Supreme Chef

Chapter 815 2nd Failure

Chapter 815 Second Failure (1)

When Mr. Tuoba heard the words of this Ascension Realm powerhouse, his expression was not moved at all, and he said in a calm tone: "Wei Gu apologizes to all seniors immediately."

Although Mr. Tuoba said it calmly, in Wei Gu's ears, it was an order he could not violate.

Although Wei Gu had a hundred reluctances in his heart, he still lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, seniors!"

Seeing Wei Gu bowing his head, the man who spoke sarcastically just now was still unwilling to let Wei Gu go.

"If you really have the strength, you don't need to apologize. Lin Mu has the ability to bring Lin Mu's body back. Let those of us who are 'not good' see your ability."

When Wei Gu heard the elder's words, he was immediately set on fire. His eyes were blood red, his body was full of fighting spirit, and his powerful aura pierced the sky. He said, "What did you say! If you have the guts, say it again!"

This time Wei Gu's master did not stop Wei Gu, obviously he also felt that the people on Meteor Island were a little too much.

Being suppressed by Wei Gu's powerful and oppressive aura, the elder also took a step back under pressure.

After taking a step back, the elder was also terrified.He knew that Wei Gu was very strong, but he didn't expect that Wei Gu could force him back just by his momentum.

"Wei Gu is fine!" the young master said lightly.

Hearing the young master's words, Wei Gu's aura receded like a tide, but the fighting spirit in his eyes did not diminish at all.

Wei Gu's strength surprised everyone else present.

They just knew that this was the island owner's distinguished guest, but they didn't know how powerful this distinguished guest was.

"Since someone in Wei Gu wants to see you make a move, then you should make a move for everyone to see. Remember that we have already failed once, and I don't want to see another failure this time." The young master said calmly.

When Wei Gu heard the young master's words, his eyes couldn't help being overjoyed, he quickly bowed his head and responded, "It's the young master! Wei Gu understands! Wei Gu promises to bring Lin Mu's body back."

The young master said flatly: "You don't have to promise me anything, if you don't bring Lin Mu back, you don't have to come back."

Wei Gu couldn't help being surprised when he heard the young master's words, but he still nodded solemnly and said, "Wei Gu understands!"

After Wei Gu finished speaking, he chased directly towards the direction of the trees.

Seeing his subordinates leave, so did Young Master Tuoba, thinking: "Let me wash away the shame of the blood building. The lineage of the Eastern Emperor, I want you to see who is the best in the cultivation world." Strong blood."

The corner of Master Tuoba's mouth twitched slightly, and then his body gradually faded.

Seeing Master Tuoba's skill like this, everyone couldn't help being surprised again.


Young Master Tuoba's figure faded away, and the elder who had been running on Wei Gu just now suddenly let out a scream.

Then his vitality disappeared little by little in front of everyone, and finally turned into a cold corpse.

Seeing my colleagues, who just argued with reason, now turned into corpses in front of their eyes.Apart from being shocked, they can only be shocked.

It's not that there are no masters present, but none of them saw how Master Tuoba made a move.What's more, he didn't know what method he used to kill this elder who was in the Transcendence Tribulation Realm.

Because even if it is a strong person in the Ascension Realm, if he wants to kill a strong person in the Tribulation Realm, it will not be so easy, and he will do it quietly.But Young Master Tuoba not only did it, but also did it so lightly.

"Elder Wu, did you see clearly just now, how did Mr. Tuoba make the move?" Another elder, with a shocked tone, asked the elder with the highest cultivation here.

Elder Wu looked at the direction in which Mr. Tuoba disappeared, and shook his head with shock in his eyes.

Seeing Elder Wu shaking his head, the other elders couldn't help but gasped again.

Elder Wu is already a master of the third level of the Ascension Realm, yet he didn't even see how Young Master Tuoba made a move, which shows how terrifying this Young Master Tuoba is.

"How do we explain Elder Wu to the head?" After a while, everyone thought about the elder who was just killed by Mr. Tuoba.

After pondering for a moment, Elder Wu said: "There is no need to report this matter to the head of the sect, even if the result is the same. We don't need to offend this mysterious Mr. Tuoba for such a thing."

Everyone nodded in agreement with Elder Wu's decision.


The blood spirit dragon controlled the flying spirit treasure, and soon left 10,000+ miles away.

While manipulating the flying spirit treasure, the Blood Spirit Dragon inspected his spoils and said, "The people from Meteor Island are really easy to deal with. You should go to their sect to loot them."

Hearing the nonsense of the blood spirit dragon this time, Lin Mu surprisingly didn't fight the blood spirit dragon.

Lin Mu didn't hit him, and Xue Linglong also felt very strange.Also look up to find the reason.

However, when the Blood Spirit Dragon raised his head, he found that Lin Mu was really fighting at the bow of the boat, confronting a person whose whole body was so cold that he had no life at all.

Lin Mu stood at the bow of the boat, looked at Wei Gu on the opposite side, and said, "Aren't you from the Eastern Emperor's lineage?"

Wei Gu snorted coldly, and said with a little contempt: "What is the lineage of the Eastern Emperor?"

Lin Mu looked at Wei Gu, sneered, and said, "The lineage of the Eastern Emperor is indeed nothing, but do you think your blood building is nothing in my eyes? You are just defeated."

Wei Gu's expression froze when he heard Lin Mu's words.He didn't expect that Lin Mu could see through his identity at a glance.

But Wei Gu quickly counterattacked, saying: "You escaped by chance last time, but this time you will definitely die. I will use your blood to wash away the shame of my blood building!"

Lin Mudao: "Actually, I was a little surprised that you Xuelou would come to me first. But since you are eager to be slapped in the face by me, then I will help you."

After stretching his muscles and bones, Lin Mu said: "In the history of your blood building, you shouldn't have experienced two consecutive failures, right? It seems that your blood building will have another person who made history today."

When Wei Gu heard Lin Mu's words, he didn't show the anger he imagined, and said: "If you want to talk, just talk for a while, and you won't have a chance to speak again later."

The killer of the blood building is always the most ruthless when doing tasks.No matter what kind of stimulation they receive, they can maintain absolute calm.

In fact, this is the really scary part of the Blood Building. They can train people to such an extent that they don't have any emotional fluctuations at all.It's just a killing machine, with nothing but task completion in its eyes.

The stimulation was ineffective, and Lin Shu simply stopped talking.

"There's nothing to say, just wait to die!" Wei Gu let out a low growl, and then directly raised his hand, about to destroy Lin Mu's spaceship.

(End of this chapter)

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