Supreme Chef

Chapter 820

Chapter 820
The blood spirit dragon talked happily, but when the monster really attacked, the blood spirit dragon ran the fastest instead.

Although the strength of the blood spirit dragon has improved a lot, it knows how much it has.

It still has a way to deal with the normal Tribulation Transcendence Realm expert, but the Blood Spirit Dragon knows that he is no match for a Tribulation Transcendence Realm expert like a human monster.

Although the speed and strength of this human monster are far superior to ordinary human monks on the second floor of the Tribulation Transcending Realm, Lin Mu is also happy and fearless.

Because trees are also unusable, measured by the standards of human monks.

Seeing Lin Shu standing in place, not moving.There was also a sneer in the ladyboy's heart, and then the speed increased again.

Seeing the monster attacking, Lin Mu's face remained unchanged, and he punched flatly.

"Miss be careful!"

Seeing Lin Mu throwing such an understated punch, the expressions of the two strong men who were protecting the monsters from the third level of the Transcending Tribulation Realm couldn't help but change drastically.

However, they were still a little late, because Lin Mu's punch seemed slow, but the speed was actually very fast.


Lin Mu punched the shemale's fist, and the shemale spurted blood and flew upside down.

Lin Mu's flawless body has gone one step further. In terms of strength, even a pure sea monster is no match for Lin Mu, let alone a human monster.


The two bodyguards hurried up to catch the ladyboy, but the strong inertia made them take a step back.

Taking a step back, the faces of the two of them became more dignified than ever before.

The strength of Lin Mu obviously exceeded the estimation of the two of them.Lin Mu's strength is far beyond the imagination of the two of them.

"Fellow daoist, it was my lady who offended me just now, and we two have apologized to fellow daoist. Fellow daoist, please go this way." The two supported the injured transvestite, and said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "Stop as soon as you say, and leave as soon as you say, who do you think you are?"

While guarding against Lin Mu, the two said solemnly: "My fellow daoist, we are from Shuiyun Palace. Although we are not the strongest in the heartless sea, we can be considered a nine-star sect. If fellow daoist is willing to leave, we two Human beings can guarantee that fellow Taoists will be free from worries for millions of miles."

Lin Mu said: "I have no worries, so I don't need you to worry about it. As for your Shuiyun Palace, I have never even heard of it. Today, the three of you, why don't you take out 3000 million high-grade spirit stones to compensate for my loss? Why don't you just leave the three of you here."

"Fellow Daoist, it is difficult for you to do so. Your flying spirit treasure is not damaged at all. You also have no loss. Where did you get 3000 million high-grade spirit stones?"

Lin Mudao: "I said 3000 million is 3000 million, even if you miss a word."

The two strong men from the Transcending Tribulation Realm looked at each other, and then they both took off their storage rings, and said: "Friend Daoist, we only have 500 million high-grade spirit stones in total in the storage rings. Fellow Daoist, please help me."

"What are you two talking to him about? Just ask my father to come, and he can be killed in a matter of raising your hand." Seeing her two bodyguards whispering so low, the ladyboy couldn't help it.

Lin Mu looked at the ladyboy, smiled slightly, and said, "Since that's the case, I can't keep you even more."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he disappeared in the bow of the boat in one step.

"Space teleportation!"

The two bodyguards couldn't help but tighten their eyes when they saw the forest disappear.

And the next moment, both of them reacted, one in front of the other, and the young lady they wanted to protect was firmly sandwiched between them.

Seeing the disappearance of the trees, the transgressive eyes couldn't help but also brighten.

"Space rules! I want to capture this man alive and dedicate it to my father!" the ladyboy shouted excitedly.

When the two bodyguards heard what the ladyboy said, they complained incessantly.

Now it is obvious that the three of them are tied together, and they may not be Lin Shu's opponent.This little aunt is still thinking about capturing Lin Shu alive, I really don't know that she is used to being rampant.Its head is still the same as that of a siren. It has been completely out of use for too long.

At this time, they didn't want to think about how to escape, which was already very good, and they thought about capturing Lin Shu alive, which was simply a joke.

"I'm right in front of you, let's see how you capture me alive!" Lin Mu's voice came directly from in front of the transvestite, startling both bodyguards.

The two shot at the same time, attacking the space where the sound came from.

However, the blows of the two of them directly missed, and there was nothing in that space.


Lin Mu suddenly appeared from behind a bodyguard, and then directly punched him on the back of the bodyguard.


The powerful impact directly sent the bodyguard on the third floor of Transcending Tribulation Realm flying.

While flying out, the bodyguard vomited blood profusely, and at the same time, his life energy became extinguished in an instant.

The internal organs residues in the blood are clearly visible.

Obviously, Lin Mu's punch had directly shattered all his internal organs and Nascent Soul.

He killed a strong man of the same level as himself with one punch, which made the expressions of the other remaining bodyguards and transgressors change drastically.

"Miss, I'm here to stop him, you go away!" The other remaining bodyguard stepped in front of the shemale and shouted loudly.

"Can you stop me? Serving as a bodyguard for a demon, you really embarrass us human cultivators. Go to hell!" Lin Mu let out a loud roar, and stepped forward directly, at the same time, he directly blasted out the Wuhuang Fist.

The murderous whirlwind swept across directly, and the cultivator on the third floor of the Transcending Tribulation Realm didn't even hum, but was directly crushed by the trees.

Seeing Lin Mu beheading his two bodyguards in an instant, the shemale finally knew how to be afraid.

"Don't come here, my father is the king of this sea area. If you dare to touch me, my father will never let you go!" The ladyboy said sternly while backing away.

"Do you think I might let you go back and ask you to bring someone back to hunt me down? It seems that when you made your voice, you inherited the appearance of a human, but you inherited the head of a sea monster. Your IQ cannot be on the same level as that of a human." And talk." Lin Mu said sarcastically.

Hearing Lin Mu's ridicule, although the ladyboy wanted to tear Lin Shu apart.But Lin Mu's strength is too strong, she is no match at all.

"I'll send you to meet your two bodyguards, they definitely want to continue protecting you down here!" After Lin Mu finished speaking, he made a straightforward cut, ready to reap the life of the shemale.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

A light and shadow appeared, blocking in front of the shemale.The strength of light and shadow is very powerful, just with a wave of his hand, the sky splitting of the forest is erased.

"Father!" Seeing this sudden light and shadow, the ladyboy also yelled.

(End of this chapter)

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