Supreme Chef

Chapter 819 Shemale

Chapter 819 Shemale
Lin Mu was able to surpass his own guard, Wei Gu, in sheer strength.This is indeed a bit beyond Mr. Tuoba's expectation.

It's not that he didn't imagine that Wei Gu would lose, but in his imagination, Wei Gu shouldn't lose in what he is best at.

"You really made me look forward to it." Young Master Tuoba looked into the distance and murmured.

To be precise, Mr. Tuoba was the second wave of killers sent by Xuelou.

Wei Gu is just a tester, his success and failure, in the eyes of Mr. Tuoba, are not worth mentioning.

He didn't allow himself to fail, let alone allow the Blood Building to fail a second time.

Lin Shu and Xue Linglong had already left far away at this time.

Lin Mu and Xue Linglong fled for half a month before Lin Mu came out of the chaotic world.

"You broke through?" Xue Linglong looked at the trees coming out of the back warehouse, and asked with some uncertainty.

The Blood Spirit Dragon did see a change in Lin Mu's body, but it couldn't be sure, this change must be a breakthrough.

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "No!"

Although he said no, Lin Mu's eyes were very bright.

For half a month in the chaotic world, Lin Mu has been practicing "Witch God Body Refining Technique". Although Lin Mu still failed to break through the middle stage of the flawless body in this practice.But at this time, Lin Shu is only half a step away from the late stage of the flawless body.

What Lin Mu needs now is just an opportunity to break through. As long as this opportunity arrives, the breakthrough will naturally come naturally.

In the late stage of the flawless body, in the cultivation world, it is absolutely invincible in terms of physical body alone.At that time, relying on Wuxia Body's late-stage body training, even if Lin Mu's cultivation could not break through to the Ascension Realm in a short time, Lin Mu would no longer be afraid of any strong Ascendant Realm.

It wasn't until this moment that Lin Mu saw a little hope of revenge.

Although Lin Mu can't directly obtain from them what the Four Great Emperors have done to him for the time being, Lin Mu feels that it is not too much to ask for some interest from their disciples and grandchildren.

Blood Spirit Dragon looked at the position on the compass and said: "We have already walked about one-sixth of the distance, and further ahead is the junction of human monks and sea monsters. It is the most chaotic place, we have to Don't go around a little distance."

Lin Mu said: "We don't need to go directly there."

Although Lin Mu didn't know the situation in West Jizhou, he had an intuition in his heart.He knew the current situation in Xijizhou, it must be very bad, he didn't want to waste time.

"En!" The Blood Spirit Dragon nodded, and directly controlled the spaceship to move forward.

"Is there anyone following me during my retreat?" Lin Mu asked.

Xue Linglong said: "No, the people from the Blood Building have not followed. Meteor Island seems to have given up, and no one has been sent to follow."

Lin Mu narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard Xue Linglong's words, and said: "It seems that the person sent by the Xuelou this time is not alone, this Wei Gu should be just cannon fodder. Their real killer weapon has not yet appeared. It seems that the Xuelou You are getting more and more careful with me."

The Blood Spirit Dragon said: "The blood building is indeed a problem. If we can't solve the problem of losing the blood building sooner? It must be like a tarsal maggot, and it will haunt us every day."

Lin Mudao: "Sooner or later the blood building will be resolved, but now the blood building is in the dark and we are in the light. And no one knows the exact location of the blood building. Even if I have the ability to deal with the blood building, there is no way."


While Lin Mu was talking with the blood spirit dragon, Lin Mu's flying spirit treasure was suddenly attacked inexplicably.

His eighth-rank flying spirit treasure is indeed too eye-catching.But crossing the Heartless Sea without a decent flying spirit treasure is nothing short of delusion.

Lin Mu and Xue Linglong saw a female cultivator with a human body but horns on her head and a fiery figure, leading two human cultivators who had crossed the Tribulation Realm, blocking their way.

And it was obviously this female cultivator who attacked her flying spirit treasure just now.

"Is she a human or a demon?" Xue Linglong looked at the female cultivator outside, also a little confused.

"Shemale!" Lin Mu said lightly.

"Shemale?" Blood Spirit Dragon scratched his head and said.

The ladyboys mentioned by Lin Mu are not the ladyboys referred to on the earth, the ladyboys in the heartless sea are real ladyboys.

A shemale is a half-human, half-demon thing produced by the combination of a human monk and a sea monster.

Shemale's cultivation talent is excellent, and the speed of cultivation is extremely fast.It can even achieve the purpose of improving its own cultivation by devouring the Nascent Soul of human monks just like the sea monster.

However, although shemale has so many advantages, its biggest disadvantage is that the probability of its birth is very low.

And even if it is born, the probability of not dying halfway is even lower.

Therefore, it is not easy to see a shemale in the heartless sea for a while.It is even more difficult to see a shemale who has the second-level cultivation of the Transcending Tribulation Realm.

Lin Mu and Xue Linglong walked out of the cabin, came to the bow, looked at the three people opposite, and asked, "Why are you attacking my spaceship for no reason?"

Seeing that the trees are only on the third floor of Transcending Tribulation, the ladyboy also sneered, and said, "Nothing. This lady has taken a fancy to your flying spirit treasure. If you are sensible, keep the flying spirit treasure and get out. If you are not sensible, you and the flying spirit treasure Leave all treasures to me."

Shemales do behave differently from human monks, which is completely obvious.Even if human monks are interested, they still have to find a plausible reason.

But this is also good, the saved trees are a waste of saliva.

Although there were three people on the opposite side, two on the third floor of the Transcending Tribulation Realm and one on the second floor of the Transcending Tribulation Realm, they seemed to have a strong lineup.But in fact, when these three go together, Lin Shu is not afraid.

"You're straightforward enough, but that's fine too. It saves me from wasting my saliva. I'm also direct. I don't want to stay today, and I don't want to keep my magic weapon. And I don't want to kill people today. You three should go away. Don't be an eyesore here!" Lin Mu said calmly.

"In this sea area, no one has ever talked to Miss Ben like this before. I think you are looking for death!" The ladyboy on the opposite side turned cold when he heard Lin Mu's words.

Hearing the transvestite's words, Xue Linglong held his belly and smiled and said, "You take one lady at a time. Don't tell me there are males and females among you transgressors? Aren't you a hybrid?"

"Give me death!"

In the heartless sea, the most taboo thing to say about transvestites is that others say they are transvestites.

Because shemales are neither human nor demon, whether they are human or demon, they are viewed with colored glasses.And the blood spirit dragon was so outspoken, obviously it directly hit her scar.

(End of this chapter)

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