Supreme Chef

Chapter 835 Map

Chapter 835 Map
The three original wives left, and Lin Shu, who was in the middle of the teahouse, was also inexplicably relieved.

Lin Mu had discovered the three of them a long time ago, but Lin Mu didn't expect that the original wife and the others would be so terrifying.If you change your appearance again, you can find yourself.

In fact, when Lin Mu found them, he was already ready to escape, but the three of them didn't attack him in the end, which made Lin Mu heave a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, if I finally found a shortcut to improve my cultivation and was blocked by them like this, the forest would be too much for the loss.

But although the original wife left, Lin Mu still raised his spirits by 12.

Lin Mu met so many masters that he couldn't even count them.But it was the first time for Lin Mu to meet such a terrifying, thoughtful woman who was like a tarsal maggot.

Moreover, Lin Mu has never wanted to get rid of someone so much, and now this original wife makes Lin Mu want to get rid of her very much, and he has no choice but to get rid of her.

"Brother Lin, I read correctly. You are indeed extraordinary. You just defeated Zhang Hui, No. 40 in the last qualifying round." past.

Regarding Feng Xing's deliberate flattery, Lin Mu just smiled slightly.

The two sat for another half an hour, and the organizer of the desert island secret qualification competition came to the teahouse to accept everyone's registration.

The registration time is only half an hour. After half an hour, those who have not registered can only wait for the next time.

After some people who signed up in a hurry left, Lin Mu came to the front and prepared to sign up.

"The registration fee is [-] high-grade spirit crystals." The person in charge of the registration said without raising his head.

"Hiss!" Hearing such a high registration fee, Lin Mu gasped.

The price of 300 top-grade spirit crystals is not low. Lin Mu roughly estimated that there were at least [-] people who signed up for this teahouse.

That is to say, in this teahouse alone, the organizer can collect 3000 million registration fees.

Moreover, Lin Mu believes that the place to sign up is definitely not just this teahouse, there must be several places to sign up.

Even if other registration places are the same as here, the organizers can get hundreds of millions or even billions of high-grade elves for the registration fee this time.

After Lin Mu paid the registration fee, he returned to his seat again.

When the people who signed up left, the people in the teahouse also left. The teahouse that had been empty just now also had a lot of people pouring in at this time.

Once the registration is completed, martial law is no longer necessary.

"Who is the organizer of this qualifying competition?" Lin Mu asked.

Feng Xingdao: "It's the Kraken Alliance and a few nine-star sects on the human side."

Lin Mu said: "How many people will sign up each time?"

Feng Xingdao: "I haven't counted this in detail, but the number of people who sign up each time will never be less than [-]. This is because the registration fee is too high, and some people who feel hopeless don't want to waste crystals. If the registration fee A little lower, there will definitely be more people eager to try."

"1 people!"

That is to say, the addition of each registration fee is more than one billion high-grade spirit crystals.This is really a way to get money, faster than robbery.

"Map of the secret realm! The most detailed map of the secret realm!"

Before the start of the competition, some people have already started to sell the map of the deserted island secret place.

The reason why it was sold before the game was because after the game started, those who quit the game would naturally not buy it.

"Give me a copy." Lin Mu called to the map seller.

"Okay, Daoist, you have a good eye, and you can tell right away that my map is the most detailed. And my price is fair and reasonable, as long as five thousand high-grade spirit crystals are enough." The seller strongly recommended it to Lin Mu.

A map costs [-] yuan, which is really not worth your life.

Feng Xing saw Lin Mu stunned for a moment, then quickly took out the spirit stone, and said, "Give us a copy."

By the time Lin Mu realized it, Feng Xing had already paid for the Lingshi.

In fact, it's not that Lin Mu doesn't have any spirit stones anymore, it's just that Lin Mu thinks the price is a bit outrageous.

Feng Xing glanced at the map he bought, then handed it to Lin Mu, and said, "This is what most of the maps sold on the market look like, take a look."

