Supreme Chef

Chapter 839 Enlightenment

Chapter 839 Enlightenment
He has obviously entered a wonderful state, a mysterious fighting state.

This is a state that can only be entered when one is concentrating on one thing. Lin Mu has entered such a state when he was practicing, but he has not entered such a state when he is fighting.

Apparently, he pushed him too close and forced him into this state.

At this moment, Lin Mu was also holding the Shadowless Knife tightly, concentrating all his attention, not daring to relax in the slightest.

Although I completely suppress the opponent in terms of strength, but the opponent enters such a mysterious fighting state, the strength will be multiplied. If I am a little careless, it is very likely that the ship will capsize.

The changes on the forest side also attracted everyone's attention.

"This is……"

The powerhouse in the Ascension Realm looked at Lin Mu's opponent with a little surprise.

Such a state is not something anyone can enter at any time.Only some geniuses with heaven-defying talents and invincible aptitude can enter this state.

This kind of state can be said to be incapable of no thought, or it can be said to be forgetting both things and me, but Lin Mu prefers the explanation of "enlightenment".

Such a situation is the best state of 'enlightenment'. Only by forgetting everything can we truly be in harmony with the Tao.


The man who had been meditating with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes, and the moment he opened them.The aura of his body also gushed out instantly, this is the aura of a landslide and tsunami, anyone will feel a deep sense of powerlessness in the face of this invincible aura.

At this moment, Lin Mu's face was also solemn, his hands were tightly grasping the Wuying Knife, and the "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue" was desperately urged to resist this overwhelming pressure.

The people around the ring, feeling the pressure coming, all involuntarily took two steps back.

"Crack the sky!"

Faced with the opponent's seemingly endless improvement, Lin Mu chose to make the first move.

The forest tree was chopped out with a knife, and a huge knife array was formed in an instant.

"Knife array!"

Seeing that Lin Shu made a sword formation, the onlookers couldn't help but let out a sigh.

They were already surprised enough when Lin Mu threw the sea monster out just now, but now Lin Mu made another knife formation with one knife, which made them even more unimaginable.

At this time, many talents really began to face Lin Shu squarely, and regarded Lin Mu as an opponent.

Facing Lin Mu's knife array, Lin Mu's opponent did not show any emotional changes.The Yunli iron rod in his hand stretched out flatly.


The iron rod was on top of the saber array, and the saber array only persisted for a moment before disintegrating inch by inch.


Seeing such a scene, Lin Mu gasped.

Splitting the Sky and Nine Slashes, for Lin Mu, it can be said that there is no benefit in any direction.Whether at the same level or at a higher level, Lin Mu has never met that person who can break his sword array so easily.

Lin Mu was a little surprised by such a simple formation break.But it didn't go beyond expectations.

Because Lin Mu knew from the moment he took out the sword that he could not solve the opponent who had entered the state of "enlightenment" with one move.

"Second cut!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Mu struck out the second cut again.

When the second cut was made, the murderous aura was overflowing, and the tyrannical murderous aura formed a huge murderous space.

The murderous space enveloped the entire arena, which made the people around the arena retreat again.

They have never experienced such a terrifying killing intent.It is conceivable how terrifying it is to be able to make a strong man in the Tribulation Realm fearful.

Even the powerhouses in the Ascension Realm feel chills when they look at the trees.

They couldn't imagine how Lin Mu possessed such a terrifying killing intent.They couldn't even imagine how the forest was condensed with such a huge killing intent.

Even if Lin Mu killed tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people every day, he might not be able to condense such terrifying killing intent.Such a sea of ​​terrifying murderous intent may only be seen in the legendary ghosts and ghosts.

Facing Lin Mu's terrifying murderous intent, the person who was in the state of 'enlightenment' was also slightly moved.

"Break it for me!"

With a low shout, the cloud glass iron rod in his hand opened and closed, and as it opened and closed, the whole world was turned and the stars shifted.

And Lin Mu's terrifying murderous aura was completely dissipated after being beaten.

Seeing that his pervasive murderous intentions were dissipated, Lin Mu was shocked in his heart.

"Defeat me." The opponent holding the Yunli Iron Rod shouted coldly, and made the same move to the sea.

The same move, in different states, exerts completely different powers.

At this time, the iron rod is really like a dragon going out to sea, with a huge coercion overwhelming the sky.


The iron rod rubbed against the air, and there was actually a sound like a dragon's chant, which made one's heart chill.

Seeing such a terrifying stick, Lin Mu's heart was also shaken wildly.

This is the great achievement of the stick technique, and this is the true power of the stick technique.

The iron rod is like a dragon, extremely terrifying and daunting.

Lin Mu drew the Shadowless Knife back, and also stood in front of him, defending against this terrifying stick.


The iron rod slammed heavily on the Shadowless Knife, and the huge force poured directly into Lin Shu's body like overwhelming mountains.

The terrifying power made Lin Mu's body feel like it was about to be torn apart.

You must know that the trees at this time are almost perfect.The power that can make Lin Mu feel pain is already enough to tear the eighth-rank Lingbao.

That is to say, if such power is poured into the Yunli Iron Rod, the Yunli Iron Roller will definitely break.

Yunli iron is a material that can be used to refine fairy artifacts. It would take a terrifying amount of power to destroy such a material.


Lin Mu finally spat out a big mouthful of blood, and his body flew upside down. During the flight, Lin Mu's body kept having huge wounds, and blood kept gushing out.

This is the forest tree. If it were replaced by someone else, it would have turned into a pile of dust by now.

Wounds appear, and the stimulated flawless body runs automatically.

"Flawless body!"

Seeing that Lin Shu's wound healed quickly, the onlookers were shocked again.

The flawless body has not appeared in the cultivation world for countless tens of thousands of years.

Body-refining monks are almost extinct in the cultivation world, and flawless bodies are completely extinct.

"This... what kind of human monk is this!" This was the question in everyone's mind at this time.

With a cultivation base of only the third level of Transcending Tribulation Realm, he possesses such strength.In the eyes of others, it is a completely impossible leapfrog challenge, but in the eyes of Lin Mu, it is easy and enjoyable.No pressure at all.

Of course, the most shocked ones were the original wife and the others, they looked at this suspected tree.No!Or now, they are completely sure that the person above the ring is Lin Mu.

Because they saw Lin Shu's Shadowless Knife, and saw Lin Shu's knife array.

But they didn't expect that Lin Mu was still a flawless body, and he was an extremely powerful body-training cultivator.

(End of this chapter)

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