Supreme Chef

Chapter 811 The Empty Treasure

Chapter 811 The Empty Treasure
Lin Mu looked at the treasure hunting compass in Wu De's hand, and his eyes widened involuntarily.

"The treasure hunting compass, which is said to never miss any magic weapon in the legend, is actually in your hands!" Lin Mu also said in surprise.

I have heard about this treasure-seeking compass tree for a long time. According to legend, the treasure-seeking compass was refined by an ancient man who loved to collect all kinds of magic weapons.

Although the level of this treasure hunting compass is unknown, it does not have any attack power.But its effect is to make everyone jealous.

Because it can find all the magic weapons hidden in the world.In other words, in theory, as long as you have the treasure hunting compass, you basically have all the magic weapons in the world.

But at the end of ancient times, the treasure hunting compass has long since disappeared.Lin Mu was really surprised to see it on Wu De's body today.

Wu De looked at Lin Mu's eyes, put away the treasure hunting compass, and said, "You don't want to take advantage of the fire at this time, do you? If you want to take advantage of the fire at this time, don't blame me for turning against you?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Don't worry, we are comrades-in-arms. Why would I take advantage of the fire at this time? I just want to know whether your Treasure Hunting Compass is real or fake?"

Wu De glanced at Lin Mu and said, "Can you control it?"

Lin Mu smirked twice, and said, "I really don't care, but I'm just curious, what should I do? How about I grab it and study it myself?"

"You still want to take advantage of the fire and rob me, and if you dare to rob me, I will fight with you!" Hearing that Lin Mu wanted to rob, Wu De also pulled away from Lin Mu all of a sudden, obviously looking desperate to protect his magic weapon posture.

Lin Mu looked at Wu De's nervous look, and said, "If it's okay, don't watch it, let's find a way to go out and talk about it."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Wu De took out his treasure hunting compass again, but operated it at a distance from Lin Mu.

"This Wu De is actually able to possess such an ancient and heaven-defying magic weapon. It seems that his origin is more complicated than I thought." Taoist Guang also expressed such emotion.

Lin Mu also responded: "There are definitely more secrets in Wu De than we imagined. It took me a lot of effort to get rid of Liu Wuqing's obsession with the Heavenly Dragon Bow. Although Wu De looked It looked like he was seriously injured, but in fact there was no major problem at all. It was just a bit embarrassing."

Taoist Guang also agreed with Lin Mu's words: "You still have to be careful with this Wu De."

Lin Mudao: "Don't worry, I believe that I look at people with eyes. Apart from Wu De's love of magic weapons as much as Xiaolong, there must be no problem with his character. It is impossible for him and me to become enemies."

"Throw the jade slip over to me." Wu De said suddenly at this moment.

"Okay!" Lin Mu agreed, and also threw the jade slip to Wu De.

Wu De took the jade slip and fiddled with it for a while before saying: "The route indicated on this jade slip basically coincides with that shown on the treasure hunting compass. We should be right to follow the instructions on the jade slip. It's not Liu Wuqing's treasure, but there must be a treasure ahead."

Lin Mu said: "Okay! Then let's go in that direction."

Lin Mu followed behind Wu De, walking forward all the way.

Lin Mu may have some experience in such things as breaking into the Jedi, but in terms of finding treasures, Lin Mu thinks that he is not Wu De's opponent.

Wu De led the way in front, constantly modifying the route, almost every time a certain distance was passed, the route would be modified.

After walking day and night, Wu De finally stopped.

"What's wrong?" Lin Mu asked.

Wu Dedao: "The instructions on the Jade Slip will end here. The Treasure Compass will also end here. I checked it just now, and the location of the treasure must be here. It's just that it is covered by a formation. It is difficult to break through the formation and see what is behind the formation."

After hearing Wu De's words, Lin Mu said, "Let me do it!"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he directly took out the Heavenly Dragon Bow and Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow.

"You are crazy, this is the Immortal Formation, you want to kill us!" Wu De also loudly stopped Lin Mu when he saw that he was going to play violence directly.

However, Wu De's stop was obviously too late, because Lin Mu had already pulled the Heavenly Dragon Bow straight away.