When Lin Mu took the map, he immediately felt cheated.

Because there are only some simple lines in this map, as for the route, there is no mark on any spiritual objects.

Five thousand top-grade spirit stones bought the kid's graffiti, and Lin Mu was also a little depressed for Feng Xing.

However, Feng Xing did not feel depressed at all, and quickly said: "Brother Lin, the maps sold outside can only be like this. This is not bad. I have seen worse than this. Brother Lin, we are now , can we discuss the matter of cooperation?"

Lin Mu said: "Okay, take out your map first and let me have a look, and then I will make a decision whether to cooperate with you."

Feng Xing had been prepared for a long time, and took out a jade slip prepared in advance, and said: "Brother Lin, this is part of the map I got, you can take a look first."

Lin Mu took the jade slip, and with just one glance, Lin Mu judged that Feng Xing's map was not fake.

Moreover, Feng Xing's map is indeed countless times more detailed than the maps sold on the market.Everything inside is marked in detail, as if someone really walked through it completely.

But the reason why the secret realm is a secret realm is because of its secrets.How could there be such a detailed map of such a secret place?

"Brother Feng, where did you get your map?" Lin Mu asked.

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Feng Xing hurriedly said, "Brother Lin, my map is definitely real!"

Lin Mudao: "I don't suspect that your map is fake, it's just that the map is so detailed, isn't Brother Feng ever suspicious?"

Feng Xing was relieved to hear that Lin Mu didn't doubt the authenticity of the map, and said, "I've thought about this problem too, but I haven't figured it out. And now is not the time for me to think about these things."

Lin Mu nodded, completely agreeing with Feng Xing's words.

Feng Xing's younger sister is seriously injured now, on the line of life and death, how could Feng Xing have the heart to think about these things.

Lin Mudao: "Brother Feng, why don't you sell me your map?"

When Feng Xing heard that he wanted to buy the trees instead of taking himself into the secret realm of the deserted island, he was also anxious, and said: "Brother Lin, as I said, I just want to be your war slave to collect elixir to save my sister. I don't I need spirit stones, and I don’t know how to sell maps.”

Lin Mudao: "Doesn't Brother Feng want to hear the price I offer?"

Feng Xing got up and said resolutely: "I don't need to listen to your price, Brother Lin. In my opinion, nothing is worth as much as my sister's life. Since Brother Lin has no sincerity to cooperate, then our cooperation will be over. Brother Lin Farewell."

Lin Mu said lightly: "If it is a petal of a nine-colored lotus, what does Brother Feng think of its value?"

"What!" Hearing Lin Mu's words, Feng Xing's eyes widened.

Jiucailian is a level nine body training material, so it's better than the ethereal grass that I'm looking for.

"Do you really have the Nine Color Lotus?" Feng Xing also stared at Lin Mu with enthusiasm and asked eagerly.

Lin Mu said: "I do have a nine-color lotus, but there is only one petal. If your sister's injury is not particularly serious and the foundation is not damaged, a piece of nine-color lotus petals will have a much better effect than the ethereal grass."

After Feng Xing heard this, he quickly shook his head and said, "No! No! My sister's foundation is not damaged."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "If that's the case, I think we can trade."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he took out a jade box and threw it to Feng Xing.

Feng Xing wanted to open it eagerly, but was held down by Lin Mu.

"Brother Lin, what do you mean?" Feng Xing asked puzzled.

Lin Mu said: "You open the box here, do you want to save your sister, or do you want to die yourself?"

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Feng Xing suddenly realized that if he opened it here.If others find out that they have Nine Cailian, then their own death will be imminent.

Feng Xing gave up opening the lid of the box and checked it with his spiritual sense, his face immediately became ecstatic.

However, the ecstatic expression only appeared for a moment and then disappeared.

Feng Xing took out a jade slip and said, "Brother Lin, this is the complete map."

Lin Mu took the map, and after looking it over, he frowned involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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