Supreme Chef

Chapter 814 Mr. Tuoba

Chapter 814 Mr. Tuoba
The Blood Spirit Dragon stood on the bow of the ship, and with a move of its feet, it disappeared into the bow of the ship.

The blood spirit dragon was already fast enough, and it also mastered the rules of space.The speed is even faster.Even if the trees don't shrink to an inch, they can't catch up with the blood spirit dragon.

The opponent on the seventh floor of the God Transformation Realm was no match for the Blood Spirit Dragon in terms of speed.

The Blood Spirit Dragon passed through the distance between the two, only a ray of light passed by.


The fight between the two was completed in an instant, and the next moment the Blood Spirit Dragon was already standing behind that person.



The person who fought against the blood spirit dragon looked down at the hollow part of his dantian. He didn't understand until his death how the blood spirit dragon did it.


The body fell quickly, and fell directly into the heartless sea, causing a large wave of waves.

The Blood Spirit Dragon was holding the Nascent Soul of the man just now, with a harmless smile on his face.

But this kind of smile, in the eyes of Yuanying in the hands of the blood spirit dragon, is the smile of the messenger of hell.

"I told you a long time ago, if you have nothing to say, get out of here. You have to force me to take action, are you satisfied now?" Xue Linglong said to Yuanying in his hand in an elder tone.


The Nascent Soul that was held by the Blood Spirit Dragon was so frightened that he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

"Now I know I regret it, but it's too late. Since you choose to take action, you have to accept punishment!"

After the blood spirit dragon finished speaking, he directly threw the Nascent Soul into his mouth, and chewed it with a crunch.

"The quality is not bad, but there is a fishy smell. You guys from the ruthless sea don't even talk about removing the fishy smell for yourself, which makes me a little sick." After the blood spirit dragon finished eating, he still looked The five people who could stand said.

Hearing Xue Linglong's words, the remaining five people turned pale with fright.His legs were shaking.

The speed and fighting power of the blood spirit dragon just now made them understand.The blood spirit dragon is not their enemy at all.

Of course, what scares them the most is nothing else, but the bloody methods of the blood spirit dragon.

If you directly eat the Nascent Soul raw, you will not give yourself any chance of reincarnation at all, and you will be doomed directly.

A monk can cultivate to such an extent, who would die like this willingly.

"Stop playing, someone is coming, let's make a quick decision!" Lin Mu's spiritual consciousness has been paying attention to the surroundings, so as soon as the other person comes, Lin Mu has already noticed.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the remaining five people were all overjoyed.

However, the Blood Spirit Dragon didn't intend to give them a chance to rejoice, and with a flash of his figure, he hunted and killed the remaining five people.

Although the five tried their best to resist the blood spirit dragon, the speed of the blood spirit dragon made them incomprehensible, directly destroying all their containment.



Soon two more fell into the sea, and the remaining three saw their two companions terminated by the blood spirit dragon again, and their hearts were completely panicked.

Almost without any discussion, the three of them immediately fled in three different directions.

But no matter how fast they escaped, it was impossible for them to be as fast as the Blood Spirit Dragon.

Soon two more people were dealt with by the Blood Spirit Dragon, and the last remaining leader saw that the people he had brought were dead, so he ran away desperately.

Seeing that the other party was about to flee, the blood spirit dragon flickered and chased after him.

But before the blood spirit dragon could get close, the opponent threw out a level six attack talisman.


The attacking talisman exploded directly, and the powerful impact directly knocked out the blood spirit dragon that was approaching rapidly.

After the bombed blood spirit dragon reacted, he found that the leader was already far away from him.

Seeing that he finally got rid of the blood spirit dragon, the leader also heaved a sigh of relief.

But before the breath was over, a big hand of real essence had already directly covered it.

Without even uttering a scream, his body was directly smashed into countless pieces by the big hand of Zhenyuan, and fell into the heartless sea.

Xue Linglong was also a little embarrassed when he saw that it was Lin Mu who made the move in the end, but he still refused to give in, saying: "I can catch up to him without you. I just didn't check for a while, I didn't expect this person to be so despicable, Use the attack talisman to plot against me."

Lin Mu let out a 'bang', hit him down, and said, "Isn't it too long since I didn't hit you, you're not used to it."

After being beaten up by Lin Mu, the Blood Spirit Dragon didn't dare to refuse.

"Let's go, their people are coming." Lin Mu looked at the place not far away, and said to the blood spirit dragon.

The blood spirit dragon nodded, also directly controlled the flying spirit treasure, and left the place.

When Xue Linglong and the others left the place, a group of people rushed over.Looking at all the battle traces left behind, the visitor was not as furious as he imagined.

"This forest doesn't look very good either, and its strength is mediocre." Looking at the battle marks left behind, an elder who had crossed the Tribulation Realm said with a slight disdain in his tone.

"Lin Mu has never made a move at all. Your so-called core disciples can't even beat one of his pets. I should feel sad for you." The young master said with disdain.

"What did you say!" Hearing the other party's comment, the elder who had just spoken just now retorted angrily when he heard the young man's comment.

"Wei Gu shut up!" Without waiting for Wei Gu to refute, a young monk with a calm face, a dusty temperament, and an impenetrable cultivation base spoke calmly.

"Yes! Master!" Wei Gu immediately said respectfully when he heard the young monk's words.

Seeing that Wei Gu shut up, the elder who crossed the tribulation realm became a little unreasonable, looked at Wei Gu provocatively and said, "Since you think my core disciples on Meteor Island are not good enough, why don't you go test this tree, Let's see how strong he is."

"I am enough to deal with Lin Mu alone. Letting you make a move is just to give you a chance." Wei Gu said immediately when he heard this.


Hearing Wei Gu's words, not only the elder who spoke, but also the other people who came with him also had very ugly expressions.

"Mr. Tuoba, although you are a distinguished guest of the head. The head asked us to obey your arrangements, but your subordinates slandered my Meteorite Island disciples so much. Don't you think Mr. Zhuge should give us an explanation?" The strong man said to the young monk who couldn't see his cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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