Supreme Chef

Chapter 823

Chapter 823
On the bulletin board was another announcement from Sanxian Island.

Lin Mu also raised his head to look carefully, but when Lin Mu finished reading, he couldn't help but frown.

Obviously, Sanxiandao knew that his character and reputation were not very good, so he found a middleman as a guarantee, and agreed to prepay the Lingshi and Lingbao in advance.

"The Sanxian Island seems to be playing for real this time. How much enmity does this person have with Sanxian Island? Sanxian Island wants to arrest this person like this." The monk who was talking to Lin Mu just now looked at the first person. The second announcement also said to himself.

This second announcement is not good news for me.

Lin Mudao: "Brothers, I would like to ask, is there any place in this city that sells high-level flying spirit treasures?"

One person said: "If you want to buy spirit treasures, you really have come to the right place. There is indeed a place in this city that sells high-end spirit treasures. The quality is definitely first-class, but the price is a little bit more expensive. After all, it is from Sanxian Island. The industry, the price is not bad, it is not their character of Sanxian Island."

"The industry of Sanxian Island?" Lin Mu couldn't help but frowned again after hearing this.

Seeing Lin Mu frowning, the man said: "You can rest assured when trading here, although the place where Lingbao is sold is also from Sanxian Island. But the boss behind this scene is much stronger than the snake girl and the island owner. This time, she is also the guarantor for the two of them."

After Lin Mu listened, his brows frowned again.Lin Mu was completely confused by Nanxiu's words, and the people of Sanxian Island can still guarantee him.And obviously this person who also comes from Sanxian Island as a guarantor is highly respected and trusted by the people here.

This is really a bit too strange, people from the same force actually have two completely different feelings among people.

"Brothers, I want to ask, what is the relationship between this guarantor and Sanxian Island?" Lin Mu asked.

The man was obviously very talkative, and said: "Brother, you came from another sea area, it's normal if you don't know. The person who came forward as a guarantor is the eldest wife of the island owner of Sanxian Island, and also the original spouse of the island owner of Sanxian Island.

In fact, in the past, Sanxian Island was not called Sanxian Island, but Husband and Wife Island.It was only after the owner of the Sanxian Island married the snake demon back that it was renamed Sanxian Island.This guarantor's original wife is not just a master in this sea area.And she is also a master craftsman, almost all the famous spirit treasures in this sea area come from her hands.

But even though she is in Sanxian Island, she is also one of the three immortals.But besides the expensive things, this original wife's character is quite guaranteed.Otherwise, her Lingbao Pavilion would not be spread all over this sea area, and even other sea areas would have her subcolon.This time, I don't know what the island owner and the snake girl said to make the original wife come out to guarantee the two of them. "

After Lin Mu heard this, he finally understood, but he still asked: "A human monk sees his husband marrying a sea monster, normal people probably won't agree to it, right?"

Human beings have a very big prejudice against sea monsters, let alone that human nun who can serve a husband with a sea monster.

"Of course the original wife disagreed, but how could the island owner allow such a cash cow to leave Sanxian Island. At that time, the island owner and the snake girl imprisoned the original wife for a hundred years. Later, for some reason, the original wife agreed not to leave. Only However, she did not live with the two of them, but lived alone on an island. In addition to practicing, she refines various spirit treasures every day. It can be said that Sanxian Island has expanded so rapidly over the years, at least half of the original wife thanks to

Lin Mu heard what the other party said, and felt that if he wanted to completely solve the trouble of Sanxian Island.It seems that it is possible to start with this original wife, but now Lin Mu has no time to deal with these.He had to find a way to hurry up and get out of here. Although his Yi Rongdan was exquisite and unparalleled, it also had a time limit.It can only last for a year at most.

After bidding farewell to the two, Lin Mu went straight into the city, and found the Three Immortals Treasure Pavilion very smoothly.

This is the shop of the original wife of Sanxian Island, and it is also the only shop in the whole city that sells high-end Lingbao.

"Guest officer, what do you want to buy? Our store has all kinds of spirit treasures." As soon as Lin Mu entered, an enthusiastic waiter immediately came up to greet Lin Mu.

Lin Mu walked around the Jubao Pavilion, and found that the original wife's skill in refining weapons was indeed superb.

It's not that much worse than Cao Xiu and Mi Yan.

After Lin Mu turned around, he said, "I want an advanced flying spirit treasure."

When Xiaoer heard that Lin Mu wanted a higher-end flying spirit treasure, he couldn't help showing embarrassment and said: "It's a coincidence, guest officer, the last seventh-grade flying spirit treasure in our store has just been bought."

Lin Mu also felt a pity when he heard that a seventh-rank flying spirit treasure was bought away.If I had known that Lin Shu would not stay outside the city, he would have just entered the city.

"Guest officer, wait a minute." Lin Mu had just taken two steps when he was stopped by Xiaoer.

"Why, do you still have any stock in your store?" Lin Mu asked.

Xiaoer replied: "The stock is gone, but there is a flying spirit treasure that is being refined and is about to be completed. I don't know if the guest can wait a day longer, and someone will deliver it tomorrow morning. You just need to leave your address, I will I will send it to you, guest officer, tomorrow morning."

"What a coincidence?" Lin Mu's heart couldn't help but move when he heard Xiao Er's words.

Xiaoer smiled and said: "You should have seen the announcement on the top of Keguan City, it is from our Sanxian Island. Such a generous reward will definitely be searched for. If you want to find it, you can't do without the flying spirit treasure." .

So when my master got the news, he had already started refining the flying spirit treasure.And after I inquired just now, I knew that there happened to be a flying spirit treasure that was about to be completed, and it would be delivered tomorrow. "

After listening to Xiao Er's words, Lin Mu didn't see any flaws.And what Xiaoer said is also reasonable, the notice to arrest him was originally issued by Sanxian Island.It is obviously normal for the original wife to prepare in advance.

"Okay, then I'll pick it up tomorrow morning." Lin Mu said.

Xiaoer said: "Guest officer, can you leave your address, and I will send it to you tomorrow?"

Lin Mudao: "I just entered the city, and I haven't confirmed where to live yet, so I'll just pick it up tomorrow morning."

Xiaoer said: "Okay then. At Chenshi tomorrow morning, the flying spirit treasure will be delivered on time. Objectively, you can come here on time. Otherwise, I am worried that this spirit treasure will not be able to keep it."

After listening to Xiao Er's words, Lin Mu took out a storage bag and said, "Here are one hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones, so consider it my deposit."

Xiaoer took the storage bag, and immediately said with a beaming smile, "Don't worry, I will help you keep the spirit treasure."

Lin Mu nodded, then turned and left the shop.

As soon as Lin Mu left, the joy on Xiao Er's face just now disappeared.Instead, with a vicious look on his face, Xiao Er took out a jade slip.After entering a series of information, he put the deposit paid by Lin Mu into his storage ring.

(End of this chapter)

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