Supreme Chef

Chapter 812 Liu Wuqing's Arrangement

Chapter 812 Liu Wuqing's Arrangement
The pieces of paper were flying, and the mutation also happened at this moment.

The pieces of paper were flying in the air, and streaks of golden light flew out from the pieces of paper, reflecting lines of writing in mid-air.

It's a whole other letter, and it's a long one.

But the general idea is very simple, Liu Wuqing made such various arrangements.

It is because I am worried that the obsession I cut off will cause trouble, and rely on what I left behind to cause harm in the cultivation world.

As for his own inheritance, Liu Wuqing also made a detailed explanation, if his maid came here alive, he would take away his own inheritance.

At the same time, it also explained that if the person who came was not his maid.You can also take away your own inheritance, but you have to help yourself find your own maid, and give her a copy of the inheritance.Of course, Liu Wuqing would not let the visitor do it for nothing. Although she took away most of the things, she still left a small part, and the end of this letter.

It is to tell the visitor how to take away the remaining treasure.

Lin Mu cares about Liu Wuqing's inheritance, while Wu De cares about the last treasure.

"Don't be dazed, let's dig up the treasure quickly. Get out of this ghostly place, and don't let Liu Wuqing's obsession with invincibility take advantage of the loopholes." Wu De urged.

The next thing went very smoothly. According to the instructions left by Liu Wuqing, Lin Mu and Liu Wuqing found the treasure left by Liu Wuqing very easily.

But what makes Wu De depressed is that most of the treasures left by Liu Wuqing are specifically for female monks.Even if you take it away, you won't be able to use it at all.

After Lin Mu found the inheritance left by Liu Wuqing, he also comforted Wu De with a smile: "Don't be so depressed, it will be useful when you find a wife in the future."

Wu Dedao: "I won't be as stupid as you to mess with our wife. Even if trouble is not safe, I'd better be alone."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Since you're not going to find a wife, why don't you give me all the pills and spirit treasures that were given to you. It happens that I have many wives, so I'll treat them as a greeting gift from you."

Upon hearing this, Wu De quickly put his storage ring behind his back, and said, "Even if I don't have a wife, it's still a lot of money if I sell it to others?"

Lin Mu said: "Don't be nervous, I didn't say I wanted your things for nothing, I'll pay for them too."

Wu Deyi heard: "Then how much are you going to sell?"

Lin Mu thought for a while, and said: "The elixir is based on the grade, the third-grade elixir is 100 high-grade spirit stones, the fourth-grade elixir is [-] high-grade spirit stones, and the fifth-grade elixir is [-] million high-grade spirit stones. For Lingbao, it is at this price The above is doubled. Although you will lose some money, if you take out so many things at one time to auction, the price will definitely not be high."

Wu De rolled his small eyes for a long time, and then said: "Okay, I will suffer a bit. The things I have here are worth 600 million high-grade spirit stones in total except what I left behind.

We pay and deliver, and I know you have money.Don't tell me that you will pay after returning to the sect.In this way, you are sure that in the end, it will become my annual offering, and then it will be divided into hundreds of years and given to me. "

Wu De's words are equivalent to directly blocking Lin Mu's words, because Lin Mu really intended to do so, but he didn't expect Wu De to be so smart this time, directly blocking his own escape route.

Lin Mu had no choice but to take out 600 million spirit stones and hand them over to Wu De directly.

These things are all prepared by Lin Mu for Xu Mei and her upcoming people.Even though he took out so many spirit stones at once, Lin Mu still felt a little pained.But these things are all left by Liu Wuqing.

Who is Liu Wuqing? She is known as the number one concubine through the ages.Even the most common pills and spirit treasures left behind are several times higher than the current quality.

After the transaction between the two, they continued to hold the jade slip, and left Broken Heart Valley according to the jade slip's instructions.

After leaving Broken Heart Valley, the jade slip in Wu De's hand also shattered into powder.

"Okay, let's go quickly. I feel uncomfortable if I stay in such a ghostly place for a second longer." Wu De also felt uncomfortable when he looked at Heartbroken Valley, which was calm on the surface, but almost let him fall.

The goal has been achieved, and Lin Shu doesn't plan to stay any longer.He also directly sacrificed the flying spirit treasure and left Broken Heart Valley.

Ten days later, Wu De and Lin Mu sneaked back into the Fuman Tower.

The two left secretly without disturbing anyone.

When seeing Lin Shu come back, Xu Mei was also very excited.

"Why don't you say anything when you're gone!" Xu Mei threw herself into Lin Mu's arms crying, complaining while hitting Lin Mu.

Lin Mu patted Xu Mei's shoulder with a smile, and said, "You have been in the realm of comprehension for so long, and I haven't even given you a decent meeting gift. This time I have the opportunity, so I went to find you a meeting gift."

When Xu Mei heard that Lin Mu had taken such a big risk just to find a way for her, she was crying even more.

"Don't be so stupid next time, I would rather not have any inheritance, and I want you to be safe." Xu Mei said with red eyes, crying.

Lin Mu smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have my sense of proportion. I'll be fine. This is Liu Wuqing's exercise. You can read it carefully. But don't rush to practice. There are some shortcomings in Liu Wuqing's exercise. I will Find a way to help you make up for it. After I make up for this shortcoming, you can start practicing again."

Xu Mei nodded obediently, and said, "Okay! I'll listen to you!"

Looking at Xu Mei at this time, there is no need to say anything.

The night of spring was endless, and the next morning, Lin Mu and Xu Mei got up very satisfied.

Because there are still ten days to go to Xijizhou, so Lin Mu also used three days to arrange everything in the sect.

This time, he did not take anyone with him to the forests of Xijizhou, he only planned to cross the Heartless Sea by himself.

Another seven days passed, and Lin Shu appeared on time in Yunshui City, which is the closest to the Ruthless Sea.

There used to be Lin Mu's foundation here, but now it is gone, and the lord of Yunshui City and the chief commander here also died in Lin Mu's hands.Most of the thousands of years of accumulation in Yunshui City fell into the pockets of Lin Shu.

The news that Lin Shu was going to cross the Ruthless Sea and go to Xijizhou had already spread throughout Dongxuanzhou.

Yunshui City also got the news early, but today's forests are different from those in the past.

Today's Lin Mu has the most popular Fumanlou in Dongxuanzhou, and behind it stand Ghost City, Qidu and Soul City, the three most transcendent nine-star sects.

Any one of the three families is not afraid of the existence of Emperor Zong.The combination of the three families can completely compete against the emperor's sect.

Therefore, even the current city lord's mansion of Yunshui City hated Lin Mu deeply, but he still had to come out of the city to welcome Lin Mu in a pleasant manner.

(End of this chapter)

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