Supreme Chef

Chapter 821 Water Can Conduct Electricity

Chapter 821 Water Can Conduct Electricity
Seeing this sudden appearance of light and shadow, Lin Mu couldn't help but be fully alert.

This is obviously the most powerful backhand left by the human monster father.It is also the last resort of this shemale.

"You dare to hurt my daughter, I want you to die without a whole body!" Guangying looked at Lin Shu and roared angrily.

Lin Mu looked at the light and shadow for a long time, then sneered, and said, "It's just a projection. Although it has some strength, it's not enough to save your daughter's life. Now that you've come out, I'll let you watch your daughter. Wither in front of you."

Lin Mu will not leave any trouble for himself.

"Second Slash!"

Lin Mu shouted loudly, and then directly slashed out with a knife.

The speed of Sky Splitting's second slash is extremely fast, although the master of Light and Shadow has a perfect cultivation level of Ascension Realm.But it is not easy for a projection to inherit one-tenth of his energy.

Seeing the knife slashed by Lin Shu, Guang Ying's expression also changed suddenly.

"If you dare to touch a single hair of my daughter, even if this old man chases you to the ends of the earth, I will kill you immediately." Guangying roared hoarsely, his eyes bloodshot.

Lin Mu sneered and said, "Then I'll wait for you to hunt me down."

The speed of the forest tree's knife is not reduced, and the speed exceeds the limit speed.


The Shadowless Knife shattered the light and shadow without any hindrance, and at the same time, it also ended the life of this rare ladyboy in the heartless sea.


The monster fell, and in a resplendent palace, an old human monk also spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Husband!" Seeing the old man vomiting blood, a beautiful snake girl sitting next to the old man immediately asked with concern.

"Our daughter was beheaded by a human monk!" The old man's eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth.

"What!" Hearing the old man's words, the snake girl also lost her beauty and calmness, and the snake hair on the back of her head stood up directly.An icy chill instantly filled the entire hall.

"That human monk is so bold that he actually beheaded and killed our daughter. I'm going to tear him into pieces." The snake girl said in a tone that almost froze the air, spitting out a letter and a big mouthful of poisonous gas.

"I have already recorded the appearance of that human monk, no matter whether it is in the sky or on earth, I want him to die!" The human monk also said angrily with clenched fists.

"Where are the two cultivators who are protecting their daughter?" Snake Girl suddenly thought of something and asked.

"The two of them have been beheaded."

"Not enough! Just beheading the two of them is not enough, I failed to protect my daughter. I want both of them, the whole family will die, and no one will be left behind!" The violence of the snake girl was fully revealed at this time.

Regarding the cruelty of the snake girl, instead of stopping the human monk, the human monk said grimly: "That's right, I failed to protect my daughter. There is no need for their family to exist."

Lin Mu beheaded the snake girl, but he didn't dare to stay where he was for a moment.Directly control the spaceship to escape far away.

Although the strength of the shemale is not very good, but the strength of his father really makes Lin Mu very afraid.

Although Lin Mu relies on all means, it is not impossible to fight against the strong in the Ascension Realm.But that's only for the early stage of the Ascension Realm. If it is a strong person who has completed the Ascension Realm, Lin Shu can run as far as he can.

After running a million miles in one breath, Lin Shu's speed remained unabated.

After finishing the storage rings of the three, Xue Linglong said with bright eyes: "This shemale is really rich, and the treasures in the storage rings are so rich. It's completely beyond imagination!"

Lin Mu wasn't surprised by this at all, and he always brought two transgressive-level three-level transgressive demons with him when he went out.How could the collection not be rich.

Just as Lin Mu was about to ask Xue Linglong what good things were in the monster's ring, his consciousness suddenly shook.

Then Lin Shu directly controlled the flying spirit treasure, and quickly dived into the depths of the bottom of the heartless sea.

"What's wrong?" Xue Linglong asked puzzled.

"The family of the shemale is here." Lin Mu said solemnly.

Lin Mu has already escaped for a million miles, and the family of the transgressor can still keep up with him, and even go ahead of him, which really shocks Lin Mu.

Xue Linglong was also very nervous when he heard that the family of the shemale was following up.

"Look, what is that!" Blood Spirit Dragon pointed outside, and shouted in panic from the densely packed black shadows surrounding the spaceship.

"Water snake!" After Lin Mu saw the essence of the black shadow, he also frowned.

"The ladyboy's mother is probably a powerful water snake. These should all belong to the ladyboy's mother," Lin Mu said.

"We've been exposed." Blood Spirit Dragon said.

Lin Mu nodded heavily, and said: "You hide in the chaotic world first, and we have to find a way to rush out. I underestimated the ability of the sea monster in the ruthless sea. We have actually been exposed from the beginning."

Lin Mu really underestimated the sea monster's ability in the ruthless sea.

After learning the news of her daughter's death, the ladyboy's mother mobilized her huge and innumerable clansmen as soon as possible, and passed on all the news about Lin Mu.

The speed of the forest spaceship is indeed not slow, but no matter how fast it is, can it be as fast as the speed of message transmission?

Moreover, the sea area controlled by the transvestite family for millions of miles, there are simply too many water snakes to count.

It can be said that Lin Mu's every move has long been under the surveillance of the water snakes.The reason why they are only doing it now is because the trees are about to leave, and the furthest distance they can use their power is.

If they leave this range, it will become very difficult for them to deal with trees.

After sending the Blood Spirit Dragon and the spaceship into the chaotic world, Lin Shu blasted out with a wave of flames.

To deal with the Kraken in the Heartless Sea, Skyfire is obviously the most suitable.

Flame waves spread out like ocean waves, and any sea snakes that were contaminated with a little bit of sky fire immediately turned into a pile of ashes.

Lin Mu originally wanted to follow Yan Lang and quickly break out of the siege, but Lin Mu's thinking was obviously too simple.

After a sea snake turns into coke, there will be hundreds of sea snakes filling up and down immediately, which is inexhaustible.

The reproduction ability of sea monsters is several times or even dozens of times that of humans, so the number of groups is also several times, dozens or even hundreds of times that of humans.

Moreover, the hierarchies among the sea monsters are strict, such as the lady monster mother, who is the existence of the patriarch of the clan.

As long as she gives an order, all the sea snakes in the nearby sea area will not retreat even if they know they must die.

So when the flame wave was completely spread out, Lin Mu not only failed to advance half a step as he wished, but was forced to retreat a few steps instead.

Seeing the densely packed sea snakes that are fearless and fearless, they surrounded him like an iron bucket, and Lin Shu felt his scalp go numb for a while.

With such a huge number of sea snakes, even if Lin Shu's cultivation base and strength are against the sky, it is not easy to get out of trouble.

But if he was delayed here, it would be tantamount to giving the demon parents time to rush over. If the two of them rushed over, it would be too late for him to escape.

"Thunder robbery gun!" Looking at the sea snake in front of him, Lin Mu suddenly had an idea, and then directly transformed into a thunder robbery gun.

Of course, Lin Mu didn't expect a thunder gun to kill many sea snakes. Water can conduct electricity, and the power of sky thunder is transmitted through sea water. Although it can't kill many sea snakes, it is at least enough to keep them out of action for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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