Supreme Chef

Chapter 826 The Terrible Scheme

Chapter 826 The Terrible Scheme
After hearing Lin Mu's words, the original wife said: "On the contrary, if you die, I will have no chance to get close to them. They give me a short period of freedom now because of your existence. If you die, then I will It's no longer worth using."

Lin Mu listened to what the original wife said, and felt that the matter seemed to be true.If he died, he really couldn't give the original wife any leverage.However, Lin Mu still couldn't fully believe what the original wife said.

The wife's wife looked at Lin Mu and said, "I know you still can't fully trust me, so I will open up my sea of ​​consciousness and let you destruct yourself in my sea of ​​consciousness."

When Lin Mu heard the words of the original wife's wife, his heart was also moved, and he asked uncertainly: "Are you sure you want me to impose a self-destruct restriction?"

The original wife nodded and said, "I'm sure."

Lin Mu said: "Then let's be villains first and then gentlemen."

The original wife nodded, and then directly opened her own sea of ​​consciousness.

Lin Mu was not polite, and directly used his own unique restraint method.

"Don't try to break it, because without my unique spirit wave, no one can break it. This restriction will not do any harm to you, as long as I live you can live." Lin Mu said.

After listening to Lin Mu's words, the original wife's wife checked secretly, and found that Lin Mu's restraint was indeed very clever.With my own cultivation, I really can't crack it.

This made the original wife think highly of Lin Mu again.Of course, it also gave her more confidence in revenge.

"Okay, now you can talk about your real plan." Lin Mu said.

The original wife said: "My plan has been finished."

Lin Mu frowned and said, "Are you sure you're going to send me there?"

The wife of the original wife said: "No! I sent you over after the restriction was placed, and your cultivation was sealed."

Lin Mu said: "It's impossible for you to pretend to seal like this to hide it from the two of them. The island owner will definitely seal it again. The only possible result is that we both die."

The original wife shook her head and said: "You are wrong about two things. First, neither of us will die. Second, there is not only one person who wants to re-seal you. That bitch is a sea monster. A demon is suspicious by nature. She won't trust anyone, including those who share her bed with her.

And she thinks that I know that bitch, and she will be wary of me doing tricks in the seal.She will definitely use her own unique seal to seal yours again. "

After hearing what the original wife said, Lin Mu felt that the original wife seemed to have some neurological problems because of the loss of her son.

"Since you know that both of them will re-seal me, you still use that plan to die."

The wife of the original wife said: "I said that this is not a plan to die. Although I haven't made any progress in my cultivation in the past hundred years, the two of them don't know. I have already studied the two of them thoroughly. What would that bitch use? I know exactly what kind of method to seal it, and what kind of method that bitch would use to seal it.

As long as my seal on you is changed slightly.At that time, the three of our seals will be superimposed on you at the same time, not only will all your seals be eliminated.The superimposed energy of our three seals can be directly used by you. "

Lin Mu didn't feel relaxed after hearing what the original wife said, but felt even more horrified.

This is such a great hatred that a master of the Ascension Realm will stop studying the other two people all the time, thinking of ways to kill them all the time.

Lin Mu believed that she definitely didn't come up with this method just now.It was only because she happened to appear that she chose to cooperate with herself.

Lin Mu even felt that if she didn't show up, she would probably create someone out of thin air with 'herself', or Zhang San or Li Si, in short, someone who could avenge her.

"Are you really sure that the two of them will seal me at the same time?" Lin Mu needs to make a final confirmation, after all, this is a matter of his own life.

Now I only have the cultivation base of the third level of Transcending Tribulation, although with various means, I can barely challenge the masters of the first level of Ascension.

But the island owner and the sea monster are neither masters at the first level of the Ascension Realm, but they are both masters at the Consummation of the Ascension Realm.

If you are not careful, what awaits you will be irreparable.

The original wife nodded very positively and said, "I'm very sure."

Lin Mu pondered for a while, then said: "Okay! I promise you. But now, I want the ninth-grade flying spirit treasure."

The original wife didn't have ink marks either, so with a wave of her hand, a dark red flying spirit treasure in the shape of a shuttle appeared in her hand.

"It really is a ninth-rank flying spirit treasure!" Lin Mu said, looking at the flying spirit treasure in the hands of his original wife.

The original wife, said: "I found this in an ancient cultivation cave in the early years. It is called Chixue, and it is an unformed fairy artifact. As long as you have the right materials, you can completely refine it into a fairy artifact." A flying spirit treasure of the weapon level."

Of course, Lin Mu would not doubt the words of his original wife, and with Lin Mu's own skill in refining weapons, he could see it.This is indeed the rudimentary form of a fairy weapon, but for some reason it has not been fully refined.

With such a flying spirit treasure, Lin Mu believes that his journey to Xijizhou will be greatly shortened.

"Take it." The original wife handed the red blood to Lin Mudao.

Lin Mu was not polite, and directly received the red blood into his ring.

"I'm going to seal your cultivation right now. If the sealing time is too short, the two of them will definitely be suspicious." The original wife said.

Lin Mu said: "Yes."

The original wife got Lin Mu's consent, and without delay, her bare hands were clear, and the seals sank into Lin Mu's body one after another.

Lin Mu felt that his true energy and tendons were being sealed bit by bit, but he didn't find anything unique about the restriction of this seal.

After sealing Lin Mu's cultivation, the original wife said: "I will go around outside for a while, and then I will enter Sanxian Island. No matter what happens, don't show any strangeness."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I see."

Looking at the very regular route of the original wife's wife, Lin Mu felt that this woman was even more terrifying.

This kind of useless going around can just stay somewhere.But she is still very careful, unwilling to reveal any flaws.Lin Mu felt terrified of such a scheming woman.

At the same time, Lin Mu felt sorry for the island owner and the sea serpent, and it was fortunate that the two of them could think of such a terrible person by their side.If it was Lin Mu, no matter how much benefit she could bring him, Lin Mu would not keep her.

(End of this chapter)

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