Supreme Chef

Chapter 837 Qualification Challenge

Chapter 837 Qualification Challenge (2)

Lin Mu looked up and down, and stood opposite him, his skin was scorched black, and his whole body exuded a kind of sea monster with an unpleasant smell.

The sea monster felt a little uncomfortable being looked up and down by Lin Shu, and said angrily: "Boy, what are you looking at! Are you looking for death!"

Lin Mu looked at the sea monster, and said, "I just want to see what changed you, and whether it has any medicinal value."

"Boy, you are courting death!" Hearing Lin Mu's words, the Kraken's face became even darker, and he punched Lin Mu with a 'huh'.

Seeing the sea monster's fist the size of a millstone smashing towards the forest, many people have already closed their eyes and stopped looking, because they already have an ending in their hearts.


Many human monks shook their heads and sighed as they looked at the trees.Obviously they are not optimistic about the trees either.

In fact, it's mainly trees, and they really can't make them look good, not to mention that their cultivation base is lower than that of the Kraken, but their size is much smaller than that of the Kraken.

But soon, a shocking scene appeared.

Because Lin Mu relied on his palm, which was smaller than the Kraken, to easily block the punch that the Kraken wanted to win.

"It's not small, but its strength is too weak." Lin Mu shook his head and said softly.

When the sea monster heard that a tiny human monk despised him so much, he was immediately furious.

But before he got angry, Lin Mu suddenly exerted force, grabbed the sea monster all of a sudden, and then swung it vigorously.

Many people were astonished to see Lin Mu picking up a Sea-Monster on the fifth floor of Transcendence Tribulation Realm like a broom.

"Ah!" The sea monster yelled in the air, desperately mobilizing his cultivation, trying to break free from the forest.

But Lin Mu's arm was like a magnet, holding him firmly, making him unable to move at all.At the same time, all the veins in his body were firmly sealed by Lin Shu. He didn't even know how Lin Mu did it in an instant.


After swiping it a few times, Lin Mu directly threw the Kraken out of his hand.

Seeing the distance from the ring, the distance from the deserted island, and finally turning into a sea monster with a small black spot, all the people present were quiet at this moment.

They had thought about too many possibilities, but no matter how they thought about it, they never imagined that Lin Mu would end the first battle in such a way.

"Go all the way!" After the black spot disappeared, Lin Mu said something that made everyone vomit blood.

This is what Lin Mu wanted. Seeing the astonishment of the people below, Lin Mu was very satisfied.

Among all the contestants, his cultivation is indeed not high, but he has a strength that does not match his cultivation.

His low cultivation and high strength just became the best cover for himself.This kind of cover-up makes it impossible for others to get to the bottom of oneself, which in turn makes people less challenging on their own side.After all, there is only one chance to challenge, and everyone cherishes it very much.It is obviously very risky to waste such a precious challenge opportunity on a person who can't figure out the fundamentals.

Lin Mu's move was really effective, and for a long time after that, no one came to challenge him.

Lin Mu closed his eyes on the ring for a long time before someone stood in front of him again.

Lin Mu looked up and saw a human monk standing opposite him, and sighed helplessly.

"You should challenge those sea monsters." Lin Mu said lightly.

"Why are you afraid of me?" the human cultivator who crossed the fifth floor of the catastrophe looked at Lin Mu and said contemptuously.

Lin Mu shook his head, and said, "With your strength, it is very likely that you will occupy a place among the thirty. Of course, the premise is that you challenge those sea monsters."

The human monk interrupted Lin Shu and said, "Stop pretending to be inscrutable with me here. I don't need you to teach me how to choose. If you think you are invincible, get out and don't let me do it!"

Lin Mu said: "Since you want to experience the feeling of failure once, I'll let you do it."

"You talk a lot of nonsense! Go to hell with me!" The human monk on the opposite side shouted angrily, and sacrificed an iron rod.

Lin Mu has seen too many spirit treasures, but it is really rare to use a stick as a natal magic weapon.

Sticks are different from knives and swords.

A sword has an edge, and it is lethal in itself.But the stick itself does not have a sharp blade, but the stick opens and closes. People who generally choose sticks as their weapons.In addition to being very confident in yourself, you also need to have extremely strong strength to be able to control it perfectly.


The human monk on the opposite side shook the Lingbao iron rod in his hand, and ripples visible to the naked eye rippled in the space.

"Eight-Rank Spirit Treasure!" Lin Mu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Good eyesight." The human monk opposite said very proudly.

Lin Mu smiled lightly, and also took out his Shadowless Knife.

Seeing Lin Mu's hand was completely different, only the fifth-grade Lingbao Shadowless Knife, the human monk on the opposite side also smiled contemptuously, and said: "You are really putting on a show, defeat me now."

In fact, the people below were also very disappointed when they saw that the Shadowless Knife that Lin Mu took out was only rank five.

They also regretted it a little at this time, because in their opinion, Lin Mu was just pretending to be a tiger, and if they had known that Lin Mu was putting on a show, they would have done it long ago.Why wait for someone else to do it.

Lin Mu looked at the person opposite and said, "It's not interesting for us to fight like this, why don't we add some prizes?"

The human monk on the opposite side didn't think that Lin Mu still had the time to think about these things at this time, so he said, "What do you want to add to the prize?"

Lin Mu pointed to the iron rod in his hand and said, "It's very simple, if I win, you just give me the iron rod in your hand."

"Oh!" Hearing Lin Mu's proposal, the face of the human monk opposite changed slightly, and said, "Did you see it?"

Lin Mu did not deny it.

"I didn't expect your eyesight to be so good." The human monk opposite obviously took Lin Mu's silence as a kind of tacit consent.

Of course, Lin Shu could see it, even though the iron rod was pitch-black.But the trees are still recognizable at a glance, the whole body of this iron rod is made of cloud glass iron.

Cloud glass iron is a very precious grade nine material, and its hardness can be regarded as the hardest in the cultivation world.Of course, the reason why cloud glass iron is precious is not just because of its hardness, but also because of its uniqueness.

Because although Yunli Iron is only a ninth-grade spirit treasure material, it can be used to refine immortal weapons.

Generally speaking, immortal materials must be used to refine immortal artifacts, but the emergence of Yunli Iron has broken this customary rule.

But generally speaking, in the world of comprehension, it is not easy to see a piece of Yunli Iron that is the size of a fist.But at this time, there was a whole tree in front of the tree.

The Shadowless Knife can be upgraded, but Lin Mu doesn't want to use ordinary materials to upgrade it.If there is no top-level material, Lin Mu would rather keep the Shadowless Knife in this state.

The person on the opposite side looked at Lin Shu, and there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

Of course, the solemnity towards Lin Shu is not because of the conditions proposed by Lin Shu.But Lin Mu could see the material of the stick in his hand.

He didn't even remember how many times he had fought with outsiders.But no one can see the secret of his stick.

And Lin Mu saw the mystery of this with just one glance, and proposed to use it as a bet.

This made him unable to hold on to Lin Mu again. With such brilliant eyesight and such demands, could it be that Lin Mu is really pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?
"What if I say no?" After hesitating for a while, the human monk finally said.

Lin Mu said: "If you say no, I think you may die in the ring. If you agree, I will spare your life."

(End of this chapter)

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