Supreme Chef

Chapter 803

Chapter 803

Lin Mu looked at the level six iron bear and smashed his head in front of him.Directly destroying his own sea of ​​consciousness, he couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.

At the same time, Lin Mu's expression also became more dignified.A sixth-level iron bear has already opened up its spiritual intelligence, and its mentality is no worse than any human monk.

A high-level spirit beast with such intelligence can already control its emotions at will, just like humans.

"Why do you believe it now?" Wu De said looking at Lin Mu with a solemn expression.

The facts are right in front of our eyes, Lin Mu can't believe it or not.But even if the tree is a letter, the heartbroken valley tree must go in.

Wu Dedao: "The dangers here are not limited to these, this is just one of them that I know. So before we go in, we must make sure that there is nothing wrong with this jade slip. This is a major matter related to our lives. And this jade slip The line above Jane, just point out that there is no..."

"Huh!" Before Wu De could finish speaking, there was a sound of surprise.

Lin Mu followed the sound and saw that it was also the jade slip in Wu De's hand, and there was a change.

The originally dull jade slips, after arriving here, actually shone brightly.

And the most miraculous thing is that the place where the brilliance is pointing is exactly in Heartbroken Valley.

"Do you still need me to prove it?" Lin Mu said.

It really doesn't need to be proved, this piece of jade bamboo and Wu De has been inspected countless times, and nothing unusual has been found.But as soon as he arrived here, such a change occurred, and it was obvious that there was no need to prove everything.

This is obviously the place where the first concubine of all ages, Liu Wuqing, practiced for the last time.

Wu De looked at the shining precious light on the jade slip, and also gritted his teeth and said: "Damn it, I don't want the child to be caught by the wolf."

After speaking, Wu De took out the soul-locking talisman that he used to deal with the old ghost of the Ye family that day.

"The soul-locking talisman can be restrained, what's the weird energy here?" Seeing Wu De take out the soul-locking talisman, Lin Mu also asked.

Wu Dedao: "I don't know about this, but I was able to escape that day because of this soul-locking talisman."

Lin Mu looked at the soul-locking talisman in Wu De's hand, and thought for a while: "The soul-locking talisman is useful, which obviously means that the energy here is directly acting on the soul."

After thinking for a while, Lin Mu said, "Wait here for me, I'll go in and try."

Wu De stopped Lin Mu, and said seriously: "This is not just for fun. If you try something wrong, I won't have time to save you."

Lin Mu said: "Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion, I'm just experimenting on the periphery."

Wu De stuffed his soul-locking talisman to Lin Mu, and said: "Then you take this soul-locking talisman, maybe it can save your life at critical times."

Lin Mu looked at the soul-locking talisman Wu Desai gave him, and said with a smile: "You are not afraid that I will steal your soul-locking talisman away."

Wu De curled his lips and said, "Do you think you can outrun your fat man? Your fat man is afraid that you will die accidentally, and no one will cooperate with me."

Lin Mu laughed loudly, then handed the soul-locking talisman to Wu De, and said, "You should keep this soul-locking talisman yourself, I have a way to deal with the energy here."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, there was an ups and downs, and he entered the range of Broken Heart Valley.

Lin Shu had just stepped into Heartbroken Valley, and didn't feel anything unusual.

Just when Lin Mu felt that he was not deep enough, whether he should go deeper.

All of a sudden, all the negative emotions in my heart flooded into my sea of ​​consciousness in an instant.

All the ordeals that Lin Mu had experienced during the sound were magnified countless times at this moment.

These negative emotions are like movies, circulating in the sea of ​​consciousness of the forest over and over again.

Wrapped by these negative emotions, Lin Mu instantly felt extremely desperate. At this moment, Lin Mu only had one thought in his mind.That is to end one's own life and give one's soul a complete relief.

Watching Lin Mu's expression change outside, Wu De couldn't help becoming worried, but Lin Mu has no plans to end his life yet, and Wu De doesn't plan to venture in.

"Sister Qing, I'm sorry, we can only see you in the next life." The sadness continued to permeate, Lin Mu let out a loud roar, and was about to raise his hand to shatter his sea of ​​consciousness.

But just when Lin Mu was about to make a move, the soul-suppressing talisman suddenly released a series of suctions, absorbing all the negative emotions into himself, and then directly transformed them into pure spiritual power.

The negative emotions disappeared, and Lin Mu woke up instantly.

Seeing that the distance between the palm of his hand and the top of his head was less than an inch, Lin Shu was also secretly startled.

It's still too risky for me, if it wasn't for the soul-suppressing talisman, it would be activated at a critical moment.I am afraid now that I am already a dead body.

"This is really Heartbroken Valley. Entering the valley is really heartbreaking." Lin Mu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said to himself.

"You're all right, hurry up and save me!" Lin Mu just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Wu De's difficult voice.

Lin Mu looked back and saw that Wu De was struggling hard.

Lin Mu looked at Wu De and said, "Why did you come in?"

"I'm here to save you! Why don't you save me now!" Wu De spent a lot of energy before he could say a complete sentence.

Wu De was able to speak a complete sentence thanks to the soul-locking talisman in his hand.

But at this time, the soul-locking talisman in Wu De's hand had cracks, and it was obvious that the soul-locking talisman would not last long.

Seeing this, Lin Mu didn't talk nonsense, and directly drew the pattern on the soul-suppressing mansion that he had mastered.

In one place of this mysterious pattern, all the energy was absorbed by it immediately, and Wu De's pressure disappeared instantly.



Wu De sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

Looking at the soul-locking talisman that had turned into powder in his hand, Wu De also threw the soul-locking talisman aside.

Wu De looked at Lin Mu and said, "For you to lose such a precious soul-locking talisman, how do you plan to compensate me?"

Lin Mu looked at Wu De, staring intently at the pattern he drew, and knew what Wu De was paying attention to.

Lin Mu looked at Wu De and said with a smile: "Then how do you want me to compensate you?"

Wu De rubbed his hands and laughed, "There's no need to make any compensation, just teach me how to draw your pattern."

Wu De has been working underground all year round, and it is inevitable that he will often encounter some unpredictable forces.If you have mastered the pattern of forest trees, then you will be safer if you go down by yourself.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "I can teach you, as long as you can learn it."

Wu De was able to come in to save himself regardless of everything, Lin Mu was still very moved.

Wu De couldn't help but said happily: "I'm very smart, as soon as you teach me, I can do it."

Lin Mu said: "Then you have a good look, I will teach you once."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he raised his hand to draw again, and another pattern on the soul-suppressing talisman appeared.

After Wu De saw it, he imitated it immediately.

However, Wu De studied for a long time, but he didn't draw it once.

Lin Mu looked at the depressed Wu De, and said, "Go back and slowly understand this, let's finish the work in front of us first."

Wu De practiced a few more times, but in the end he had no choice but to give up, saying: "Forget it, let's go first and find Liu Wuqing's treasure."

(End of this chapter)

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