Supreme Chef

Chapter 833 War Slave

Chapter 833 War Slave (1)

Lin Mu didn't pay attention to the stop of the two sea monsters, and still walked steadily towards the teahouse.

Seeing that Lin Mu was pretending to be deaf and dumb, the two sea monsters also shifted their bodies sideways, directly blocking in front of Lin Mu.

"We're talking to you, why are you deaf?" Two sea monsters stood in front of Lin Shu and said contemptuously.

Lin Mu looked at the two sirens and said, "Why should I answer your question?"

The two sea monsters were happy when they heard Lin Mu's words, and said, "This is another human being who is not afraid of death."

"Good dogs don't block the way!" Lin Mu said lightly.

"What did you say!" The two sea monsters immediately became angry when they heard Lin Mu scolding them.

"Do you two need me to repeat it again? I can repeat it for you for free." Lin Mu said.

"I see that you are looking for death, so get out of the teahouse quickly, there is no place here." The two sea monsters said fiercely.

Lin Mu looked at the large space behind the two sirens, and said, "I see that you two are not only deaf, but also blind."

When the two sea monsters heard Lin Mu's words, they were not going to talk nonsense to Lin Mu anymore, and were going to throw Lin Mu out in the same way.

"Bang!" As soon as the palms of the two touched Lin Mu's body, they felt a huge force coming from Lin Mu's body, directly bouncing them away.

"You..." The two sea monsters were inexplicably bounced by the tree, and they also looked at the tree in surprise.

Lin Mu obviously didn't make any movements just now, but the two of them were bounced away, which is really too scary.

You must know that both of them are both at the third level of the Transcending Tribulation Realm, and they are still sea monsters. Under the same realm, their strength is much stronger than that of humans, especially in terms of strength.

Sea monsters and humans in the same realm, the power of sea monsters is beyond the reach of human beings.

"This kid is weird."

The two sea monsters exchanged glances, and they both saw what each other wanted to express from the other's eyes.

After the two kept exchanging glances, they finally decided to attack Lin Mu at the same time.

The two men, one on the left and the other on the right, attacked the forest.

For such a thing, the people in the teahouse seem to be familiar with it.However, everyone still looked in the direction of the trees.

Two sea monsters of the same realm, if they were ordinary human monks, might suffer a big loss.It's a pity that what they encountered was Lin Shu, a human being who couldn't be seen with the eyes of ordinary human beings.

Lin Mu watched the two attack with great power, without even twitching his eyelids, he raised his hand and punched out.

Seeing Lin Mu's punch, the eyelids of the people sitting in the teahouse twitched.

In the eyes of outsiders, Lin Mu's two punches may be nothing.But in the eyes of masters, Lin Mu's two punches were too big.

Not to mention the speed and strength of Lin Mu's two fists, but also the angle of Lin Mu's punches, they are all very tricky.

The angle of Lin Mu's punch was exactly the empty door for the two Krakens to attack.

Although it is not difficult to find an empty door for one person to attack.But it is still very difficult to find the opening for the attack at the moment the opponent punches.

This requires combat experience beyond ordinary people, as well as the power of the soul beyond ordinary people.

And these two points are precisely the lack of trees.

When the two sea monsters started, they didn't feel anything when they watched Lin Shu punch.But soon they found out that something was wrong, but when they found out that something was wrong, it was already too late.



With two muffled bangs, Lin Mu directly flew the two Krakens, who had been beaten with blood, flying upside down.

After the contest with Wei Gu, although Lin Mu still hadn't broken through and entered the late stage of the flawless body.However, the power has greatly broken through. At this time, Lin Mu's power can at least be compared with the powerhouses of the fifth floor of Ascension Realm.

Although sea monsters are far stronger than humans in terms of strength, they refer to ordinary humans, and extraordinary humans like Lin Shu cannot be judged by common sense at all.

The two sea monsters flew upside down, smashing many tables and chairs, and finally hit the formation on the wall limply, and went limp.

Sea monsters don't pay attention to morality with humans, and naturally there is no need for trees, they pay attention to these things with them.

After seeing the trees, he came first, and solved two opponents at the same level with one move.The people sitting in the middle of the teahouse looked at Lin Shu with full of vigilance.

Lin Mu didn't pay attention to everyone's gaze, walked up to the two seriously injured sea monsters, and asked, "Is there any room inside now?"

"Yes! Yes! Senior, please sit inside." The sea monster is indeed fierce, but being fierce does not mean that it is not afraid of death.

Lin Mu nodded in satisfaction, walked into the teahouse, then chose a seat by the window and sat down.

As soon as Lin Mu sat down, the waiter immediately served Lin Mu a pot of good tea.But before Lin Mu wanted to ask anything, Xiao Er didn't give Lin Mu a chance, and left as if to run away.

Glancing at the Xiao Er who left in a panic, Lin Mu also shook his head helplessly.

Although showing strength, it can save a lot of trouble.But it also made people dare not get too close to him, so that he couldn't even find out the news.

"Brother, can I sit here?" The cultivator who had crossed the third floor and was thrown out by two sea monsters before came to Lin Mu's table and asked.

Lin Mu looked up at the monk, nodded, and said, "Sit down."

"Thank you, brother." The cultivator who crossed the third floor of the tribulation said, cupping his hands.

"My name is Feng Xing, did you ask for advice?" Feng Xing offered to introduce with his hand cupped.

"Lin Mu." Lin Mu responded lightly.

Feng Xingdao: "So it's Brother Lin, what a disrespect."

Lin Mu took a sip of tea and said, "We haven't seen each other before, shouldn't we be disrespectful?"

Feng Xing didn't expect Lin Mu to be so disrespectful to him, so he smiled awkwardly, but he still said: "Brother Lin's skills are extraordinary, presumably he comes from a famous school?"

Lin Mu glanced at Feng Xing, and said: "Don't talk to me, I'm just a casual cultivator, tell me what you want from me?"

Feng Xingdao: "Brother Lin is here to prepare to enter the secret realm of the deserted island, right?"

Lin Mu didn't answer Feng Xing's question, because the answer was already very obvious.It's not for the secret place of the deserted island, who would think it's okay to come to such a place where birds don't shit.

Lin Mu didn't answer, obviously within Feng Xing's expectation, Feng Xing said: "Brother Lin, I want to cooperate with you, how about you take me into the secret place of the deserted island?"

Lin Mu looked at Feng Xing and said with a smile, "Not to mention whether I can go in by myself, even if I can go in, why should I take you?"

Feng Xing used the method of divine consciousness to transmit sound, and said: "Brother Lin should have entered the name of the deserted island for the first time. I have a map of the secret realm of the deserted island. I can take Brother Lin to avoid detours in the secret realm and use the fastest Find the best stuff as fast as you can.”

Lin Mu said calmly: "I think when the secret realm opens, there should be many people selling maps here, right? Although it's my first time visiting the desert island secret realm, it doesn't mean I'm a Kaizi."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Feng Xing couldn't help becoming anxious, and said: "Brother Lin, my map is completely different from the ones bought outside. My map is much more detailed than theirs. Facing the secret island of the deserted island inside, everything in it Everything is marked out in detail to ensure that Brother Lin will not be disappointed."

Seeing Feng Xing's sincerity, Lin Mu was also a little moved, but Lin Mu still said: "Even if your map is useful to me, I have never heard of it. You can also bring people into the deserted island secret place."

Feng Xingdao: "Brother Lin does not know that the qualifications to enter the deserted island secret realm do require ranking. But for those who have obtained the qualifications, each of them has the right to carry a war slave!"

(End of this chapter)

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