Supreme Chef

Chapter 822 3 Immortal Island

Chapter 822 Three Immortals Island

The thunder robbery gun was thrown out, and a faint blue light suddenly appeared in the sea water.

And all the sea snakes that came into contact with the faint blue light suddenly went numb and temporarily lost the possibility of moving.

Seeing that the thunder gun was effective, Lin Mu didn't dare to stay for a while, and directly split the heavy sea snake and fled quickly.

The transvestite's parents were able to mobilize such a terrifying Sea Serpent Legion, without even thinking about it, they were great figures, and the current self was definitely not an opponent.

Lin Shu broke through the heavy sea snakes, and directly moved to shrink the ground into an inch, running wildly all the way.

Just as Lin Mu left the encirclement of the sea snake, two powerful figures landed here.

"Traces of thunder."

The moment the two figures arrived, they saw the sea water glowing with faint blue light.

"He ran away! Let's chase after him!" After getting the direction of Lin Mu's escape from the tribe, the ladyboy's mother also directly chased after him.

Seeing this, the shemale's father hurriedly followed.

How terrifying are the speeds of the two Ascension Realm Consummation experts.In just a moment, they had already found the place where the trees shrank to an inch.

"The fluctuation of the rules of space! He masters the rules of space!" When the two saw the traces of fluctuations left here, their eyes immediately became hot.

If it was said that they chased Lin Mu just now to avenge their daughter, then now they are more likely to plot the secrets of Lin Mu.

Spatial rules are something that makes immortals envious, but it has appeared in the realm of comprehension, and it is right in front of their eyes. It is hard for them not to be tempted.

The two pursued at full speed, no matter what, they would not let Lin Shu go.

Lin Shu ran wildly all the way without stopping, and in just half an hour, he had already escaped tens of thousands of miles.

However, Lin Mu still didn't dare to relax a little bit, he knew what it would mean to him if the two of them found traces of the space rules.

The uninterrupted shrinking of the ground into inches also made the true energy in Lin Mu's body almost exhausted.

Taking out a large handful of elixir, he poured it directly into his mouth, and Lin Mu continued to shrink into inches and run wildly.

But this time, the trees did not run away in one direction, but for a certain distance in all directions.

This can well cover up the aura of his escape, so that the two chasing him can't find the direction of his escape at all.

After arranging everything here, Lin Mu directly plunged into the heartless sea, and then hid himself from the bottom of the sea and lurked forward little by little.

This is already the place where human monks and sea monsters meet. Whether it is the sea surface or the bottom of the sea, it is already very dangerous.

But in comparison, for trees, the bottom of the sea is much safer than the surface of the sea.

Not long after Lin Mu left, the shemale's parents really came after her.

However, seeing the turbulent flow of the space, the two of them also frowned.

"Search separately, we must find that kid no matter what." The two of them had already made a decision in just an instant.

But when the two searched for all the traces left by the trees and returned to the original point, the anger on their faces was beyond words.

"Tricked by that kid, he must have passed through the bottom of the sea and escaped." The transvestite's father said angrily.

The ladyboy's mother also had a look of anger and unwillingness at this time.

A monk who mastered the rules of space just ran away from their eyes, and no one would be willing to change it.

"Look! We must find that kid! He won't be far away. Let's go back and mobilize all our strength. Even if we turn the heartless sea over, we must find him!" the ladyboy's mother said firmly.

"En! We must find him!" The transgressive father's eyes were full of light.

Lin Shu sneaked all the way on the bottom of the sea for more than half a month before Lin Shu dared to come out from the bottom of the sea.

But as soon as he came out, Lin Mu directly refined an Yirong Pill, which changed his appearance and temperament.

Lin Mu is already an eighth-rank alchemist, and a seventh-rank Yi Rong Pill still can't help Lin Mu.

After changing his appearance and breath, Lin Mu felt a little more at ease.

My eighth-grade flying spirit treasure must not be used anymore. The most urgent thing is to find a place to buy a high-level flying spirit treasure.Otherwise, if I fly to West Jizhou by myself, even if I am not exhausted, the day lily will be cold by the time I arrive.

After finding a large island that was fairly prosperous, the trees also fell into the island.

Before entering the city, Lin Mu saw his arrest warrant, which was hung on the highest place in the city.

"A human monk is wanted on Sanxian Island. Anyone who provides useful information will be rewarded with a million high-grade spirit stones. Those who can capture this person alive and bring them to the island will be rewarded with a ninth-grade spirit treasure!" Anyone who enters the city, Everyone will see this expensive wanted warrant.

"Who is this person, he is worth so much money? If I run into him, you can get millions of high-grade spirit stones just by providing a piece of information." Someone beside Lin Mu muttered softly.

If they finally knew that this wanted human monk was once so close to them.I don't know if they will, even their intestines are regretful.

"Doing business with Sanxian Island, I think you don't want to die." The person next to the man said with a soft snort.

The person who spoke just now sneered twice, and said: "I'll just say it casually, and I can really do business with Sanxian Island."

When Lin Mu heard this, he felt that there must be something wrong, so he also stepped forward and said, "You two gentlemen are invited."

Both of them stared at Lin Mu in front of them, but seeing that Lin Mu was only at the first level of Transcending Tribulation, they still bowed their hands together and said, "What's the matter with you?"

Lin Mudao: "I just heard from two dear friends that you can't do business with Sanxian Island? I don't know what it means? I think this person's reward is quite high."

When the two heard that Lin Mu had asked this question, they were also relieved and said, "Brother, you are not from this sea area, are you?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I did come from another sea area."

The person who spoke nodded and said: "It's right that you are not from this sea area. Everyone in this sea area knows that Sanxian Island is a sect that likes black and white the most. Especially the sect master. Mrs. Snake Demon, she never does business at a loss. And she has a vicious heart, so many sects that cooperated with Sanxian Island eventually disappeared."

"So brother, I still advise you not to go into this muddy water, don't take money for life, spend money for life." The man also reminded Lin Mu in good faith.

When Lin Mu heard this, he felt relieved. The reputation of Sanxian Island is so bad, it seems that not many people are willing to help find him.That way, you'll be safer.

Before Lin Mu could ask where he could buy the high-level flying spirit treasure, another golden light flashed.Then everyone looked at the bulletin board in the middle of the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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