Supreme Chef

Chapter 804 Flaws in the Cultivation Technique

Chapter 804 Flaws in the Cultivation Technique

Compared with such mysterious runes that cannot be deciphered in the short term, it is obvious that Liu Wuqing's treasure in front of him is more attractive to Wu De.

Wu De took out the jade slip, relying on the shining light from the jade slip.Lin Mu and Wu De moved forward all the way.

There is a natural air ban in Broken Heart Valley, and you can only walk here, and flying is something you don't even think about.

However, with the pattern of the soul-suppressing talisman blocking the front, the two of them don't have to worry about the pressure that touches the soul.

Lin Mu and Wu De walked forward for an hour, and the light of the jade slip gradually became brighter.

"It seems that we are getting closer and closer to the treasure!" Wu De said enthusiastically as he watched the changes in the jade slips.

In fact, along the way, the two of them passed through a lot of good things, but compared to Liu Wuqing's treasure, these things are too childish.Neither of them want to waste time on this kind of stuff.

Lin Mu also nodded, Lin Mu also looked forward to the treasure left by the first concubine through the ages.

Lin Mu in Xijizhou didn't know much about this first concubine through the ages, because he was not in the same era as her.

But after arriving in Dongxuanzhou, Lin Mu did get a lot of information about Liu Wuqing through inquiring from the side.

However, all of these information are very vague. Obtaining this information makes it even more difficult for Lin Mu to judge.

So far, only three things have been clarified about Liu Wuqing and Lin Mu.

First, the era in which Liu Wuqing lived should be in ancient times or a period of time after the end of ancient times.

Second, Liu Wuqing is very, very powerful, not to mention the number one in the world in terms of charm, but there are definitely no more than three who can compare with it.

The third Liu Wuqing is very mysterious, except for some records in the unofficial history, there is no record.And she didn't have any orthodoxy left behind.

In fact, Lin Mu also asked Wu De about Liu Wuqing.But Wu De is also not clear, the reason why Wu De knows and is interested is the treasure left by Liu Wuqing.

It was because Wu De had robbed many old antique tombs. In these tombs, he had seen some descriptions of Liu Wuqing in just a few words.

Although Wu De also didn't know who Liu Wuqing was.But Wu De knew that it would never be easy to be brought into the coffin by these old antiques.As for the people they brought into the coffin, it is even more impossible for them to be simple people.

The shining white light emitted by the jade slips has been leading Wu De and the two of them forward continuously.

"Wait! Look at the front, is there someone sitting there!" Wu De suddenly stopped, pointing to the silhouette of a person not far ahead and said.

The suppression of spiritual consciousness here is extremely strong, even with the powerful spiritual consciousness of Lin Mu, it can only detect less than one foot of the whole body.

Lin Mu followed Wu De's hand and looked at a position [-] meters away from him.

Lin Shu vaguely saw the shape of a person, but the whole body of this person was covered by a layer of fallen leaves.Lin Mu couldn't tell whether it was a real person or a dummy, a living person or a dead person.

"Let's go and have a look." Lin Mu suggested.

Wu De grabbed Lin Mu, and said, "In such a wicked place, we'd better do one more thing than one less thing. No matter whether he is a human or a ghost, we'd better not mess with him, we'd better walk around."

Lin Mu thought for a while when he heard Wu De's words, and said, "That's fine, then let's go around."

"Are you...are you looking for the treasure left by Liu Wuqing!" Just as Lin Mu and Wu De were about to detour and leave, a weak voice suddenly came from ahead.

Hearing the person in front speak, Lin Mu and Wu De also stopped.

Lin Mu looked at the vague figure in front of him, and said warily, "We are indeed looking for what Liu Wuqing left behind. I wonder what your opinion is?"

No one would come here to play in their free time, so Lin Mu didn't have to hide anything at all.

"I have a map to go to Liu Wuqing's treasure, as long as you come and send me out, I am willing to give you the map. I can also tell you how to break the enchanting array arranged by Liu Wuqing." Said a long sentence The words seemed to consume all his strength.

Hearing this, Wu De said directly: "You don't need to bother, we have a way to get to Liu Wuqing's treasure. As for the formation, you don't need to bother, he and I are both formation masters, if we join forces Formation that cannot be solved. Even if we know how to break it, it will definitely be useless.”

What Wu De said is correct, given his and Lin Mu's attainments in formations.If there is a formation that neither of them can decipher, even if you give them the formation map, it will also be impossible to decipher.

Because things like formations require not only the cooperation of formations, but also the support of cultivation.

It's like a formation master of a qi trainer, even if his formation is extremely accomplished.But if you give him a seventh-level formation, even if he can see the doorway inside, there is no way to break it.

For the same reason, if Lin Mu and Wu De join forces with this formation, it will be impossible to crack it.That's definitely not the problem of their inability to penetrate the formation, but the level of the formation is too high, which has completely exceeded the scope of the two of them.

After Wu De finished speaking, he was about to pull Lin Mu away.

"Wait, don't go! In addition to knowing the secret of Liu Wuqing's treasure, I also know one of the biggest secrets about Liu Wuqing's cultivation technique. I think the two of you came here this time, not just for the treasure. If you put this The problematic exercises have been passed on to your friends, and it will be too late for you to come to me again." At this time, he spoke so neatly that he couldn't even breathe.

After hearing this, Wu De couldn't help but sneered, and said, "Didn't you just pretend to be very similar? How come you can't even breathe now, and you recovered so quickly?"

"I did deceive you two just now, but it's true that I can't move here. As long as you two can use your mysterious runes to help me get out of here, I am willing to pass on the biggest secret of Liu Wuqing's cultivation technique. , tell you. And I can also tell you the cracking method I know." The person covered by fallen leaves is quite frank at this time.

Wu De snorted coldly and said, "I'm not interested in Fat Master, let's go."

Seeing that Lin Mu seemed a little moved, Wu De said: "Don't listen to this person talking nonsense here, there is still a problem with the inheritance of the first concubine through the ages. Even if there is a problem, how can someone like you know about it."

Lin Mu nodded after hearing Wu De's words.

Moreover, Lin Mu was also very wary of the person who was acting just now.

Lin Mu had to be vigilant for the person who was able to go all the way here without dying, and who had persisted for an unknown number of years.

For such people, Lin Mu's attitude is naturally not to provoke them, so Wu De called him to leave, and Lin Mu simply followed Wu De to make a detour.

"You come here to look for exercises, you are looking for a person who is born with a beautiful body. Although Liu Wuqing's charming skills are extremely powerful when paired with a natural charming body, its biggest shortcoming is that after this charming skill is cultivated to the extreme, it will From being romantic and charming, to being ruthless, cold-blooded, selfish, and brutal. This is the biggest shortcoming in the practice, and it is also the reason why Liu Wuqing finally changed her name to Wuqing, and even the reason for her final fall." Seeing Lin Mu And Wu Dezhen was about to leave, and the trapped person also threw his biggest hole card.

(End of this chapter)

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