Supreme Chef

Chapter 829 Confused

Chapter 829 Confused
After the island owner roared, he rushed directly to his original wife.

The sea serpent glanced at it, but instead of rushing up, it chose to turn around and run away.

"You..." Seeing the woman he loves the most abandon him at this moment, the island owner was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"Look, this is the person who keeps saying that he wants to depend on you forever." The original wife said with a sneer.

At this time, the Sea Serpent simply ignored the sarcasm of the original wife, and now everything was very unfavorable to her.

If she didn't seize the time to escape at this moment, then she really would have no chance if she wanted to.

But she ran, but it was obvious that she was going to take something with her before she ran away.

Of course, what she wants to take away is definitely not the island owner, but Lin Shu.

As for the spatial rules that Lin Mu has mastered, she is not willing to give up easily.

Seeing the sea serpent rushing towards him, the wife of the first wife also let out a cold snort, and then directly dodged to block Lin Mu.As for the island owner, there were naturally two people who came in later to stop him.


In front of Lin Mu, the two ladies slapped each other without fancy.

"You...your cultivation has actually improved!" The Sea Snake Demon was once again shocked by the cultivation of his original wife.

Over the past hundred years, she has been trying every means to suppress the cultivation of her original wife. Whenever the other party makes a little progress, she will use various means to suppress it.

Even if after a while, the original wife's cultivation does not improve, she will find all kinds of excuses and reasons to suppress her.

What she was afraid of was what would happen today, but she took precautions against everything, and finally this happened.

Now she really doubts that everything she has done in the past hundred years is of any use.

The original wife looked at the sea snake demon and said, "My cultivation can improve, and I must thank you for continuously suppressing me for the past hundred years."

The sea snake demon looked at the original wife, his face changed several times, and finally said: "You let me take him away, I promise that I will never set foot in this sea area again. Otherwise, even if you kill me, my sea snake family And I won’t let it go.”

The original wife sneered, and said: "What you think is beautiful, don't say that your sea snakes are not good enough to let go, even if your sea snakes are good, I will not let your sea snakes go. How many disciples I have in Sanxian Island these years, they are all Your family has been refined alive. Even if I don’t avenge this enmity, others will not. You will die today.”

After the original wife's wife finished speaking, she directly bullied herself and confronted the sea snake demon.

Lin Mu glanced at the situation that was completely in chaos, and was about to pull away and leave.

There are too many secrets in him, and even though he controls the original wife now, Lin Mu always has a kind of uneasiness in his heart.

Because this original wife is too scary, completely scarier than what I imagined.

Lin Mu even suspected that when she let herself be restricted in her sea of ​​consciousness, it was planned early in the morning.

If this was really what she had planned, she must have thought of all the possibilities long ago.Obviously, the restriction imposed by him has no binding force on her.

"Don't let him run away, he has secrets related to the rules of space." Seeing that Lin Mu was about to run away, the sea snake demon didn't care about keeping the secret anymore, and directly yelled out the secrets on Lin Mu.

"What!" The original wife's expression changed suddenly when she heard the sea serpent's words.

Although she knew that the original wife and the island owner cared so much about Lin Mu, there must be something terrible about Lin Mu.However, she never thought that what Lin Mu possessed was a secret related to the rules of space.

"Damn it!" Hearing what the sea serpent said, Lin Mu cursed in a low voice, then nodded and was about to run away.

"Little friend Lin, you are too anxious. You haven't lifted the restriction in my sea of ​​consciousness. Why are you leaving in such a hurry?" The original wife's wife suddenly dodged and stood in front of Lin Mu.

"My mission has been completed. I am leaving here now. As for the restriction in your Sea of ​​Consciousness, after I leave, I will naturally lift it for you." Lin Mu said with full vigilance.

"I'm still not at ease when you leave like this. Why don't you leave after you get rid of the restraint on me?" The original wife said, still blocking Lin Mu's retreat.

Seeing Lin Mu here, she immediately understood that her own restriction was really useless to her.It's just that Lin Mu still doesn't know where the problem is.

"It looks like you are ready to avenge your kindness?" Lin Mu also took out his shadowless knife, ready to give it a go.

The original wife's wife looked at Lin Mu, smiled slightly, and said, "Little friend Lin, what are you talking about? You are my benefactor of Sanxian Island. How can I repay my kindness? I just want to ask Lin Xiaoyou to stay so that I can treat you personally. Lin Xiaoyou expressed his gratitude."

Lin Mu looked at his original wife and said, "Then what if I have to leave?"

The original wife's wife smiled and said: "If Lin Xiaoyou must leave, then I can only be offended."

Lin Mu said: "Aren't you afraid of the restriction I imposed in your sea of ​​consciousness?"

At this time, the original wife completely lost the mourning just now, and replaced it with an expression of winning.

"Little friend Lin, I don't know if you have heard of a material called the resurrection stone." The wife of the original wife said lightly.

"Resurrection Stone! The Second Sea of ​​Consciousness! The Sea of ​​Puppet Consciousness!" Lin Mu's face changed suddenly when he heard the words of his original wife.

Of course I have heard of the Resurrection Stone Linmu, this is a very special and very rare material.

This kind of material is hardly seen in the realm of comprehension, even if Lin Mu has been in the fairyland for so many years, he has only seen one or two pieces.

The resurrection stone itself does not have a particularly great effect, it can neither refine spirit treasures nor be used as medicine.

But its biggest function is that it can copy one's own sea of ​​consciousness through the resurrection stone, allowing a person to have two seas of consciousness at the same time.

Having two seas of consciousness at the same time does not mean that your soul power has doubled.The resurrection stone can only be copied, but it cannot enhance the power of the soul.

Of course, this is not to say that the soul stone is useless. In fact, if it is in the hands of a master, the role of the soul stone is still very large.

Although the soul powers of the two Sea Consciousness Gods have not improved, their deduction and comprehension abilities have doubled.

When the cultivation base reaches a certain extreme, the improvement of aura is meaningless, and the perception of everything in the world, as well as the deduction of one's own skills, will become very important instead.

It's like a strong man who has completed the Ascension Realm, and his cultivation base has generally reached their level.The increase of aura can be said to be all the time, but it is not so easy to feel the catastrophe.

But if there is a resurrection stone, the ability to perceive is doubled, and there is a greater chance to sense the existence of the catastrophe.

It's just that such a scarce thing, the original wife didn't use it to comprehend her cultivation, but to confuse herself.This made Lin Shu really completely unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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