Supreme Chef

Chapter 838 Wrong decision

Chapter 838 Wrong decision

The cultivator on the opposite side stared at Lin Mu for a while, really wondering what kind of medicine was bought in Lin Mu's gourd.

Seeing Lin Muyouyouyouzai's expression, he shook his head vigorously, and said viciously: "I almost got caught by you! Okay! I promise you. I will bet with my weapon, what will you bet with?"

Lin Mu said flatly: "I don't need it, because I won't lose."

"You..." Hearing Lin Mu's words, the person on the opposite side was also flushed with anger, and said through gritted teeth, "Okay, if you lose, leave your life to me!"

After finishing speaking, the person on the opposite side directly moved the dragon out to sea, and the iron rod in his hand went straight to Lin Mu's heart.

The iron rod rubbed against the air, making a piercing crackling sound.

Under the effect of friction, the entire iron bar became red, and the temperature in the air also instantly rose to a limit.

Seeing the opponent's overwhelming attack, Lin Mu also blocked the Shadowless Knife in front of him.

Seeing that Lin Mu was about to use his four-faced Po Lingbao to resist his Yun Li Tie, a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

"Break it for me!"

With a loud shout, his speed increased again, and a pressure like Mount Tai pressed directly on the trees, and the air was completely squeezed out.

However, no matter how aggressive the other party was, the trees were as immovable as a mountain, and the Shadowless Knife in his hand had no intention of retreating.


Finally, Yun Litie collided with Lin Mu's Shadowless Knife.

However, in the human monk's imagination, the scene where the Wuying knife was broken did not appear, and the Wuying knife didn't even show any sign of bending.

This made him stare into Wuying Dao's eyes, and couldn't help but tense.

He really couldn't understand that the four-dimensional weapon in Lin Mu's hand could be so hard.

Although the Shadowless Knife is only a fifth-grade spirit treasure now, even Daoist Guang doesn't know what material is used to construct the Shadowless Knife, so how could it be interrupted by Yun Litie.

"The strength is not bad, much stronger than the big guy just now. But the speed and accuracy are too much worse." Lin Mu commented in this way.

What he can't stand the most is Lin Mu's attitude of looking down on everything. Now Lin Mu criticizes himself again, which directly makes him angry.


With a loud roar, the iron rod in his hand was stuck under the shadowless knife, and he was about to pick up the trees.

But no matter how hard he exerted, Lin Mu's feet seemed to take root, and he stood motionless on the spot.

"The strength is still too short. The advantage of the stick lies in its length and speed, but you can't fully exert its power. It is really dusty in your hands." Lin Mu continued to comment leisurely.

"I don't need you to judge me!" The human monk responded with a murderous look, and then clasped his hands together, and Yun Litie spun violently.

The power of one spiral after another was introduced into Lin Shu's arms through the Shadowless Knife.

Suddenly entering such a spiral force, Lin Mu's arm was also numb, and the Shadowless Knife in his hand was almost dropped.

"Kick!" Lin Mu stepped back half a step, and channeled the power in his body into the ground.

"It seems that I underestimated you." Lin Mu looked at the person opposite and said calmly.

"There are still many places where you underestimate me..."

Before he finished speaking, he shut up and stared at Lin Mu angrily.

It is obvious that his cultivation base is higher than that of Lin Mu, but why does he feel that he is being led by the nose by Lin Mu from the beginning to the end.In front of Lin Mu, he seemed to be a junior, and he longed for Lin Mu's approval.

"Are you thinking about why you have been led by the nose?" Lin Mu asked.

"Hmph!" The person opposite snorted coldly and did not answer.

Lin Mu didn't expect to wait for his answer, so he said to himself: "Because your feeling in your heart is right, you are far from my opponent, from the moment you stood on the ring, your fate was already doomed." ending."

"Wars are not based on words. Whether I am an opponent or not, we will not know until we have fought." He also quickly adjusted his mentality. He knew that if he continued to follow Lin Shu, he would only be entangled by Lin Shu. And affected his mood.

Seeing that he was able to jump out of the trap he had prepared for him so quickly, Lin Mu also had a slightly uh expression on his face.

"Being able to jump out so quickly proves that Dao Xin is very stable. But this is still useless, and you still have to lose."


Before he could say a word, he suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the next moment Lin Shu appeared in front of him. At the same time, he raised the Shadowless Knife in his hand high, smashing Huashan Mountain with all his strength. .

The human cultivator stared at Lin Mu, who was so imposing, and was stunned for a moment. He didn't know how Lin Mu did it.It was actually possible to elevate the aura to such a terrifying level in an instant.

If one said that his aura just now was like Mount Tai crushing the top, then the trees at this moment are actually like the sky collapsing and the earth cracking, people can only sigh helplessly in front of the heaven and earth.

Seeing Lin Mu's continuously enlarged figure in his eyes, he quickly reacted, and hurriedly raised the Yunli iron in his hand to meet Lin Mu.


Lin Mu let out a low growl, and the Shadowless Knife slashed heavily on Yunli Iron.


Lin Mushi's powerful blow sent him flying, and the Yunli Iron in his hand also flew out.

Without witnesses, it is completely impossible to imagine how powerful Lin Mu's blow was just now.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the human monk half-kneeled on the ring, his arms still trembling uncontrollably, his eyes filled with fear.

He couldn't imagine that a person's power could be so terrifying, which was completely beyond his cognition.

He even felt that if Lin Mu was willing, Lin Mu could completely tear apart the space and himself by relying on strength.

Lin Mu turned over and caught Yun Li Tie firmly,

After weighing the Yunli iron in his hand, Lin Mu was very satisfied.

Lin Mu looked at the half-kneeling human monk on the opposite side, and said, "Are you very dissatisfied, then I will give you another chance to attack, so that you will be convinced to lose."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he threw the Yun Li Tie back.

He didn't expect that Lin Mu would throw Yun Li Tie back to him, and he was slightly startled.But he still subconsciously caught Yun Litie.

"I can give you another chance, but the jackpot will increase. If you lose again, you have to keep your storage ring." Lin Mu continued.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the human monk's expression also changed a few times, but in the end he nodded heavily in agreement.

The human monk adjusted his breathing and stood up from the ground. This time he didn't speak boldly, nor did he cheer for himself, and he didn't even let out all his breath.

He just stood there quietly, the iron rod in his hand was all he had to pay attention to.

Gradually the surroundings became quiet, the world became ethereal, and everything turned into an iron rod in this hand.

Lin Mu frowned slightly as he looked at the human monk.Lin Mu felt that he seemed to have made a mistake, and he shouldn't be too greedy.

In fact, the reason why Lin Mu gave the opponent another chance was because he changed his mind temporarily after he got the Yunli Iron.

Because Lin Mu found the smell of another top material on Yun Li Tie's body, Lin Mu concluded that this top material was on his body.

If Wuying Dao wants to advance, it is not enough to rely on only one top material, so Lin Mu made such a decision.

But looking at it now, there seems to be some problems with his decision, and there are still big problems.

(End of this chapter)

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