Supreme Chef

Chapter 824 The most poisonous woman's heart

Chapter 824 The most poisonous woman's heart (1)

After Lin Mu left the Three Immortals Jubao Pavilion, he did not stay in the city, but left the city directly.

Lin Mu always felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn't tell where the problem was.

Lin Mu has always trusted his intuition very much.Since it is impossible to determine where the problem lies, the safest way is naturally to leave this place of right and wrong.

Although he left the big city, Lin Shu did not go far, but hid in a place not far from the city.

Just as Lin Mu settled down here, he saw a group of murderous people in Sanxian Island costumes entering the big city.

Seeing this group of people, Lin Mu finally knew where the problem was.

His flying spirit treasure has been exposed, and it is definitely impossible to continue using it.Whether Lin Mu is passing by here or on his way, it is impossible for Lin Mu to not have a flying spirit treasure in the Heartless Sea.

Since it is necessary to buy the flying spirit treasure, it must be inseparable from Jubao Pavilion. Although Jubao Pavilion cannot be sure that the person who bought the flying spirit treasure is Lin Mu, they can gather all the information and ask Sanxian Island to send people to investigate.

Looking at the people from Sanxian Island who entered the city, Lin Mu also secretly thought it was dangerous.Fortunately, I am alert, even if I leave the city.

Or he was trapped in the city and was found by the people of Sanxian Island.Even if he ate Yi Rong Pill, if they really brought him to Sanxian Island, he would probably be exposed.

"You just came out of Jubao Pavilion." Just as Lin Mu was about to leave here, he heard someone behind him speak.

After the initial panic, Lin Mu quickly calmed down, turned around and looked at the middle-aged beautiful woman behind him, cupped his hands and said, "Senior, is there anything you can do with this junior?"

The middle-aged|beautiful woman looked at Lin Shu and said: "You don't have to deny that most of the spirit treasures in Jubao Pavilion are made by me. Anyone who is contaminated with the breath of spirit treasures inside can be identified immediately. "

Lin Mu's heart skipped a beat when he heard the middle-aged|beautiful woman's words. The middle-aged|beautiful woman's words had already made Lin Mu guess her identity.

She is the original wife of the owner of Sanxian Island, and also the owner of Jubao Pavilion.

Lin Mu suppressed the panic in his heart, and said with a smile, "I did just come out of Jubao Pavilion."

"You want to buy an advanced flying spirit treasure?" The middle-aged|beautiful woman continued to ask.

Lin Mu didn't hide it either, the Treasure Pavilion was all hers, and it was not easy for her to know what she bought.

"Yes. This junior really wants to buy a flying spirit treasure, and is going to find some resources for cultivation." Lin Mu nodded.

The middle-aged|beautiful woman looked at Lin Mu and said, "Don't be nervous, I'm not here to catch you. I'm here to seek your cooperation. If my guess is right, you should be the one the two of them are looking for .”

The middle-aged|beautiful woman paused for a while, and said: "If you can escape the joint pursuit of the two of them, you must have a great means of escape. I admit that I may not be able to stop you, but I think it is better to delay you for a moment or three quarters." There is no problem. If the two of them also come by then, I think you may not even have a chance to escape."

Listening to the middle-aged|beautiful woman's words, Lin Mu's heart couldn't help beating wildly.The heart of this middle-aged|beautiful woman is too terrifying, she has changed her appearance, even her breath has changed.But she can still find herself with a little bit of clues.Moreover, he ate himself so hard that he couldn't move at all.

"What is the purpose of the senior looking for the junior?" Now that he was recognized, Lin Mu simply stopped hiding it.Moreover, Lin Mu could feel that the original wife had no malice towards him.

"This is not a place to talk, if you are brave enough, come with me to Sanxian Island." The original wife said.

"Go to Sanxian Island." Lin Mu frowned when he heard that he was going to Sanxian Island.

Sanxian Island is someone else's territory, even if the original wife has no malice towards him.But if the parents of the shemale were to target him, Lin Mu couldn't guarantee his identity and whether he would be exposed.

"As long as you come with me, I can provide you with a ninth-grade flying spirit treasure." The original wife threw out her own temptation.

"Ninth Grade Flying Spirit Treasure." Lin Mu's heart was also moved when he heard the words of his original wife.

There may be many ninth-rank spirit treasures in Dongxuanzhou, but there are very few flying spirit treasures of the ninth rank.

Because no one would use the top materials in the cultivation world to refine a flying spirit treasure.

Therefore, even if it is the lineage of the Great Elder of Qidu, what can be given to Lin Mu is only an eighth-rank flying spirit treasure.

And don't look at the difference between the eighth rank and the ninth rank, but the speed is definitely not the same.

If the original wife can really provide herself with a ninth-grade flying spirit treasure, then the time for her to go to Xijizhou will be greatly shortened.

After thinking for a while, finally Lin Mu gritted his teeth and followed.

The original wife seemed to have expected that Lin Mu would follow, she also smiled slightly, and then sacrificed a flying spirit treasure that looked like a gorgeous carriage.

"Come up." The original wife said to Lin Mu after going up first.

Lin Mu hesitated for a moment, but finally followed.

"Your courage and strength are the only ones I have seen in my life. Thinking about it, you should not be an unknown person in Dongxuanzhou. Which emperor sect are you from?" asked the original wife.

Lin Mudao: "Is it normal for the so-called geniuses to come from Emperor Zong?"

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the original spouse's wife was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "You are right, it seems that you and Emperor Zong are not dealing with each other. You are really a troublemaker."

"Look at your direction. Are you going to go to Xijizhou? The situation in Xijizhou is not good now. If there are no special circumstances, I advise you to go back the same way."

When Lin Mu heard the original wife's wife mentioning the matter of Xijizhou, he also asked quickly: "Senior, do you know the current situation of Xijizhou?"

The original wife nodded and said, "I know a little bit."

Lin Mu said: "Please tell me, senior."

Seeing Lin Mu's nervousness, the original wife's wife said to herself: "You went to Xijizhou to save people, right? And this person is very important to you, it should be your lover."

Lin Mu had already learned the lesson. The original wife was thoughtful, so she didn't deny it, and nodded directly.

"Love and righteousness, it seems that I did not choose the wrong person." The original wife said.

"Senior, what's the situation in Xijizhou?" Lin Mu didn't come to listen to others' evaluation of himself.

The original wife said: "It is not optimistic. As far as I know, except for a few nine-star sects, [-]% of the rest of the sects have been wiped out, and the vast land of Xijizhou has all fallen into the hands of the demon world."

When Lin Mu heard what his wife said, he couldn't help being shocked.Lin Mu didn't expect the situation in Xijizhou to be so bad.This is obviously already in jeopardy.

(End of this chapter)

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