Supreme Chef

Chapter 802 Broken Heart Valley

Chapter 802 Broken Heart Valley

Lin Mu and Wu De took advantage of the darkness to sneak all the way, and soon left Fumanlou.

Lin Mu and Wu De didn't alarm anyone, after all, now is a critical period, and Lin Mu can't take any risks.

The two of them sneaked away thousands of miles before they dared to show their figures.

After showing his figure, Wu De also complained, saying: "Are we being so careful? If I were from those Emperor Sects, I wouldn't block you here, I'll go directly to the Ruthless Sea and wait for you."

Lin Mu said: "If you are not afraid of someone robbing you, we will go back and come out from the front again swaggeringly."

When Wu De heard this, he immediately fainted.

Lin Mu took out the jade slip that Mo Fei gave him that day, on which was marked the first concubine through the ages, Liu Wuqing's final training place.

Lin Shu didn't know where the place marked on the jade slips was.

After all, Dong Xuan Continent is so vast, and what the trees walk is only a small part of it.

"Show me, let me see where it is?" Wu De said impatiently.

The mark on the jade slip is a bit vague, which may be due to the age or the fact that the maid is not clear about it, so there is only an approximate position on the jade slip.

Lin Mu didn't hide it, and threw the jade slip to Wu De directly.

Wu De took the jade slip and immediately looked into it impatiently.

"Huh?" With just one glance, Wu De's brows could not help but wrinkle.

Lin Mu looked at Wu De whose expression changed, and said, "How do you know this place?"

Wu De didn't answer Lin Mu's words, but murmured to himself, "Why is this place?"

Lin Mu didn't think that Wu De really knew this place, so he couldn't help asking: "Do you really know this place?"

Wu De smiled wryly, and said, "Not only do I know this place, but I almost died in this place."

Lin Mu knew Wu De's ability, and it was definitely a very dangerous place to be able to make Wu De almost die without thinking about it.

"What is this place?" Lin Mu asked.

Wu Dedao: "Very few people know about this place. It's called Broken Heart Valley. Although it's not a Jedi, I feel that this area is much more dangerous than many Jedi in Eastern Xuanzhou.

I have also been to some Jedi in Dongxuanzhou, but compared with this place.I'd rather spend the night in those Jedi, Heartbroken Valley is really not a place for people. "

Hearing Wu De's words, Lin Mu couldn't help frowning.

Although Lin Mu knew that there would be danger here, he never thought that this place was even more dangerous than the Jedi.

Lin Mu said: "Tell me about the specific situation inside."

Wu De smiled bitterly and said: "I don't even know the specific situation inside, so I can't tell you at all. In short, this place is very evil."

After a pause, Wu De said: "Besides, I think it's not just the two of us who know about Liu Wuqing, there must be other people who know about it. But why there is no news coming out here, I think it is very likely that everyone who entered is dead .No one came out alive."

After hearing Wu De's analysis, Lin Mu couldn't help but gasped.

There are people among the Jedi who can or bring out some secrets.For Liu Wuqing's place, Lin Mu didn't believe that this was the news that only he knew, but until now there was no information about it. It is really possible that as Wu De said, everyone who entered died.No one came out alive.

Otherwise, as long as one person leaves alive, there will be news.

"Are you really sure there is nothing wrong with this jade slip?" Wu De seemed to be very taboo there.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I'm sure there is absolutely nothing wrong with this jade slip."

Wu De received an affirmative answer, bowed his head and thought for a long time, as if he was making a difficult decision.

"Damn it! Wealth and wealth are in danger, and the things left by the first concubine through the ages are worth dying." Wu De finally made a decision.

In fact, no matter whether Wu De goes or not, Lin Mu will definitely go.

Xu Mei's exercises are just a book I found casually, and I have to find the most suitable exercises for Xu Mei.And the charming skills of Liu Wuqing, who is known as the first concubine through the ages, is obviously the most suitable for Xu Mei.

Lin Mu said: "Since you know the way, then you will lead the way."

