Supreme Chef

Chapter 836 Qualification Challenge

Chapter 836 Qualification Challenge (1)

"Brother Lin, is there something wrong with this map?" Feng Xing asked quickly when he saw Lin Mu frowning.

Lin Mudao: "There is nothing wrong with this map, I'm just curious why the rest of the map is marked in great detail, but only the central area is completely dark."

Feng Xing was also relieved to hear that Lin Mu didn't question his map.If Lin Mu suspects that there is a problem with his map and does not trade with him, then Feng Xing will not know what to do.

Feng Xingdao: "I've thought about this question too, but I haven't entered the secret realm of the deserted island, and I don't know too well what the central area represents?"

Lin Mu stared at the dark area, and frowned.Moreover, Lin Mu had already decided in his heart that if he entered the secret realm, he must stay away from it.

Lin Mu had encountered such a thing before in the Land of Perishing Immortals in West Jizhou.Although the old man at the gate in the deepest part of the Land of Perishing Immortals didn't do anything to him.But the first time was lucky, Lin Mu didn't know if he could be so lucky the second time.

"Brother Feng's qualifying competition is about to start in a few days, and I'm going to retreat to get ready, so I won't stay with Brother Feng any longer." Lin Mu cupped his hands and said.

Seeing that Lin Mu wanted to let him leave, Feng Xing also said, "Brother Lin, do you really not want me to be your war slave? Although I can't help you much, it's okay to help you find the way, Brother Lin."

Lin Mu likes to work alone, but he feels uncomfortable with someone, and he has too many secrets.It is also very inconvenient to bring someone around.

Lin Mu said: "I'm not a sea monster, and I don't need a war slave. You'd better go back and save your sister."

Feng Xing said: "Brother Lin, I, Feng Xing, are indeed not good at cultivation, but I, Feng Xing, am not an ungrateful person. I know the value of my map, it is definitely not worth a piece of nine-colored lotus petals. If Brother Lin, you see If you think of me, let me do something for you, brother Lin, so that I can feel at ease."

Lin Mu didn't expect Feng Xing to be an honest person, and honest people are hard to find in the cultivation world.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Mu said, "Brother Feng, if you really want to do something for me, then wait for me to come out of the secret place on the deserted island, and take your sister and me to Xijizhou."

"Go to West Jizhou?" Feng Xing frowned after hearing Lin Mu's words.

Lin Mu looked at Feng Xing, sneered, and said, "Why do you hear that Xijizhou is now occupied by the demon world?"

Feng Xing shook his head quickly, and said: "No! No! I, Feng Xing, have a terrible life. I was just thinking about how we can choose a safe route to get there because it is far away from Xijizhou."

After listening to Feng Xing's words, Lin Mu said noncommittally: "Then what is Brother Feng thinking?"

Feng Xingdao: "I do know a safer route to West Jizhou. It's just a longer detour, but it can save a lot of trouble. I just don't know if brother Lin can agree."

Lin Mu said: "Oh! Do you really know such a route?"

Lin Mu originally thought that Feng Xing was just talking casually, but he didn't expect Feng Xing to really think about the route.

Feng Xing took out a chart, pointed to a route on it, and said: "I'm talking about this route. Because this route is full of undercurrents and some space traps, few people take it. And few forces will be in it. There are haunts here, so although this route is a bit tortuous, it is safer than rushing straight like us."

Lin Mu looked at the line Feng Xing was pointing at, but didn't speak.

Feng Xing seemed to see Lin Mu's worry, and said, "Brother Lin, don't worry, although I have never been to this route, I can be sure that this route definitely exists."

Lin Mu patted Feng Xing on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Brother Feng, I don't doubt the authenticity of this route, but I hope you can help me find this route carefully before I come out of the deserted island secret place."

After Feng Xing listened to it, he patted his chest to reassure him, saying: "Brother Lin, don't worry, I promise that before you come out, I will check the line carefully."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "There's no need to be in such a hurry. After you heal your sister's injury, you'll have time to look for it."

Feng Xing said: "En! En! Good brother Lin, after I heal my sister's injury, I will go to investigate this line with my sister."

Lin Mu could tell that Feng Xing was a trustworthy person, so he wasn't worried.Besides, even if Feng Xing doesn't keep his word, Lin Mu doesn't worry, he can go to Xijizhou no matter what.

After saying goodbye to Feng Xing, Lin Mu directly found a place and began to retreat.

Lin Mu must participate in the competition in the best condition. After all, the opponents he has to face are not only human monks, but also sea monsters.

Time flies, seven days passed in a blink of an eye, and it was time for the qualifying round.

The qualifying round was held in the arena in the middle of the deserted island, and Lin Shu had already known the rules a day in advance.

There are really no rules in this qualifying competition. To put it simply, anyone can go up to defend the ring.

And what the ring guards have to accept is not a challenge from one person, but any number of people can go up.

Moreover, there are no restrictions on weapons and methods at all, and life and death can be completely ignored in this arena.

Of course, it is not right to say that there are no rules at all, because there is another rule, that is, no matter who they are, no matter how many people they are.You can only challenge once on stage, if you lose, you will lose the qualification to challenge.

Lin Mu came to the arena in the center of the deserted island and saw the central area. There were [-] arenas lined up one after the other. He knew that only those who could stand at the end of the arena could have the qualification to enter the secret realm of the deserted island.

"The challenge begins now!" After an old man briefly explained the rules of the challenge, he directly announced the official start of the challenge.

Although the challenge is only for one day, it is obvious that those who go at night will have an advantage.

Moreover, it is not unheard of in history that the person who had the most hope of entering the secret realm capsized at the last moment.

Although this kind of thing only happened once, who doesn't want to be the next lucky one?
Lin Mu watched for a long time and found that no one was moving, so he just dodged and stood on the first ring.

Seeing Lin Mu, a mere person who crossed the third floor of the robbery, stood on the top of the ring, and immediately someone shouted disdainfully: "A mere human being who has crossed the third floor of the robbery dares to go to the ring, let me show everyone."

After the words fell, a burly black-faced sea monster appeared on the opposite side of the forest.

The sea monster can fully transform itself after crossing the Tribulation Realm, so Lin Shu can't see what its real body is.

"Human monks don't want to be eaten by me, so get off. I'll give you ten breaths, if you don't get off, I'll eat you." The black-faced sea monster said disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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