Supreme Chef

Chapter 828 I Did One Thing In One Year

Chapter 828 Doing One Thing in 100 Years
After the sea snake demon finished speaking, he looked at the trees carefully.

Because Lin Mu ate the Yi Rong Pill, both his appearance and breath were completely different from before, so the sea serpent was unable to judge whether the person in front of him was Lin Mu or not.

"Sister, I will detain this person first. After Yi Rong Dan's medicine expires and I confirm the identity of this person, I will naturally give the antidote to my sister." After the sea snake demon finished speaking, he wanted to arrest Lin Mu.

"Wait." The original wife's wife stood in front of the Sea Serpent and said, "If you don't have the antidote, don't try to arrest him."

"Sister, we are all one family, why should we care about this day or two? As long as I confirm my identity, I will definitely deliver the antidote to my sister personally." The sea serpent blocked the hand of the original wife, and was going to take her.

This is completely different from Lin Mu's idea, but things have reached such a point that Lin Mu can only cooperate with his original wife.

Lin Mu thought he had completely controlled the situation, but in the end it was the frightening woman, the original wife, who controlled everything.

"Crack!" The original wife's wife grabbed the Sea Serpent's hand, preventing her from taking Lin Shu away.

"Hmph!" The sea serpent snorted coldly, and shook his body, directly shaking his wife's hand away.

"Sister, I don't want to fight with you, and don't force me to fight with you." The sea serpent said in a cold tone.

The wife of the original wife took a step back in shock, glanced at the island owner who had never looked at him, then stared at the sea serpent and said: "I am indeed no match for you, but as long as I have one thought, this person will disappear in smoke a few years ago." , and your wishful thinking will come to naught. You choose yourself."

"Have you imposed a sea-consciousness restriction on him?" Hearing what his wife said, the Sea Serpent Demon couldn't help but change slightly.

Of course she needs a living tree, and only a living tree can tell her the rules of space that she needs most, what is the use of a dead person.

Hearing what the original wife said, the Sea Serpent was not sure to pay attention, and also looked at the island owner.

The island owner nodded, and then the sea serpent directly turned over a bottle of antidote and appeared in her hand.

"My sister is just too anxious. This is the antidote. My sister has taken it." Said the sea serpent.

The original wife took the elixir, and after checking to make sure there was no problem with the elixir, she also handed over the forest to the sea serpent.

The Sea Snake grabbed Lin Mu and said, "I hope you are the one we are looking for, otherwise not one will die."

The original wife knew that the sea serpent said this to her, but the only response to this was the original wife's cold snort.

The sea serpent brought Lin Mu in front of the island owner, and gave the island owner a look. The island owner immediately stretched out his consciousness to check the seal on Lin Mu.

After checking it again, the island owner waved his hand and sealed it again.

After seeing that the island owner had set the seal, the sea serpent grabbed the trees and set another seal with concern.

The three seals were blessed on Lin Mu's body at the same time, and Lin Mu really felt that all the seals had turned into nothingness at this moment.The seals blessed by the three of them were instantly transformed into a majestic force.


The moment the seal was released, Lin Mu directly blasted out with a Wuhuang fist.

Supported by the energy of the three Ascension Realm masters, Lin Mu's Wuhuang Fist was not only fast enough, but also full of strength.

Neither the island owner nor the sea serpent was able to react to the sudden change.


Everything was completely within the expectation of the original wife, Lin Mu's sudden attack, both of them did not respond at all.

Lin Mu punched directly on the island owner's dantian, colliding with the defensive shield that the island owner hastily raised.

There was a huge explosion, and the sea serpent immediately chose to retreat.

And Lin Mu immediately pulled away after the blow, without daring to delay for a moment.

Looking at the island owner who spewed blood, Lin Mu couldn't help but sigh.

Although everything came according to the original wife's plan, but his own cultivation is still a little bit worse.

Although the island owner is a defensive force gathered in a hurry, it is still not something he can break through.

Although the island owner was seriously injured this time, it was not enough to kill him, and it did not make him lose his strength to fight again.

"Xiaohong, you actually teamed up with outsiders to deal with me!" The island owner who was seriously injured looked at his original wife in disbelief.

"Did you call me Xiaohong? From the moment you killed my son, I have regarded you as dead. I have been holding back for a hundred years, just for today." The original wife also changed her clothes at this time The face, the tone is extremely cold and said.

The island owner also laughed wildly when he heard his wife's words, and said: "I really never thought that the woman who has been with me for so many years is so vicious. I am really a tiger."

The topic changed, and the island owner said: "But do you think you and such a person can defeat me?"

The Sea Snake also said with a cold face at this time: "You two just want to kill us. It's really fantastic. Where do you think this is? Today I will let you two die without a place to die."

"Come on!" the sea serpent yelled angrily, and the two Ascension Realm masters who were holding down the original wife and Lin Mu rushed in from the outside.

"Take these two people down to me." The sea serpent said angrily.

"What are you doing standing there!" Seeing the two of them not moving, the Sea Serpent asked loudly.

The original wife sneered, and said, "Do you really think that your poison can control everyone? Although I haven't improved much in the past hundred years, my use and understanding of poison are far superior to yours. They I have already untied the poison on my body. Now they will no longer obey your orders."

Hearing what the original wife said, the sea serpent's expression changed drastically.

"Have you really unraveled the poison from their bodies?" the Sea Serpent asked in shock.

The original wife sneered and said, "Do you think I'm joking with you again? I have unraveled the poison on them 20 years ago, and they waited 20 years for today."

"Then you still need an antidote?" Sea Serpent asked.

The original wife's wife flipped her palm, and the antidote appeared on her palm, and said, "This is what you're talking about. If I don't want it, how can you believe me with your character."

"You..." The sea snake demon looked at the original wife, but now he didn't say a word.

She felt that she was careful enough, but she was so careful that she still didn't notice such a big move by the original wife.

"Haha! I really didn't expect that under my couch, there are so many people who want to turn against me." The island owner laughed wildly.

The original wife, looking at the island owner, said: "Since you married this monster, you have betrayed everyone, and you should have expected that you will end up like this today."

"Okay! Since you are going to turn against me today, then I will grant you all. Let's go up together and see who will die first today." The island owner also said domineeringly at this time.

Lin Mu has been watching everything coldly from the side. First, his mission has been completed, and second, Lin Mu cannot intervene in such series of battles for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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