Supreme Chef

Chapter 840

Chapter 840
The original wife stared at the trees, her eyes were full of brilliance.The stronger Lin Mu is, the more she wants to get Lin Mu.And it still needs to be under the condition that no one knows that the forest still has space rules.

If Lin Shu's spatial rules are exposed, it may attract the covetousness of countless experts, and she may not even be able to drink soup by then.

"Order, among the elders of the Ascension Realm, choose one of the first level of the Ascension Realm with inconspicuous strength, and sneak into the secret realm of the deserted island." The wife's wife ordered in a low voice.


The elder Feishengjing who was following the original wife agreed, and immediately went down to do it.

The reason why the original wife did not choose a powerful Ascension Realm expert was mainly because there were very few Ascension Realm experts participating in the secret desert island.

If he suddenly sent a powerful Ascension Realm Elder, it would definitely arouse countless people's speculation, and by then he would be asking for trouble for himself.

"Lin Mu, you can't escape from my grasp." The original wife, staring at Lin Mu, said with determination.

Lin Mu's body flew in the air, and the huge tearing pain in his body made Lin Mu feel a little unbearable.

But it was also because of the pain that Lin Mu's mind was very clear.Lin Mu's brain was running fast, he was thinking about why he was shot flying and why he was injured.

Lin Mu didn't believe that the other party's cultivation skills would be better than his own, nor did he think that the other party's combat skills were better than his own.Even in terms of strength, Lin Mu didn't feel that the opponent was stronger.

But the fact is that he was beaten into the air, and he was also beaten into the air by his own defeated generals.

"Is it just because of the state of enlightenment?" Lin Mu's heart was also constantly circling such questions.

Suddenly Lin Mu's mind flashed, and Lin Mu suddenly caught something.

"Enlightenment! Enlightenment! Enlightenment comes first, but Tao is fundamental." Lin Mu knew that he had grasped the key point.

There are different paths, not to mention top-level exercises and top-level combat skills, even the most common skills and combat skills, if they can be cultivated to the limit of the Tao, the power will be the same.This is the power of Tao, because you have your own Tao, then you are invincible.

Lin Mu has always fallen into a misunderstanding in the past, that is, he only pays attention to enlightenment, or to be precise, it should be epiphany.

However, Lin Mu overlooked one point, whether it is "enlightenment" or "epiphany" in the end, they all serve the Dao.

Lin Mu was too demanding on "enlightenment" and instead he gave up the basics and chased the end, but at this time his opponent made Lin Mu sober.

After thinking everything through, Lin Mu's heart became more open-minded.

The "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue" was spinning crazily, and the flawless body was also running crazily. The injuries on Lin Mu's body disappeared completely, the wounds no longer opened, and the blood flow completely stopped.

Although the "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue" was running crazily, Lin Mu's cultivation had not improved.But this did not improve his cultivation, but instead made Lin Mu happy.

Because Lin Mu knew that this time, he had completely solved the sequelae left by the ancient alchemist when he was in Longmen.

Lin Mudujie's cultivation level on the third level was not improved by himself, but by the ancient alchemist who forced him to improve.

This kind of improvement is just for show, and it doesn't help the strength in any way.

But today's one-day mastery allowed Lin Mu to completely eliminate this sequelae.Although the cultivation base has not changed, but the strength has increased linearly, which is completely in line with the cultivation base of the third level of Transcendence Tribulation.

Lin Mu turned around and landed steadily, and where Lin Mu landed, half of his feet were already outside the ring.

Seeing that Lin Mu didn't get knocked out of the ring by himself, that person was also very shocked.Logically speaking, since he was forced into the state of 'enlightenment' by Lin Mu, he should have completely defeated Lin Mu.

But Lin Mu was not kicked out of the ring by himself, and looking at Lin Mu's appearance, it seemed that the injury just now did not cause any harm to Lin Mu.He even felt that Lin Mu seemed to have improved a lot because of his blow.

"Impossible! It's absolutely impossible!" No matter what, he didn't believe that Lin Shu would improve because of his blow.

If that's the case, the tree is no longer a person.

But he didn't know that it was not the first time that Lin Mu had improved during the battle.Such a thing may be unimaginable to outsiders.But for Lin Mu, this is nothing new.

"I think I should thank you, so I will spare your life." Lin Mu said calmly.

"Stop putting on airs here! Today, I will definitely take your dog's life!" the human monk said angrily.

Lin Mu looked at the opponent who used the move of flooding the dragon again, and sighed, and said to himself: "You can win by just a little bit, but this point will become your lifelong pain."

"Beat me!"

Lin Mu's declaration was not shocking, but it seemed to declare victory again.

Lin Mu raised his hand and waved the Wuying Knife. At this moment, the Wuying Knife suddenly became unreal.

All the light was completely distorted at this moment. Everyone's eyes were deeply attracted by the Shadowless Knife, and they didn't want to leave any more.


There was a slight sound, and around the Shadowless Knife, there were some cracks smaller than hair.

"Space crack!"

Someone exclaimed.

The space in the realm of comprehension is extremely hard, except for immortal artifacts and space rules, no attack can tear the space of the realm of comprehension apart.

However, Lin Mu's knife at this time created countless space cracks, which is really unimaginable and unbelievable.

"How powerful is this knife?" This may be the biggest question in everyone's mind.

Even the powerhouses in the Ascension Realm couldn't sit still at all.

They are already standing at the top of the pyramid in the realm of comprehension, but even they are completely unable to break the space of the realm of comprehension.

Seeing the hair-thin space cracks around the Shadowless Knife, the human monks were also fighting wildly.

He felt that he was strong enough at this time, and he even felt that at this time, he might not lose even against a strong man who had completed the Tribulation Realm.But when he saw these hair-thin space cracks, he already knew that he was bound to lose.

The power of one's own stick is strong enough, but no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to tear the space.

In fact, people don't know, this is Lin Mu's comprehension, the third cut of the sky.

This was Lin Mu's temporary thought. In fact, Lin Mu didn't think about it. Under such circumstances, he would comprehend the third slash of the sky.

If the first two cuts of the Heaven Splitting Nine Slashes were still within the comprehension range of the cultivation world, then after the third cut, they were beyond the comprehension range of the cultivation world.

Although Lin Mu used to be a fairy, but Lin Mu has already shattered his fairy golden body, everything is a new start for Lin Mu, and of course comprehension is also a new start.


The Wuying knife and the Yunli iron rod collided, only a slight crisp sound was made, and there was no huge explosion as imagined.

But everyone knew that this was not because the fight between the two was not intense, but that it was too intense.

Because all the explosions were swallowed up by space cracks.As for the power of the collision, it can be seen by looking at the instantly shattered arena under the feet of the two.

These arenas were all blessed by the Ascension Realm masters, and they were completely acceptable according to the theory. Everyone's attacks from the Ascension Realm were attacked, but they were broken at this time. It can be seen how powerful such a blow is.


In the end, Lin Mu's opponent couldn't help it, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

(End of this chapter)

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