Supreme Chef

Chapter 813

Chapter 813

In fact, even if you don't look at the background of the trees, Yunshui City still has to look at the large group of people following behind the trees.

"Sect Leader Lin came from a long way, and it's really disappointing." Now the owner of Yunshui City said with a pleasing expression on his face.

Lin Mu knew that the city lord was obviously pretending, and now he must be wishing to blow himself to ashes.But Lin Mu didn't care.

"The city lord is being polite. Don't worry, the city lord. I'm just taking the road this time. I won't take away any plants or trees. The city lord doesn't have to be so polite." Lin Mu said very bluntly.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the city lord's facial muscles twitched violently twice.

Although he knew that Lin Mu was trying to embarrass him on purpose, he still smiled and said, "Sect Leader Lin said that."

Unable to irritate the other party, Lin Mu also felt bored.

In fact, Lin Mu thought that this time he could directly anger Yunshui City, and then Lin Mu didn't mind, and led everyone to loot Yunshui City.But Yunshui City doesn't follow his own way, and Lin Mu has no choice.

Lin Mu brought people directly to Yunshui City, which also brought a lot of vitality to Yunshui City.

As soon as Lin Mu and his men arrived, the Eastern Emperor Emperor Sect also came to Yunshui City forcefully.

No one was surprised by the arrival of the Eastern Emperor Sect.Crossing the Heartless Sea this time was originally a gamble between Lin Mu and the Eastern Emperor Sect. It would be wrong if the Eastern Emperor Sect did not come.

Lin Mu looked at the Eastern Emperor Sect who was already stationed outside the city, and shouted directly from the air, saying: "Aren't you disappointed when I come, go back and tell your head. If he wants to send someone to stop me on the way, it's better Send more, less will not be enough for me to kill."

When Emperor Zong's side heard Lin Mu's cry, everyone's faces were livid with anger.

They suddenly realized that they were asking for shame when they came here this time.

However, Lin Mu's side is obviously powerful, not only old beggars are sitting in the town, but also hundreds of thousands of casual cultivators from all over the world who are going to go to sea with Lin Mu to find resources.

No matter how powerful the Eastern Emperor Sect is, it would not dare to offend the monks in the world like this.

However, Lin Mu didn't continue to provoke, and enough was enough to make the Eastern Emperor Emperor Zong lose face.

Now I don't have an absolutely overwhelming advantage to deal with the emperor sects. After I have absolute strength, Lin Mu will visit all the emperor sects one by one.

After adjusting in Yunshui City for a day, Lin Mu set off with a large group of people.

Although the momentum is huge, Lin Mu knows that there will be no one who can really cross the merciless sea with him.

Not to mention whether it is dangerous to fight the demon world, the danger of crossing the ruthless sea alone is enough to scare everyone away.

Lin Mu led the crowd forward for a hundred thousand miles.

After [-] miles, the old beggar and others stopped, and Lin Mu didn't ask the crowd, and directly sacrificed the flying spirit treasure by himself, and headed west.

Lin Mu already knew that no one would go to Xijizhou with him, so he didn't even bother to ask, and it was embarrassing for everyone to ask himself.

When Lin Mu went to West Jizhou this time, he only brought the Blood Spirit Dragon with him, and the rest of them were left in Fumanlou by Lin Mu.

Cao Xiu and the others are right. It is Lin Mu's luck that he can successfully cross the ruthless sea.Moreover, crossing once does not mean that Lin Shu will succeed the second time.

The Ruthless Sea is vast and boundless, and the danger inside is definitely not as simple as Lin Mu encountered for the first time.

Lin Mu has never seen the real danger of the Ruthless Sea.Lin Mu didn't want to take everyone on an adventure together, and he was more flexible by himself.

After Lin Mu set the route, he handed over the flying spirit treasure to the blood spirit dragon to control.

And Lin Mu seized all the time to improve his cultivation.

The power of the demon world, Lin Mu only saw the tip of the iceberg in Xijizhou.Lin Mu hasn't seen the real horror yet, so Lin Mu must seize the time to improve his cultivation, so that he can survive the battlefield of Xijizhou.

The blood spirit dragon controlled the flying spirit treasure, and after advancing another 50 miles, it stopped the flying spirit treasure, and at the same time transmitted the sound to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu woke up from his cultivation, and with just a sweep of his consciousness, he saw the situation outside.

This visitor was different from what Lin Mu thought, they were not from Emperor Zong, but a group of robbers with unknown origins.

Lin Mu originally thought that Emperor Zong would strike first, but unexpectedly, he met such a group of people.

The people who stop him have low cultivation levels, and the highest ones are no more than consummation of the God Transformation Realm.

Lin Mu stepped out and looked at the Blood Spirit Dragon, and said, "After refining so many divine substances, you still need to wake me up to deal with a few people who have transformed into gods?"

Blood Spirit Dragon has recently refined a lot of divine substances extracted from Longmen, and its cultivation has also soared.

Although the Blood Spirit Dragon is still in its infancy, its strength is no less than that of a powerhouse in the Transformation God Realm.

Xue Linglong said: "Of course you don't need to take action against them. I'm afraid that the spaceship will go off course, so I ask you to get up and control the spaceship."

After hearing what the blood spirit dragon said, Lin Mu couldn't help laughing.

The blood spirit dragon was obviously worried that he would lose face if he was accidentally caught, so he asked Lin Mu to come out and give him a chance.

Lin Mu and Xue Linglong had just appeared at the bow of the boat, and the faces of those who blocked Lin Mu couldn't help but change.

"Senior Crossing the Tribulation Realm!" The leader exclaimed in shock when he saw Lin Shu's cultivation.

"Send a message to the sect and ask the sect to send masters over." The leader quietly transmitted voice to the people behind him.

This kind of sound transmission naturally did not escape Lin Mu's consciousness capture, but Lin Mu didn't care about these small movements at all.

According to the speed of the blood spirit dragon, there is no need to wait for their people to come, the blood spirit dragon can already solve the battle completely.

"What's the matter with stopping me?" Xue Linglong shouted arrogantly.

Hearing Xue Linglong claiming to be the master, the people on the other side were also annoyed.However, there were trees pressing down again, and they really didn't dare to move.

"If you don't say anything, get the hell out of me, don't stand in my eyes here. Don't make me unhappy, I'll slap you all to death with one paw." Seeing that the other party didn't make a sound, Xue Linglong became more and more angry Arrogant.

"Little bastard dares to yell at us on Meteor Island, I think you are looking for death!" The leader, but the people behind couldn't help it.

In any case, his Meteorite Island is also an eight-star sect, and in the sea area within a radius of [-] miles, it is an absolute overlord.

Even if there were trees pressing down on them, they wouldn't be scolded by a spirit beast pointing their noses like this.

When Xue Linglong saw the other party rushing over, he also had a happy face, and said: "Good job!"

(End of this chapter)

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