearing, they all realized something, and hurriedly set off to follow Lin Shu.

After Lin Mu came back, he rushed to the teleportation array with the blood spirit dragons.

Lin Mu threw down a bag of spiritual consciousness, and said directly: "I want to use the teleportation array!"

The elder who was in charge of opening the teleportation array looked at Lin Shu and said calmly, "It's not time to open the teleportation array, and no one can use it now."

"I said I want to use the teleportation array, open it for me immediately!" Lin Mu shouted sharply with bloodshot eyes.

"This is my Liangcheng, it's not a place where everyone can play wild!" The elder in charge of the teleportation array said in a cold tone when he saw Lin Mu being so rude.


Lin Mu didn't say a word of nonsense, and directly punched the elder who was in charge of opening the teleportation formation, and then directly activated the teleportation formation.

"Rebellion! Really rebellion! Someone dared to forcibly break into our Liangcheng teleportation array! Come!" The elder who was blown away by Lin Shu's punch also shouted loudly.

Lin Mu didn't leave these things at all, and directly activated the teleportation array, leaving Liangcheng.

After Lin Mu left Liangcheng with the teleportation array, the city lord of Liangcheng rushed over with his people.

"Who broke into our teleportation array in Liangcheng?" The city lord asked immediately after he arrived.

"I don't know who this subordinate is?" the elder in charge of the teleportation array said with a look of panic.

"Does anyone know who is the person who forcibly broke into the teleportation formation?" City Lord Liang Cheng looked around the crowd and asked.

"I know that the one who forcibly broke into the teleportation formation should be Lin Shu from Fumanlou." The person who was about to go to Fumanlou with Linmu just now also stood up and said.

"Lin Mu!" Hearing that it was Lin Mu who forcibly broke into the teleportation formation, the lord of Liang City couldn't help but change his expression.

Lin Mu is indeed nothing, but the power behind Lin Mu really makes him afraid.

Soul City, Ghost City, Qidu, any one of these three can kill Liangcheng hundreds of times.

"City Lord Fumanlou is currently under siege by the Eastern Emperor Sect, should we go and have a look together!" Someone behind the City Lord suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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