Supreme Chef

Chapter 807

Chapter 807

Although Lin Mu and Wu De ran fast, they still had no formations and advanced fast.

"Can't run away!"

Before Wu De could finish his words, he and Lin Mu fell into the formation.

As soon as the two entered the formation, they stood back to back.For two formation masters, it is not terrible to fall into the big formation.

Lin Mu and Wu De stood back to back, looking at the dark surroundings, Wu De said: "What kind of ghost formation is this, I don't even see it."

In fact, it wasn't just Wu De who didn't see Mingtang, even Lin Mu didn't see Mingtang at all.

It's not scary to fall into a formation, but if you fall into a formation that can't see any signs at all, it's very scary.

Lin Mu and Wu De stood in place for a full hour, and the formation didn't change at all.And at this moment, Lin Mu and Wu De tried many methods to find out the Mingtang of this formation, but they all ended in failure.

"Why don't we go around and stand here all the time, and we can't see anything bright." Wu De suggested.

When falling into the formation, the most taboo thing is to wander around, because this will only make the formation more complicated.

But for Lin Mu and Wu De, there was nothing they could do except to walk back and forth to see if there would be any subsequent changes to the formation.

Lin Mu nodded, and the two of them were also back to back, pushing forward slowly.

"You said that Liu Wuqing is known as the first concubine through the ages, and the formation she left behind should be quite beautiful. Why is it so dark here, like hell?" Wu De said as he walked.


As soon as Wu De's voice fell, suddenly a black flame shot out from the ground.


Wu De couldn't dodge for a while, and was directly ignited by the black flames on his clothes.


The clothes were ignited by the flames, Wu De hurriedly patted it with his hands, but it was okay not to pat, the black flame immediately burned Wu De whole.

"Oh my god, help me!" Wu De saw that his whole body was covered, and he called for help loudly.

Lin Mu also felt a little strange looking at the black flame that suddenly ignited on Wu De's body.

"Black flames, there seems to be no black flames in the realm of comprehension?" Lin Mu looked at the burning black flames on Wu De suspiciously and said.

Seeing that Lin Mu was still in the mood to study the flames on his body at this moment, Wu De also yelled anxiously, saying: "You still have the mood to study the flames on my body now, I will be burned to death later!"

Lin Mu simply ignored Wu De's yelling, but carefully looked at the black flames on Wu De's body.

"This seems to be somewhat similar to the legendary karmic fire. The free karmic fire is the black flame. But the karmic fire is the legendary hell fire. How could it appear here?" Lin Mu murmured to himself.

"Hurry up and find a way to help me extinguish this unlucky flame, why are you still standing there?" Wu De saw Lin Mu talking to himself, not caring about himself at all, and shouted anxiously.

Lin Mu looked at Wu De and said, "Be quiet for a while, you don't have any scars on your body, why are you screaming?"

Wu De also stopped when he heard Lin Mu's words, looked at himself, and said strangely: "Hey, it really doesn't hurt at all."

After a pause, Wu De suddenly remembered something, and said, "What kind of flame did you say just now? Is it karmic fire?"

Lin Mudao: "Only the karmic fire in the underworld in the legend can have such a color. But the karmic fire only appeared in the legend, how could it appear here."

Wu De looked at the raging flames burning on his body, and said, "Is this really karmic fire? If it is really karmic fire, then it should be able to burn my karma, right?"


As soon as Wu De finished speaking, he suddenly rolled on the ground in pain.

"I'm burning to death, why did it suddenly become so hot!" Wu De rolled on the ground in pain, and at the same time, wisps of black smoke flew out from Wu De's body.

Seeing the black smoke flying out, Lin Mu couldn't help being startled, and said, "Could this really be the legendary karmic fire from hell!"

Karmic fire is something that claims to burn away karma in the body, and karma is a very mysterious thing.

Usually, you can't feel it at all, but when you are going through the catastrophe, things like cause and effect will be fully reflected.

If a person's karma is too heavy, then the power of his catastrophe will be very great.

And this kind of formidable power is completely different from the heaven-defying kind of trees. One is to kill people, and the other is to sharpen people. They are completely different concepts.

Lin Mu looked at Wu De, who was rolling back and forth on the ground, trying to put out the karmic fire on his body, and lowered his head to draw a karmic fire from the ground to his upper body.

Karmic fire will not cause substantial harm to the human body, so the trees will not get angry.

Looking at the black karmic fire burning ragingly in his hand, Lin Shu's brows were also furrowed.

Logically speaking, this kind of karmic fire can only appear in the legendary underworld.How could it appear in the cultivation world.

"Could this karmic fire really be able to burn the karma in the body?" Lin Mu looked at the karmic fire and murmured.

As soon as Lin Mu's voice fell, these karmic fires burned rapidly, and Lin Mu also felt a pain that went deep into his soul.


Lin Mu let out a cold snort, and then directly sacrificed his own frost-flowing sky fire, using his own frost-flowing sky fire to block the burning of the karmic fire.

"Senior, this karmic fire is really strange. Can you see what it is?" Lin Mu looked at the black karmic fire that was blocked by his frosty sky fire, and asked Taoist Guang through voice transmission.

Daoist Guang also said in a serious tone: "This karma fire is really strange. Even if this kind of thing really appears, it should never appear in the realm of comprehension. Moreover, karma fire can burn karma, but it is just a legend. People have actually seen it."

"No one has seen it..." Lin Mu heard the words of Taoist Guang, and a light flashed in his mind.

"I know!" Lin Mu's eyes lit up, and he suddenly shouted loudly.

"These things should be the formations here, created according to what we think in our hearts. Wu De just said that it is like hell, so there is karmic fire. Then I said that karmic fire can burn the karma in the body, Wu De De must have thought so in his heart.

So the fire of karma began to burn the cause and effect on Wu De's body, as for the wisps of black smoke.It is completely what I think in my heart, the appearance of burning karma.All of this is our own imagination, and then it was concretized by the formation! "In an instant, Lin Mu wanted to understand all the reasons for this.

"Wu De, stop all your thinking, and this fire of karma will naturally disappear!" Lin Mu wanted to understand everything, and reminded Wu De.

When Wu De heard what Lin Mu said, he immediately followed suit and stopped all thoughts.Let your entire sea of ​​consciousness be in a state of silence.

Sure enough, Wu De's entire sea of ​​consciousness stopped functioning, and all visions disappeared.

Seeing that his body was intact, Wu De finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"What kind of ghost formation is this? It can concretize all our thoughts. Then if I imagine a fairy, can a fairy really appear and slap me to death!" Wu De said very meanly .

After Wu Degang finished speaking, the next moment Lin Mu opened the distance between him and Wu De.

And after Wu De finished speaking, he also realized that he was being mean this time.He also wanted to cut off his thoughts in a hurry.

However, Wu De still took half a step. An extremely powerful big hand fell in the air, and it was really about to slap Wu De to death.

(End of this chapter)

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