Supreme Chef

Chapter 806 Do You Have Another Way?

Chapter 806 Do You Have Another Way?

It's just an obsession without a specific shape, so it's natural to be extremely afraid of Tianlei's obsession.

But it's useless to be afraid, when it opened its mouth, Lin Shu had already made a move.


The Thunder Gun went straight to that obsession. Although that obsession wanted to avoid it, how could it be faster than Tianlei.


The thunder gun directly blasted into its body and exploded, immediately blowing away half of that obsession.


That obsession is also angry and frightened towards Lin Shu at this time.

It knew that it had no chance at all, and it was no match for Lin Mu at all.

If it knew that trees were so difficult to mess with, it would not have chosen trees in the first place.

The reason why it chose Linshu in the first place was because Linshu could come here.If it wants to seize the house, it will naturally choose a strong one that it can handle.

But obviously its calculations were good, but it chose the wrong target.

Lin Shu is indeed powerful, but this strength is completely beyond its ability to handle.

"Want to run!"

Lin Mu saw that he had the obsession to run, so how could he let it go.

This is its home field, and it will definitely cause endless trouble if it runs away.The ghost knows what kind of things it will do in secret.

Lin Mu raised his hand and counted to the Thunder Spear, piercing the deepest part of that obsession.



After a lightning strike, nine-tenths of that obsession was wiped out in an instant, and only one-tenth of the remaining ones were very weak and still persisted.

"Don't do anything, I admit defeat, I am willing to take you to find Liu Wuqing's treasure." He said weakly with his obsession.

Lin Musen said coldly, "Of course we will find the treasure, but you are useless. I will not leave a time bomb by my side."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu raised his hand and fired five lightning robbery guns, which directly smashed the remaining one-tenth into pieces.

Having shattered this Liu Wuqing's obsession, Wu De curled his lips and said, "Doesn't this Liu Wuqing seem very strong?"

Lin Mudao: "This is just a trace of obsession that Liu Wuqing cut off. When did she cut off this trace of obsession? How much strength does she have? We don't even know. Besides, this trace of obsession has been here for tens of thousands of years. Now, he can still possess such strength. One can imagine how powerful Liu Wuqing was back then."

In fact, Lin Mu killed Liu Wuqing's obsession, instead of feeling relaxed, he felt very heavy instead.

As Lin Mu said, it's not that Liu Wuqing is not powerful.Rather, Liu Wuqing's strength was somewhat beyond Lin Mu's imagination.

After tens of thousands of years of obsession, a trace of obsession can still possess such power.If it wasn't for the fact that he happened to own the Thunder Robbery Gun and could just restrain it, Lin Mu and Wu De would definitely have to spend a lot of effort to get rid of this trace of obsession.

"Hearing what you said, it seems to be the same. It seems that this Liu Wuqing is really too powerful. No wonder those old dead ghosts still miss her when they enter the coffin. We should hurry to find her and keep her Something." Wu De said after pondering for a moment.

Lin Mu and Wu De continued to set off, and with the guidance of the jade slip, they would not get lost in this Heartbroken Valley.

The light became brighter and brighter, and in the end the jade slip was almost like a star.

"It should be here. The brightness of the jade slip is the brightest only when it is here. If you walk in the other four directions, the brightness will be weakened." Wu De said, pointing to an empty space in front of him.

This is the central part of Broken Heart Valley, where the same flowers are blooming, but there are no traces of caves or treasures here.

Lin Mu and Wu De have also been searching for a long time. Apart from making sure that this should be the place they are looking for, they have not found any trace of the formation here.

"There must be a hidden formation here that we can't see, but Liu Wuqing's method of setting up the formation is so clever that we can't find any traces of the formation at all." Wu De turned around again , Said incomparably depressed.

Standing on the treasure mountain, but can't find it, this feeling makes Wu De crazy.

Lin Mu walked around in a circle, and then said: "I have a simple method, I can directly find the location of the formation here."

Wu De looked at Lin Mu, and said vigilantly: "You don't want to attack here, to activate the formation here?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Exactly!"

When Wu De heard this, he quickly stopped him and said: "Don't mess around! We don't even know what kind of formation is arranged here in such an evil place. If you activate the killing formation here, the two of us If you fill it in, it’s not enough to fit between your teeth.”

What Wu De said is right, if there is only a single concealment formation here, Lin Shu's method is naturally effective.But here is not just a single hidden formation, there are many brilliant formations that they don't know about.

If it was really an accident, it would trigger the killing array here.Even if Lin Mu and Wu De have wings, they are not enough to fly out.

Lin Mu also knew that what Wu De said was right, but apart from this method, Lin Mu really couldn't think of any other way to activate the formation here.

Lin Mu spread his hands and said, "Besides this method, do you think we have other methods?"

Wu De stared at this place, feeling anxious in his heart.

He, Wu De, has robbed countless tombs, but this is the first time he has handled treasures of this level, and facing the current situation, he is also a little helpless.

Wu De stared at this place for a long time, then gritted his teeth, and said: "Forget it, I'm at a disadvantage. I have a seventh-level attack ancient talisman here. The attack is equivalent to the full blow of a strong person who has completed the tribulation realm. I hope It can stimulate the changes in the formation here."

Lin Mu looked at Wu De and said with a smile: "You have such good things, why didn't you take them out earlier."

Wu De looked at Lin Mu with a smile on his face, curled his lips and said, "You thought it was so easy to get the seven-level attack ancient talisman. Now that your goal has been achieved, are you happy?"

Lin Mu looked at the painful look on his face, and said with a smile: "You don't have to take it out, it doesn't matter if we just attack directly."

Seeing Lin Mu's smug expression, Wu De wanted to ruthlessly press Lin Mu to the ground and step on Lin Mu hard.

Ever since he got to know Lin Mu, Wu De has lost count of how many times he has been tricked by Lin Mu.

I think that I have always taken advantage of it before, and when have I suffered a disadvantage.But ever since he got to know Lin Mu, he seemed to have been at a disadvantage.

"Are you my nemesis!" Wu De said looking at Lin Mu.

Lin Mu laughed and said, "I don't mind if you think so, but I think you are my lucky star."

"You..." Hearing Lin Mu's words, Wu De gritted his teeth angrily.

"Forget it, I don't have the same knowledge as you, I lost a seventh-level ancient talisman, if you open Liu Wuqing's treasure, if there is one in it, you must compensate me for one!" Wu De said.

Lin Mu patted Wu De on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, there is no problem, as long as there is one in it, I will find a good one to compensate you."

Wu De looked at the sincerity on Lin Mu's face, and felt that he seemed to be cheated again.

After Wu De'an placed the seventh-level offensive ancient talisman, he and Lin Mu arrived at a relatively safe position.


With a low growl, Wu De directly detonated the talisman.


With Wu De's 'explosion', the ancient talisman detonated, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

At the same time, the ground under their feet shook violently.

"Oops! Run!"

Wu De watched the flame wave at the center of the explosion quickly push towards his direction, and at the same time the ground under his feet changed for a while, knowing that although he and Lin Shu had already escaped, they were still trapped in the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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