Supreme Chef

Chapter 797 The Siege

Chapter 797 The Siege (2)

The city lord looked at the teleportation array and pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Let's follow."

The city lord's calculation was very shrewd, and Lin Mu made him lose face.

Going with him shows his attitude, at least he won't lose face.And when he is down, if Lin Mu loses, he can justly seek justice.

Moreover, by virtue of such an opportunity, he can take advantage of the relationship and improve the status of the sect through the relationship with the God sect.

Of course, if Lin Mu wins, he doesn't have to say anything, and he can even use this teleportation array to make a fuss and build a relationship with Lin Mu.In short, no matter what, I will not suffer from the past.

Seeing that the city lord of Liangcheng followed, the rest of the people also followed.

But they don't have as many tricks as the city lord of Liangcheng. They followed them just to watch the excitement.

It is not often seen that Emperor Zong makes a move, and it is even more uncommon for an upstart like Lin Mu who dares to challenge the majesty of Emperor Zong.

Two things that never happen in ten thousand years, when they met together, they felt sorry for themselves if they didn't go to see it.

A group of people hurriedly followed, and Lin Mu had already forcibly broken into the teleportation array of three cities in a row, and then used the flying Lingbao to go straight to his own Fumanlou.

Seeing Lin Mu's serious face, Luo Ye and the others also chose to remain silent.Even the usually lively Blood Spirit Dragon stayed quietly aside at this moment.

The trees urged the flying spirit treasure to accelerate all the way.

If it wasn't for the fact that the flying spirit treasure couldn't bear the higher speed, Lin Mu would have directly used a speed beyond the limit.

Although Fumanlou has old beggars, Cao Xiu, and Mi Yi sitting in command, but the background of an emperor is completely beyond the reach of Lin Mu, a newly established Fumanlou.

If Emperor Zong invites out of the lineage of the Great Emperor, then the Fumanlou he just built may really come to an end.

After running wildly for five days and nights, Fei Lingbao finally arrived near Fumanlou.

A long distance away from Lin Mu, he saw his own Fumanlou, surrounded by densely packed people, but there was no violent fighting as imagined, which made Lin Mu breathe a sigh of relief.

"Xiao Diao, let's rush over together!" Lin Mu looked at his Fumanlou, which was surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside, and said decisively.


The little eagle neighed, and the majesty of the ninth-level spirit beast was fully revealed.

Sensing the strength of the ninth-level spirit beast behind them, the disciples of the emperor's sect who surrounded Fumanlou also hurriedly turned their heads to look.

But before they could see clearly, a huge black shadow appeared in front of them.



Xiao Diao's wings swung suddenly, and countless powerful wind blades attacked and killed these Emperor Sect disciples.



Xiao Diao is a ninth-level spirit beast, equivalent to a strong person in the Ascension Realm.Although it is only an ordinary wind blade, it is not something that ordinary disciples can resist.

A round of wind blades passed by, and immediately hundreds of people fell into a pool of blood.


As soon as Xiao Diao's attack subsided, Lin Shu's attack immediately caught up again.

As soon as Li Tian slashed out, a huge killing formation was formed immediately.Killing array and strangling, those who are not completely dead, have not even reacted under the killing array, they have already turned into fly ash.


With a flap of its wings, the little eagle rushed out nearly a thousand feet, and the four trees followed behind, also rushing inside at once.

The rear was disrupted by Lin Mu and the others, and those masters of Emperor Zong also reacted, and immediately turned around to kill Lin Mu and the little eagle.


Lin Mu raised his hand and blasted out another wave of flames, and the sky fire immediately diffused.

The heavy flame waves spread out, and everything they passed was completely covered by the flame waves, and the places where the flame waves passed eventually turned into a piece of scorched earth.

"Lin Mu! It's Lin Mu who's back!" Seeing Lin Mu's iconic flame wave, everyone in the Emperor Sect also reacted.

Hearing Lin Mu's return, the Emperor's people not only didn't flinch, but attacked Lin Mu frantically.

The head of the sect has already announced that whoever can kill Lin Shu will receive supreme glory.You can also become the direct disciple of the Supreme Elder, and you will even get a ninth-rank Lingbao.

If such resources can really be obtained, it will definitely be a step up to the sky for them.

There are hundreds of thousands of disciples of Emperor Zong, although these hundreds of thousands of disciples are all under the name of Emperor Zong.

And how many can really get the resource tilt.

Although Emperor Zong's name sounds good, it doesn't have the resources to incline. Apart from having a good name, they may not be as good as the core disciples of the six-star sect in many ways.

Now that they have such an opportunity to ascend to the sky in one step, they are not willing to give up.

Seeing these slaughtered people, Lin Shu and Xiao Diao didn't hold anything back.

Especially Lin Shu's open and close moves.Relying on his flawless body, he completely gave up on defense and just blindly attacked.

Lin Mu gave up those fancy moves, and just slashed with the Shadowless Knife.Wherever the trees passed by, the disciples of Emperor Zong immediately turned into ghosts under the sword.

Inside Fuman Building, Xu Mei and the others watched the riot outside, but they didn't know what happened.

"What's wrong with the takeaway? Why did the Emperor's people retreat to the back?" Cao Yao asked looking at the situation outside.

"We don't have any allies or reinforcements, right? The territory of our three families has been stared down by Emperor Zong, and we can't mobilize troops at all." Looking at the situation behind, Mi Yan also analyzed with frowns.

"Lin Mu! It must be Lin Mu who is back!" Xu Mei looked at the situation outside and suddenly reacted and said nervously.

Hearing Xu Mei's analysis, the three old beggars also felt that there was a great possibility.

"Let's go out to meet Lin Mu quickly. He alone is no match for so many people." Xu Mei thought that it might be Lin Mu who came back, so she also said hastily.

"Don't worry, it might be Emperor Zong's trick. We have to confirm it." After the old beggar finished speaking, he grabbed Wu De and said, "Go out and check the situation."

"Why is it me again?" Wu De muttered when he heard the old beggar asked him to go out to investigate the situation again.

The old beggar said: "Why do you still want me to throw you out so that you can investigate the situation outside?"

Although Wu De has means, but in the face of absolute strength, Wu De can only bear it.

"I'll just go!" Wu De muttered, and he could only leave the sect to investigate the situation.

Wu De's other methods may not be powerful enough, but Wu De's escape method is definitely top-notch.Otherwise, after stealing so many ancient tombs over the years, Wu De would have been caught and torn to pieces long ago.

"Why are you here?" Lin Mu was also surprised when he saw Wu De appearing suddenly.

Wu Dedao: "I'll talk about this when I go back. You guys follow me, and I will take you back to the sect."

(End of this chapter)

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