Supreme Chef

Chapter 830 Scarlet Red

Chapter 830 Scarlet Red
Lin Mu could only admit that it was unlucky for the original wife to be willing to confuse herself with such a precious thing.

Facing such a meticulous woman, no matter how careful Lin Mu was, everything would be in vain.

"Lin Xiaoyou, my Sanxian Island lacks talents like Lin Xiaoyou. How about Lin Xiaoyou staying in my Sanxian Island and being a guest?" The original wife's wife directly blocked all possible escape routes for Lin Mu, and said with a look of determination.

"The current situation is obviously not good for the two of us. The two of us join forces to deal with her. How about going our separate ways after we escape?" the sea serpent said to Lin Mu through voice transmission.

Lin Mu snorted coldly, and responded, "I still want to live a few more years, so I won't have to cooperate with you."

The sea serpent said: "I can swear that I will never do anything to you again."

Lin Mu said: "Forget it, I can run out without you."

After a brief moment of astonishment, Lin Mu looked at his original wife and said, "Do you really think that this will keep me?"

The original wife's wife smiled lightly and said: "I never said to keep Xiaoyou Lin, I just want to ask Xiaoyou Lin to stay in Sanxian Island and be my guest of Sanxian Island."

Lin Mu made a gesture and said, "Unfortunately, I have no interest in Sanxian Island."

The original wife looked at Lin Mu and said: "Little friend Lin, your spiritual restraint is no longer of any use to me. Do you want to completely destroy my last good impression of you?"

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "Whether it's useful or not, you'll know later."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he directly detonated the restriction that he had placed.

Seeing Lin Mu's stubbornness, the original wife was ready to continue persuading Lin Mu, but before she could speak, her face suddenly changed.


The original wife spat out a mouthful of blood.At the same time, his face turned pale in an instant.

And after Lin Mu completed the blow, he didn't stop for a moment, and directly slashed and sacrificed.

The huge knife array, with the improvement of the tree's cultivation, its power also increases geometrically.

The knife array directly covered the entire palace, and the original wife, who hadn't reacted at all, was also directly shrouded in it.

Lin Shu didn't stop after the knife, and directly launched a space teleport.

Although I used my special spirit wave to temporarily injure my original wife, but this is his territory after all, and if I stay for a second longer, I will be in more danger.

"Sure enough, it's the rules of space!" Lin Mu's knife and blow did not kill the original wife, but it also caused her to suffer a little bit.

"You want to run too, did you manage to run?" the sea serpent, who was looking at the original wife, said with a sneer.

After Lin Mu left the palace, he didn't stay there either. After several consecutive spatial teleportations, he directly moved away from Sanxian Island.

After leaving Sanxian Island, Lin Mu directly plunged into the Heartless Sea, and then directly entered the chaotic world, and began to sacrifice the red blood given to him by his original wife.

The red blood was given by the original wife. This original wife is so cunning, her things must have hidden secrets.

Lin Mu didn't hesitate, and directly sacrificed his own Frost Sky Fire, which began to burn red.

Under the scorching fire of heaven, all secrets are not secrets.

After burning for half an hour, the marks of spiritual consciousness hidden in the dark were burned out by the sky fire.

Lin Mu was also secretly surprised when he saw the scarlet red with many hidden marks marked by his original wife.

It's fortunate that I have Skyfire, if I don't have Skyfire, these marks will always follow me, so that the original wife can find me smoothly.

It burned for another hour, and after confirming that there were no more marks, Lin Mu began to formally refine the crimson.

After refining Chi Hong soon, Lin Mu looked at Chi Hong floating in front of him, and Lin Mu discovered more secrets.

Although this crimson is only the embryonic form of an unfinished fairy weapon, it has many abilities that even flying spirit treasures of the fairy weapon level do not have.

For example, there is a groove in Crimson Red that prevents spirit stones. As long as there are enough spirit stones, Crimson Red can display its limit speed, and such a limit speed will not be much slower than its own speed rule.

It's just that such a limit speed cannot be used all the time.After all, it is not a fairy weapon yet. Although all its materials are top-notch, it cannot support such a fast speed.

According to Lin Mu's estimate, such a limit speed can only be used once a day, and each time should not exceed a quarter of an hour.

But don't underestimate this quarter of an hour. For Lin Mu, this quarter of an hour can already save Lin Mu from a catastrophe.

Coming out of the chaotic world, Lin Mu directly controlled Chi Hong and headed towards Xijizhou.

The speed of the ninth-rank flying Lingbao is indeed much faster than that of the eighth-rank Lingbao.According to this speed, it only takes one year for Lin Shu to reach Xijizhou.Of course, the premise is that I will not encounter any obstacles along the way.

But Lin Mu knew that it was just a wish that he didn't encounter any obstacles along the way.

The Ruthless Sea is full of dangers, and the more you go to the place where the sea monsters gather, the more dangerous it will be.However, the time can be greatly shortened, and Lin Mu is already very satisfied.

Lin Shu galloped all the way, running out of the sphere of influence of Sanxian Island.As for Sanxian Island, Lin Mu no longer cared about what happened to Sanxian Island.


Within Sanxian Island, the battle has come to an end.

With the help of the other two Ascension Realm powerhouses, the original wife has completely suppressed the island owner and the sea serpent.


The original wife sacrificed a mirror, and flames shot out from the mirror, completely enveloping the two of them.

This mirror is the treasure used by the original wife to refine aura, and it is also the magic weapon for her to become famous.The precious mirror was not very special at first, but after the uninterrupted condensing of the original wife, it was continuously tempered in various flames.

Although the treasure mirror at this time can't send out skyfire attacks, the power of the flames it sends out is already very impressive.

The island lord and the sea serpent were surrounded by a mass of flames, while the other two Ascension Realm powerhouses kept attacking them from the side, and soon their bodies were covered with scars.

Especially the seriously injured island owner, who is in dire straits.

"Are you really so cruel that you don't care about your father's affection at all?" The island owner looked at the original partner who had been in the same boat with him, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

While manipulating the precious mirror, the wife of the original wife said: "I have said that our relationship between husband and wife has been severed since the time you married her and entered the door. After so many years, look at you and her, and we have worked so hard. What did the construction of Sanxian Island look like?

The hearts of the people are scattered and the atmosphere is smoky.How many disciples died at the hands of sea monsters.How many disciples have secretly escaped from our Sanxian Island. "

"Did you only see these? Don't you see how much our Sanxian Island's sphere of influence has expanded over the years?" the island owner said.

The original wife said: "Expansion? Do you mean that the sea serpent clan is expanding? You have completely deviated from the final bottom line of human monks, and you are no longer worthy of being an island owner! Now I will avenge all those who died at your hands and my son! "

The original wife let out a low shout, and the precious mirror in her hand shot out a rocket, directly piercing into the island owner's dantian.


The rocket entered the dantian, and the island owner also exploded all over his body.

After the death of the island owner, the sea serpent still wanted to ask for mercy, but the original wife didn't give her this chance at all, and directly joined the other two to kill the sea serpent.

After successfully regaining Sanxian Island, the original wife finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"The island owner ran away, should we let someone chase him immediately!" said a strong man in the Ascension Realm.

The original wife's wife said quietly: "Don't worry, she can't run away."

(End of this chapter)

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