Supreme Chef

Chapter 825 The most poisonous woman's heart

Chapter 825 The most poisonous woman's heart (2)

After listening to his wife's words, Lin Mu also asked: "Ma'am, West Jizhou is in danger, don't the other continents take any action at all? What the Devil Realm wants is definitely not a mere West Jizhou, what he wants is the whole world of self-cultivation. This It's time for all channels in the cultivation world to unite."

The original wife's wife said lightly: "If everyone in the cultivation world can think this way, then Xijizhou is not like that at all. In the cultivation world, as long as it does not touch their own interests, no one will take the risk. Even It is in Xijizhou, even under such circumstances. The sects of Xijizhou are not monolithic."

Lin Mu also fell silent after hearing what the original wife said.The original wife's wife is right, the cultivation world will never be monolithic.

Every force has its own interests, as long as their own interests are not threatened, they will never take any action.

And the biggest problem in the comprehension world now is that they don't understand the demon world at all, and they greatly underestimated the threat of the demon world.

"When the Demon Realm really dominates the world, I think it will be too late for them to join forces." Lin Mu said quietly.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the original wife's wife was also a little curious, and said, "Do you really think that the Demon Realm can dominate the world?"

Lin Mudao: "Ma'am, it is because there are many people who think like you in the realm of comprehension, that the demon world can rule the world smoothly. I have contacted people from the demon world, and the demon world is very strong. The demon world and the demon gate are completely two concepts. If If you say that the Demon Sect is just a stronger ant to the cultivation world, then the Demon Realm is an ancient giant elephant that is difficult to shake in the cultivation world."

The original wife was also a little surprised when she heard Lin Mu's statement.

Lin Mu knew that although the original wife was surprised, she still might not believe what she said, and Lin Mu didn't want to force others to believe him.

I originally went to Xijizhou not to save the world, but to bring my lover back. As for whether Xijizhou is dead or alive, as for whether the cultivation world is dead or alive, Lin Mu doesn't care.

"Ma'am, tell me what you want to cooperate with me?" Xijizhou was in danger, and Lin Mu didn't have time to talk to his wife about it.

The original spouse's wife also understood Lin Mu's mood, and she didn't hold back any more, saying, "I want you to help me kill those two people."

Lin Mu knew who the two people mentioned by the original wife were the parents of the transgressive.

What Lin Mu couldn't figure out was that the wife of the island owner had been cooperating with the transgressive parents all the time.And she also came forward to provide security for the two of them, and asked everyone to arrest her, so why is she still cooperating with herself to kill the parents of the transgressor.

The original wife's wife obviously saw the doubts in Lin Mu's heart, and said: "I have a sworn hatred against them, how could I cooperate with them. The reason why I have been forbearing all these years is for revenge."

"However, these two sluts have been guarding against me all these years. Although it looks like I live alone, in fact I am closely monitored by them all the time. As long as I make a slight change, the two of them will come to suppress me One time. Over the years, my cultivation has not improved a single inch, and it can be said that it is all because of the two of them."

"If it wasn't for your affairs, I think I would not even have this little freedom today."

Lin Mu didn't expect this to happen, but Lin Mu was a little curious.What kind of hatred can make this original wife bear it for so long.

"Madam, I would like to take the liberty to ask, what kind of hatred do you have with the two of them?" Lin Mu asked.

The original wife's wife's eyes showed a fierce red light, and said: "The two of them killed my son."

"Did you kill your son?" Lin Mu couldn't help asking back.

The son of the original wife is not the son of the island owner. Just ask a father, how could he kill his own son.

But when Lin Mu listened to the original wife's words, Lin Mu really felt that the parents of this shemale were not even as good as animals.

It turned out that the island owner had a son with the original wife, and later the island owner gave birth to this shemale with the sea serpent.

Unexpectedly, this shemale actually fell in love with his half-brother, and finally forced him to make peace with his brother, and finally sucked all the energy of his half-brother.

It can be said that the shemale did this entirely under her mother's guidance, because only in this way would she have a greater chance of surviving.

Such a thing is appalling whether it is among human monks or sea monsters.But this thing happened for real.

And because the island owner didn't want to expand the matter and cause bad influence on himself, he even acquiesced in the occurrence of this matter.And use everything to completely cover up this matter.To the outside world, he just said that his son had a problem with his cultivation.

Of course, all of this happened after the original wife was imprisoned.After knowing this, the original wife naturally couldn't tolerate it.

But there are two transvestite parents, and their cultivation base is higher than that of the original wife, so even if she tried her best to resist, she could not escape the fate of being suppressed in the end.

However, after a long stalemate, the original wife finally chose to forbear.She wants revenge, she wants to wait for the opportunity.

She chose obedience, cooperation, and continued strength.

It's just that she didn't expect that even she had shown so much sincerity.But still didn't get the absolute trust of the ladyboy's parents, although they agreed to let the original wife live out by herself.

But the surveillance surrounding her residence was quite strict.As long as there is any change in the original wife, they will come to check immediately.

And as long as there is any improvement in the original wife's cultivation.In the name of a competition, the sea serpent will attack secretly and beat her back to her original form.

As for the island owner's attitude towards all this, they all acquiesced.In fact, he has long stopped considering his original wife as his wife.

After hearing all this, Lin Mu felt very sympathetic to the original wife.

But sympathy belongs to sympathy, but it is impossible for Lin Mu to risk his life to help her, even with the temptation of the Ninth Rank Flying Spirit Treasure.

"How do you want me to cooperate with you?" Lin Mu asked.

The original wife's wife's eyes lit up when she heard Lin Mu's words, and said, "I want you to cooperate with me in a play. I want you to pretend to be caught by me, and then you attack the island owner. As for the bitch, I will deal with it." .”

Lin Mu couldn't help but sneered when he heard the words of the island owner's wife, and said, "Did you think things too simply? Do you think I might have a chance to sneak attack your island owner? If I had the strength, I would also Don't make it easy."

The original wife, said: "I will temporarily seal your cultivation, so that he will lose his vigilance against you. Then you will naturally have the opportunity to sneak attack him."

Lin Mu still sneered, and said: "You think you will seal my cultivation, don't you think he won't? Since he doesn't believe you so much, if you hand me over to him, he will definitely seal it again. At that time I will still It is impossible to escape death, but you may gain more trust from them because of this incident. Win more opportunities to approach them, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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