Supreme Chef

Chapter 832

Chapter 832
Sure enough, what the man said next confirmed Lin Mu's conjecture.

"Of course not everyone can enter the desert island secret realm. Every time the desert island secret realm is opened, only 100 people can enter it. Among them, the Siren side has to occupy [-] places exclusively. As for the remaining [-] places .

Humans occupy [-] places, and the remaining [-] are open to everyone and sea monsters. As long as they can pass the competition and enter the top [-], they are eligible to enter the deserted island secret realm. "

Lin Mu frowned after hearing this man's words, and said, "On the side of human monks, there are only [-] fixed places, and the remaining [-] will have to compete with the sea monster."

The man sighed, and said: "There is no way to do this, who let the deserted island secret realm be within the sphere of influence of the sea monster. Moreover, in this sea area, the sea monster is powerful, and we have nothing to do."

Lin Mudao: "Human monks do not have an advantage in the number of merciless seas, but top experts, human monks should not be less than sea monsters, right?"

The man also sighed, and said: "Among the top masters, human monks are indeed no less than sea monsters. However, most of these top masters have great sects behind them, as long as they don't harm the interests of their sects. They are too lazy to do it. As for those without sects For top experts, the secret land of the deserted island is not attractive to them at all, so they don't bother to care about these things."

After a pause, the monk continued: "It is said that sea monsters are selfish and greedy, but in this regard, sea monsters are much better than humans. They at least know how to unite to protect their common interests."

Lin Mu sighed, feeling helpless in his heart.The human monks seem to be monolithic, but in fact, the human monks are the most intriguing inside.

But these things are not what Lin Mu should consider, and if the human monks on the side of the Ruthless Sea really unite.If Lin Mu wanted to occupy the last thirty spots, it would be difficult.

Knowing what he wanted, Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you fellow Taoist, but I want to know, where do I sign up for the competition to enter the secret realm of the deserted island?"

He was not at all surprised that Lin Mu was going to participate in the competition.Because in the face of the temptation of the deserted island secret realm, there will be no monk who has crossed the tribulation realm calm down.

However, after he glanced at Lin Mu's cultivation, he kindly said: "Little brother, I advise you to think about the matter of the deserted island secret realm later. Most of them are monks above the fifth floor of the Tribulation Realm, and you are only on the third floor of the Tribulation Realm, so there is almost no possibility of entering the top [-].

And little brother, the competition for places in the deserted island secret realm is not as simple as you think.Above the competition, but no one will pay attention to you until the end. There are only two results in the competition, either kneel down and beg for mercy, or die.There will never be a third outcome. "

Seeing that Lin Mu still didn't plan to retreat, the monk continued: "Aside from this, little brother, the biggest rule of this competition is that there are no rules. No matter whether you are playing dirty or playing bright, no one will care about you. So little brother, You should go back and wait for the next opening."

Lin Mu couldn't help frowning after hearing the monk's last words.

Lin Mu was used to seeing too much life and death in the arena, but there were no rules, which made Lin Mu a little uncomfortable.However, it is obviously impossible to let the forest retreat at this point, not to mention that the next opening will be thousands of years later, the forest cannot afford to wait.Even if Lin Shu can afford to wait, the effect next time will not be as good as the first time.

Seeing Lin Mu frowning, the monk said: "Little brother, you are still young, let's talk about it later. Don't be here, you will waste your life in vain."

Lin Mudao: "Fellow Daoist, I just want to go and have a look, and I may not necessarily participate. Please also tell me the location, Fellow Daoist."

He has seen too many people like Lin Mu, and they all say to go and see, but in the end he can't help but participate.In the end, they will lose their lives in vain.

"Fifty thousand miles to the east from here, there is an island called Deserted Island, where registration and competitions are held." The man pointed to the east and said.

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you fellow Taoist."

Watching Lin Mu leave, the man also shook his head and said, "Another young man sent to his death."

For those [-] places, Lin Mu is determined to win.Lin Mu didn't have any worries about whether he could enter the top [-].

It is possible to use all your own means to deal with the masters of Ascension Realm.Lin Mu is still very confident in dealing with the strong ones under the Ascension Realm.

Moreover, the secret land of the deserted island is only valid for the cultivators of the Tribulation Transcendence Realm, and Lin Mu doesn't have to worry about anything, the monks of the Ascension Realm will participate.

Fifty thousand miles passed in a flash, and Lin Mu really saw the deserted island.

But the secret place was there, and Lin Shu didn't see it.

When Lin Shu arrived at the deserted island, there were already many human monks and various sea monsters on the deserted island.

On the deserted island is a spontaneously formed city, but this city is vacant most of the time, and it will flourish only before the secret realm of the deserted island is opened.

Lin Mu found a hidden place, took another Yi Rong Pill, and changed his image again before entering the city.

Facing a terrifying woman, Lin Mu had to be so careful.

When Lin Mu entered the big city, he found that most of the people in the city were only at the Transcendence Tribulation Realm. Although there were a few people at the Ascension Realm, they were very few.Moreover, most people's cultivation bases are only concentrated below the third level of Ascension Realm.

And Lin Mu knew that none of these people came to enter the secret land of the deserted island, they were all here to buy some materials from the secret land of the deserted island.

The reason why these monks in the Ascension Realm did not enter the secret realm was first because the desert island secret realm was useless to the monks in the Ascension Realm.The second reason is that the secret land of the deserted island is not all smooth sailing, and the dangers inside can also threaten the ascension monks.

They don't want to take the risk of falling into the inside, and as long as they wait outside, there will naturally be monks who come out of the robbery-crossing realm and sell materials.

After changing his appearance again, Lin Shu walked around the big city and found that there were obviously more sea monsters than human monks.Moreover, the cultivation base of the sea monster is obviously much higher than that of human monks.

Lin Mu didn't know the specifics of Dabi yet, so he also wanted to find a place to inquire about Dabi's specifics.

Lin Mu came to a tea house, and just about to step into it, a black shadow suddenly flew towards him.

Lin Mu dodged aside subconsciously, and the black shadow hit the ground with a 'bang'.

Lin Mu glanced at the blood-soaked monk on the third floor of the Tribulation Transcending Realm, and frowned slightly.

"If you don't listen to me when I talk to you well, you can only understand me if we play hard with you." Two sea-monsters who had turned into human forms on the third floor of the Tribulation Realm stood at the door and said contemptuously.

Lin Mu didn't want to meddle in other people's business, he was not strong enough, and he deserved to be thrown out.

"Stop!" Lin Mu was about to step into the teahouse when he was stopped by one of the two sea monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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