Supreme Chef

Chapter 827 Exceeding Expectations

Chapter 827 Exceeding Expectations
The original wife and Lin Mu went around for more than an hour before the original wife controlled her flying spirit treasure and rushed in the direction of Sanxian Island.

The two galloped all the way, and it took almost three days for Lin Mu and his original wife to arrive at Sanxian Island.

Looking down from a high altitude, Sanxian Island is three large islands with an incomparably huge area.However, the location here is very good, and the three giant islands are arranged in the shape of 'pin'.

Firmly occupying the bottom of the seabed, there are three seabed spirit springs that are constantly growing, so that the area where Sanxian Island is located is filled with spiritual energy.Such a blessed place is very rare even on the mainland.

"Ma'am, are you back?"

As soon as the original wife's flying spirit treasure appeared in the airspace of Sanxian Island, two Ascension Realm powerhouses immediately led people to surround the original wife's flying spirit treasure faintly.

Seeing such treatment from the original wife, Lin Mu suddenly felt that it was absolutely necessary for the original wife to take him around just now.

The parents of this transgressive lady are just as wary of the enemy as they are wary of the original wife.Under such precautions, as long as the original wife shows her feet a little bit, what awaits her will surely be doomed.

"Notify the island owner that the person he is looking for has already been captured." The original wife said with a cold face.

"Madam has caught that person?" The two of them were not excited when they heard the words of their original wife, but became more vigilant.

The original wife's wife frowned, and said: "Are you also suspicious of my words? Do I need to let go of my restraint and let you come in and take a closer look?"

"Subordinates don't dare. Subordinates dare not." After all, she is still the original wife in name, and one of the owners of the Three Immortals Island. Elders like them don't dare to offend too much.

"Since you don't dare, then hurry up and notify the island owner." The original wife said coldly.

"Yes! This subordinate will go now."

The two exchanged a wink, and then one of them left to inform the island owner.

The one left behind stared at Madam's flying spirit treasure, and said: "Madam, according to the rules, the subordinates want to check the prisoner's restrictions, Madam shouldn't mind?"

The original wife's wife said with a cold face: "If I want to say mind?"

"This is the rule set by the island owner. Please don't embarrass me, madam." The person who stayed behind said in a blunt tone, with the slightest intention of negotiating.

"Hmph!" The original wife snorted coldly, and then opened the restriction on her flying spirit treasure, and let the man come in to check.

The people left behind couldn't help being stunned when they saw the tree, because the tree in front of them was completely different from the portrait he got, and even the breath was completely different.

"Ma'am, this..."

"He ate Yi Rong Pill, after meeting the island owner, the island owner will naturally be able to tell the difference." Madam replied coldly.

"Yes!" Hearing the answer from the original wife, the people left behind couldn't ask any more questions, but carefully checked the restraints on Lin Mu.

He checked very carefully, and almost every small link was not missed.But the original wife, she has already studied everything here thoroughly.When restricting the trees, all of them were taken into consideration.

So no matter how carefully he checked, it was completely useless.

Looking at the elders of the Ascension Realm who found no problems after the inspection.Lin Mu sighed again in his heart, the horror of his original wife.

But think about it, a person who has barely practiced for 100 years is just observing everyone on the island.Constantly deduce in the mind, all possible things.It is not completely incomprehensible to be able to do this today.

"The island master asked us to take people there." The person who had reported it said to another person after returning.

"it is good!"

"Madam, please stay." Before the original wife could take Lin Mu away, she was stopped by someone who came back.

"What are you doing! Are you still going to check me?" the original wife asked sharply.

"No madam. The island owner asked the two of us to take him there, and didn't let his wife follow him." The person who came back said calmly.

Hearing this, Lin Mu couldn't help but 'thump' in his heart.

If he was really taken away by the two of them, then he could successfully attack the island owner, and he would surely die in the face of the sea serpent.

But looking at the calm expression on the original wife's wife, it seems that this is completely in her calculations.

"I don't take the person I captured, so what's the matter with letting the two of you take it? Don't I even have the right to see my husband?" The original wife said a little angrily.

"'s not Madam, it's just that the island owner did order it that way." The person who came back also said in embarrassment.

The original wife sneered and said: "Whether this is the order of the island owner or the real lady you said, do you think I don't know? If this is really the order of the island owner, let him come out and tell me personally. If it is really the order of the real lady you said, then go back and tell her that I have brought her back to my cave. If she wants someone, let her come and beg me."

"This..." Seeing how strong the original wife was, the person who came back couldn't be sure to pay attention.

Suddenly his expression changed, and he took out the communication jade slip in his cuff, glanced at the contents of the jade slip, immediately beamed with joy, and then said respectfully: "Madam, the island master asked you to take this fugitive to the main hall together. .”

When the original wife heard this, there was no change in emotion, and she still said with a straight face: "Lead the way ahead."

"Yes!" The two agreed, and silently led the way.

The four of them came all the way to the main hall of Sanxian Island, and Lin Mu saw the transgressive parents for the first time.

The shemale's father is also the island owner, a middle-aged monk with a good looks.No wonder even the Sea-Monster was seduced, it was indeed some capital.

As for the sea snake monster not only has an excellent face, but the most wonderful thing is her body that is as seductive as a sea snake.With such a figure, it's really hard for that man not to be tempted.

"Sister, is this the fugitive you caught?" The sea serpent twisted its water snake waist, and came to Lin Mu, carefully studying the easily overwhelmed Lin Shu.

The original wife snorted coldly, and said: "I am not your sister, I helped you capture the person you want, you can give me back my freedom."

Lin Mu couldn't help being startled when he heard the words of his original wife.This was something that the original wife hadn't told him before, but when he thought of the restriction he had placed in her sea of ​​consciousness, Lin Mu felt determined again.

The original wife wanted revenge, and before she had revenge, she was absolutely unwilling to die.

"Sister, what are you talking about? Sister, you have always been free. How dare I restrict my sister, sister, your freedom." The sea serpent said charmingly.

The original wife snorted coldly, and said: "Stop talking nonsense, I have already brought the person, and my work has been completed, now you can undo the poison on me."

This is another piece of information that Lin Mu doesn't know. Obviously, although the original wife has put a restraint in her head, there are still many things that are hidden from him.However, Lin Mu's expression was still calm, and he didn't show any strangeness.

"Sister, why are you so anxious, we haven't verified his body yet? After we verify his body, I will definitely offer the antidote with both hands." The sea snake demon said with a wicked smile.

(End of this chapter)

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