Wu De was not polite either, and directly took over the control of the flying Lingbao.

After Wu De took over the control, he immediately changed his direction and headed towards Broken Heart Valley.

Heartbroken Valley is not too close to Fumanlou, but with the full speed of the teleportation array and flying spirit treasures, Wu De and Lin Mu also arrived at Heartbroken Valley three days later.

Wu De surprisingly didn't say a word all the way, which also made Lin Mu realize that Broken Heart Valley is definitely more dangerous than he imagined.

Broken Heart Valley is located in a very remote place with almost no people.Within a radius of [-] miles, Lin Mu and Wu De came over, but they didn't see a single sect or power.Even one-star sects and influences are completely non-existent.

Although Dong Xuan Continent is large, it is really rare to see a desert of hundreds of thousands of miles.

Broken Heart Valley is different from the desolation in Lin Shu's imagination.The place where the Broken Heart Valley is located is not only a barren land, but also a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, full of aura.

Lin Shu is here, and he can't feel any heartbroken place at all.

"Are you really sure there is nothing wrong here?" Wu De looked at Heartbroken Valley in front of him and asked solemnly again.

Lin Mu said: "It must be right here."

Wu Dedao: "Don't blame me for not telling you in advance. This place is indeed very dangerous. After we go in, we can only ask for blessings. I can't help you. You have to think about it yourself, whether to enter or not Enter?"

Lin Mu said: "You keep saying that this place is dangerous, but you haven't told me what is dangerous here?"

Wu De thought for a while, and said: "I really can't tell you exactly where the danger is. In short, this place is very evil. When I came here, I saw with my own eyes two strong Ascendants committing suicide inside."

"Suicide?" Rumors of suicide can always be heard in Lin Mu on Earth, but in the cultivation world, Lin Mu has never heard of that monk committing suicide.Self-explosive, Lin Shu has seen a lot.

However, self-explosion was forced and helpless, and Lin Mu had never seen suicide before.

Wu De nodded, and said: "At that time, I saw the two of them committing suicide and turned around and ran away. Fortunately, I ran fast enough, otherwise I guess I would be the next one to commit suicide."

Lin Mudao: "What is there that can make a monk with an extremely powerful mind commit suicide?"

Wu Dedao: "I can't say that well. In short, as soon as you step here, all the negative emotions in your life will be magnified without limit. And under the influence of these negative emotions, it is really difficult for you not to commit suicide. "

"Amplified negative emotions?" Lin Mu frowned again.

Negative emotions are bound to exist as long as they are creatures, but even if they really have negative emotions, they shouldn't make monks commit suicide.What's more, monks can completely cut off their own negative emotions, how could they be led by the nose by negative emotions.

Looking at Lin Mu's expression, Wu De knew that Lin Mu didn't believe it, and said, "I guess you definitely don't believe it. Negative emotions can indeed be cut off, but as long as you leave even a trace of negative emotions here, it will be destroyed in an instant. Restore, and infinitely magnify."

Lin Mu said: "Is it really so powerful?"

Wu Dedao: "If you don't believe me, go in and try it yourself. I was the one who was alert at the time, so I ran fast. If I was one step slower, I would lose all energy and die."

What Wu De said didn't look like a lie, but Lin Mu still didn't quite believe that there would be such power here.

Wu De grabbed a sixth-level spirit beast from the bottle he was hiding in that day, and threw it directly into Heartbroken Valley with a flick of his hand.

"Look for yourself," Wu De said.

Lin Mu was also staring closely at the sixth-level spirit beast at this time, to see how the spirit beast committed suicide.

This is a level [-] iron bear with amazing attack power.

Just after being thrown out by Wu De, he roared angrily, but the next moment.The iron bear unexpectedly showed an extremely painful expression, which was not the pain of its being hurt.It's the pained expression that it thought of something.


In the end, Iron Bear neighed in grief under Lin Mu's shocked eyes.He even smashed his own head with his own bear paw.

(End of this chapter)

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