Seeing that Lin Shu had already shot an arrow, Wu De let out a strange cry, and quickly hid aside.

The sky dragon bone arrow shot out and went straight to where Wu De was standing just now.

Where the Sky Dragon Bone Arrow passed, all the blackness disintegrated inch by inch.

In the end, the celestial keel arrow pierced into the blackness that Wu De was standing on just now, and those blacknesses melted away like spring and white snow.

After the black melted, the entrance of a cave appeared in front of Lin Mu and Wu De.

Wu De didn't look at the entrance of the cave immediately, but stared at the Heavenly Dragon Bow and Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow in Lin Mu's hands with bright eyes.

"This is simply a tomb-robbing artifact. What conditions do you want to lend me this thing for a period of time!" Wu De said after swallowing.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "It's easy to say! As long as you can catch my three arrows and survive, I will lend you a year."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Wu De fainted immediately.

Not to mention three arrows, he couldn't catch even one arrow.This is a legendary treasure that has shattered the ancient times and annihilated a period of history.

Don't look at it's just a mini version now, but it's not something he can catch.If Lin Mu's cultivation base was a few levels lower than his, Wu De might still have a try.But now Lin Mu's cultivation base can completely suppress him.

If he agrees to pick up the Sky Dragon Bone Arrow again, then he will really seek death by himself.

Lin Mu didn't look at Wu De, who was listless, and put away the Heavenly Dragon Bow directly, and entered the cave.

Seeing this, Wu De also came to his senses, and then followed Lin Mu and went in.

He couldn't get the Heavenly Dragon Bow, but the treasure of Liu Wuqing, the first concubine through the ages, was within his reach.

There are no more formations and mechanisms in the cave, and the road is smooth, which makes both Lin Mu and Wu De a little uncomfortable.

Outside is an unbreakable fairy formation, but there are no preventive measures inside.

Of course, this is also understandable. First of all, almost no one can understand the weird, suicidal power in Broken Heart Valley.

Furthermore, the second layer is like an immortal formation, almost no one can come here.Therefore, Liu Wuqing is fundamental, so there is no need to arrange anything in the cave.

Along the way, Lin Mu and Wu De finally saw a bright light before their eyes, and they entered a cave that was completely full of femininity.

The cave is not big, only more than 100 square meters, and you can see it all at a glance.

There is no imaginary skyrocketing exposure, nor the imaginary permeation of medicine, this is just an ordinary women's boudoir.

"I've put in so much effort, you just let me watch this, aren't you kidding me?" Wu De looked at the empty cave, which was as far as the eye could see, and said very depressed.

Lin Mu also felt very strange, Liu Wuqing was so miraculous as people said, why didn't there be anything left in the cave where she cultivated.

Wu De did not give up and turned around. Apart from finding a bottle of the sixth-grade elixir, there was really nothing else.

"No way! It's really so clean!" Wu De said very depressed while holding the bottle of sixth-grade elixir.

Wu De wasted so much effort, not to find a bottle of sixth-grade pill.Although the sixth-grade elixir is already very precious.But this is not what Wu De imagined.

"Liu Wuqing has already explained everything here, and she has moved the things here to the Immortal World." Lin Mu said holding a piece of paper in his hand.

"What!" Hearing Lin Mu's words, Wu De's expression became bitter.

Wu De took the letter paper from Lin Mu's hand without giving up, and saw that Liu Wuqing had already explained it in the letter.

She cut off her obsession here, but did not refine it.Worried that his obsession would use the treasures he left behind to make trouble, so Liu Wuqing sealed all his treasures in a place in the fairy world.

"The things here were originally reserved for Liu Wuqing's maid. No wonder the jade slips left by this maid can lead us all the way here." After reading Liu Wuqing's letter, Lin Mu also figured out why he didn't A jade slip from a maid that Fei found had such an effect.

"I don't care who this place is for, anyway, I didn't come here to look at the bare cave! I want a treasure, I want a elixir!" After Wu De finished speaking, he angrily handed over the letter in his hand to Torn to pieces.

But at this moment, the mutation happened suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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