Supreme Chef

Chapter 798 The Siege

Chapter 798 The Siege (3)

Wu De's ability to escape is really not covered. With Wu De's leadership, the originally crowded route became extremely smooth in an instant.

Lin Mu followed behind Wu De, and was about to approach the mountain gate when a palm shadow suddenly fell in the air.

Lin Mu couldn't describe the power of this palm print, or his power was beyond what Lin Mu could imagine.

Although Xiao Diao also has the strength of Ascension Realm, but in front of such palm prints, he doesn't even have the slightest ability to resist.


Just when the palm print was about to fall, and Lin Mu and others were about to be killed, the same palm print within the sect rose towards the sky.

The two palm prints collided in mid-air, and the expected explosion did not happen.However, there were ripples in the space where the two palms clashed, as if they might collapse at any time.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Mu also took a deep breath.

The space in the realm of comprehension is extremely stable. There are almost no monks in the realm of comprehension who can shake the space of the realm of comprehension solely by their own strength.

Even among the top experts in Ascension Realm known now, there are not many who can shake the space.

But the two people in front of them shook the incomparably solid space of the cultivation world with one palm.


After the old beggar in Fumanlou slapped his hand, he also let out a cold snort, and with a single kick, all his strength was channeled into the ground.



The power was channeled into the ground, and the land suddenly collapsed. The place where the old beggar was standing was completely turned into a spider web.

Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Mu and the others quickly dodged into the Fuman building.

"Senior, are you alright?" As soon as Lin Mu entered Fuman Building, he saw an old beggar with a pale face and blood on the corner of his mouth.

The old beggar shook his head and cursed, "This old thing is really cruel."

Looking at the old beggar, Lin Mu also frowned, and said, "Senior, the one who can injure you must be someone from the lineage of the Great Emperor."

The old beggar nodded, and said, "It's that old bastard from the lineage of the Eastern Emperor. I didn't expect him to improve again after a thousand years."

Lin Mu couldn't help frowning when he heard people from the emperor's lineage came out, and said, "Didn't senior say that they won't leave the sect easily?"

The old beggar curled his lips and said: "It's not that you are too angry. I have been hopping for so many years, but I have never seen them leave the sect. You, a brat, hopped out, and you even brought out such old antiques." Yes. You said how angry you are, right?"

Listening to the old beggar's scolding, Lin Mu didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Senior Great Emperor made a move, so what should we do?" Lin Mu asked.

The old beggar said: "Don't worry, that old guy doesn't dare to attack with all his strength. He dare not go head-to-head with me, an old beggar. He is porcelain and I am tiles. How can he be willing to use his own porcelain to touch my tiles. You just wait." Now, let's see what kind of moths they have."

Sure enough, a moment later, the formation of the East Emperor Emperor Zong besieging Fumanlou changed.Yun Tianhua suddenly appeared, above everyone else, like a king over the land.

"It's really pretentious!" Xue Linglong looked at Yun Tianhua and said contemptuously.

Everyone couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement with Xue Linglong's evaluation.

What Emperor Zong does is that form supersedes actual effect.

"Lin Mu, come out and die, I will spare you Fumanlou not to die! Otherwise, today will be the end of your Fumanlou!" Yun Tianhua said loudly.

Lin Mu looked at Yun Tianhua and said with a sneer: "The defeated general dares to come to my door and shout. What right do you have to let me come out to die? It depends on your so-called emperor's will. If it is really the emperor's will, you can let me die." Your bullshit emperor came down and told me personally!"

"Insult the emperor and seek death!" As soon as Lin Mu's voice fell, there was a thunderous explosion, and then the palm that had just disappeared fell again.

The big hand covered the sky and the sun, as if it wanted to smash the entire Fumanlou to pieces.

"Oh, I want my old man to do it himself again. Boy, remember that you owe me this old man. Don't forget to pay me back when the time comes!" After the old beggar finished speaking, he also slapped his palm, directly colliding with the mid-air palm print. Together.

It was another silent attack, and the space was once again stirred up a series of ripples.

Although these ripples look like water waves, for anyone, these ripples are sure to die.

"Old man, if you want to use your porcelain to touch my broken tile, you can do it casually. See if your porcelain is stronger than mine." After a pause, the old beggar gave a smirk and said: "Of course, it's also possible that other porcelains are stronger. Go directly to your Eastern Emperor Sect and give yourself some glaze."

"Hmph!" Hearing the old beggar's sarcasm, someone secretly snorted.

But for the old beggar, this 'porcelain' is obviously not ready to answer.

But the old beggar's words obviously worked, because although he didn't answer, he obviously wasn't going to make another move.

The confrontation between the two top powerhouses was over, and the rest of the people turned their focus back to Lin Mu and Yun Tianhua.

Yun Tianhua spoke first, and said: "Lin Mu, it is already a capital offense for you to despise the Great Emperor, and you innocently murder fellow cultivators. I, East Xuanzhou, will absolutely not tolerate you!"

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "I killed my comrades? What kind of comrades did I kill?"

Yun Tianhua said: "It's already known to everyone that you destroyed the True Yuan Sect, do you still want to deny it now?"

Lin Mudao: "I destroyed the True Yuan Sect, but I never thought of denying it. It's just that what does my destruction of the True Yuan Sect have to do with your Eastern Emperor Sect? As far as I know, the True Yuan Sect seems to belong to the Northern Emperor Sect. Subordinate forces, right? Your East Emperor Sect first represented the Tiannv Sect, and now you want to represent the Northern Emperor Sect? Could it be that your East Emperor Sect is going to represent the entire cultivation world in the future?"

Lin Mu's words can be said to be heartbreaking, Yun Tianhua can't be Lin Mu's opponent even if he can speak ten rounds.

"Old dog, do you have anything else to say? If you don't, please leave. If your Emperor Sect wants to bully others, if you don't pay a price today, your East Emperor Sect will never leave my Fumanlou! "After Lin Mu finished speaking, he turned around the hand formula.

Then, in the entire area where Fumanlou was located, countless large and small formations emerged, and these formations seemed to be detonated at any time under Lin Shu's control.

Ever since he dealt with the Zhenyuanmen, Lin Mu has been very fond of this method, and this method is by far the best way to protect the sect himself.

Looking at the countless formations that emerged, Yun Tianhua's expression changed suddenly, but he still said calmly: "Do you think that such a trick can scare me away? Or do you think that such a trick can scare me away?" it works?"

Lin Mudao: "It may be useless to you, but it will be more useful to the people you bring. And if you think that if you fight to the end, your East Emperor Sect will really not lose at all? I'm afraid that it will be the end. Your Eastern Emperor Sect wanted to represent the realm of cultivation, but was finally represented by someone else!"

(End of this chapter)

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