Supreme Chef

Chapter 841 Entering the Secret Realm

Chapter 841 Entering the Secret Realm

A crisp sound came at the same time as the human monk fell to the ground.

Looking at the completely broken Yunli Iron in his hand, he even forgot about the serious injury on his body.

Yunli iron is the material for refining fairy artifacts, and its hardness is beyond imagination for outsiders.However, with just such a knife from Lin Mu, his cloud glass iron was directly broken into two pieces.

Lin Mu didn't expect that his knife would break Yun Li Tie, which was a bit of a pity.

However, Lin Mu was originally intended to be used, and Yun Litie upgraded the Shadowless Knife, so Lin Mu only had a little bit of a pity.

"You lost." Lin Mu said.

Seeing the broken Yunli iron in his hand, he still wanted to struggle to get up, but seventy percent of the tendons in his body were broken, and it was difficult for him to even stand up now.

"I lost!" After a few tries, he lowered his head and admitted his failure.

Putting Yun Litie and the ring in his hand on the ring, he walked down the ring step by step with difficulty.

Lin Mu was not polite either, and put away his ring and Yun Li Tie.Using his spiritual sense to check the other party's ring, Lin Mu really found another top material - Ziyun ice.

Ziyun ice is also a top-level refining material, but the main function of Ziyun ice is to assist refining. It can be used as an adhesive for two kinds of materials, so that the two materials can be perfectly blended, and this is exactly what forest trees need .

After solving his second opponent, the eyes of the people around him looking at Lin Shu are completely different.

At this time, they did not dare to regard Lin Mu as an ordinary third-level cultivator, and they even believed in their hearts that Lin Mu would definitely occupy one of the thirty places.

"There are strong players from the Ascension Realm participating in the competition!" Someone shouted loudly.

Hearing this man's roar, everyone turned their attention away from the forest temporarily.

When Lin Mu heard the roar, he also turned his head and looked over.

Sure enough, in the arena over there, there was a cultivator who had just entered the Ascension Realm, and was fighting another cultivator from the Transcending Tribulation Realm of the human race.

"It turns out that he just advanced to the Ascension Realm. It seems that he is a casual cultivator, and he should be aiming at the materials in the secret realm of the deserted island." Someone saw that the Ascension Realm cultivator only had a sixth-rank spirit treasure in his hand, so analysis.

The desert island secret realm is indeed useless to monks in the Ascension Realm, but the materials inside are useful to everyone.In the past, some casual cultivators who had just advanced to the Ascension Realm participated in this qualification challenge for some special materials or spiritual herbs.

After discovering this point, many people lost interest and just felt sorry for the cultivator who crossed the tribulation realm on the opposite side of the ring.

The competition was coming to an end, and he was about to get one of the [-] places, but now he met a monk from the Ascension Realm, so he could only be considered unlucky.

Others don't know how to look at Lin Mu, but Lin Mu himself frowned when he looked at the monk on the first floor of the Ascension Realm.

Because Lin Shu felt a familiar smell on his body.

"It seems that Sanxiandao couldn't bear it anymore and is planning to arrest me in the secret realm." After observing for a long time, Lin Mu finally confirmed the identity of the other party.

"Since you dare to come, I will let you come and go." A trace of cruelty flashed in Lin Mu's heart.

The competition finally entered the final stage, and the battle became extremely intense.

Basically, all the strong players who are capable of competing for the top [-] choose to make their moves at this time.

Lin Mu originally thought that with his performance in the previous two battles, no one would challenge him again.

However, Lin Mu was obviously wrong. It wasn't that no one came to challenge, but three came as soon as they came.

It is not against the rules for three people to challenge Lin Mu at the same time.

The battle between the four of them became intense from the very beginning, and the cultivation base of the three of them was one of the sixth floor and two of the fifth floor, and their cultivation bases were all higher than Lin Mu.

Lin Mu and the three of them fought until the last moment to decide the winner.With his own strength, Lin Mu beheaded one person and seriously injured two people to win the final match.

And with the end of Lin Mu's game, there was also a bell.

When the bell rang, it meant that this qualification challenge was over.

Lin Mu took a general look and found that on the [-] arenas, except for a few people who were on the arena, the rest were almost all new faces.

"The top [-], immediately enter the teleportation formation, there must be no mistakes." At the end of the game, a strong man who had completed the Ascension Realm came out and said loudly.

As his voice fell, a teleportation array in the void also slowly appeared.

Thirty people including Lin Mu came to the teleportation array in one step without any hesitation.

"The opening time of the desert island secret realm is one month. After one month, you will be automatically teleported out. Everyone in the secret realm is responsible for life and death. If there is no objection, you will pay 100 million high-grade crystals." The old man looked at the 30 people and said.

When Lin Mu heard that he had to pay another 100 million top-grade crystals, he was also stunned.

Lin Mu thought that it would be enough to pay the registration fee of 100 yuan, but he didn't expect that he would need to pay another [-] million top-grade crystals.

And judging by the looks of the people around them, it was obvious that they already knew this rule.

Lin Mu paid 100 million high-grade spirit crystals together with everyone, and the strong man who had completed the Ascension Realm activated the teleportation array.

After a burst of teleportation, Lin Mu got down to earth.

Lin Mu looked at his feet, glanced at the ground under his feet, and then flew into the mid-air with all his strength.

Lin Mu wanted to see the whole picture of the secret place on the deserted island, mainly because Lin Mu wanted to know if the secret place was in the Heartless Sea.

But when Lin Shu flew into the air, all he saw was an endless continent, and he couldn't tell where it was at all.

"It seems that this should be another space. I'd better collect the promotion resources I need first." Standing in midair, Lin Mu muttered to himself.

After falling back to the ground, Lin Mu took out the map Feng Xing had given him, first of all he had to make sure where he was.

"The nearest location to me is a spiritual spring." Lin Mu said looking at the location on the map.

"Let's collect this spiritual spring first." Lin Mu also made a decision in an instant.

The time is only one month, which seems to be a long time, but in fact, it is not enough for a secret place like the deserted island secret place that cannot be seen.Therefore, the time for trees to choose is actually very, very short.

Lin Mu took out his crimson and galloped all the way to the location of the spiritual spring.

Fortunately, there is no flight ban in this deserted island secret place, otherwise, during this month, if they just rely on walking, Lin Shu would not be able to collect anything at all.

After half a stick of incense, Lin Mu arrived at the location of Lingquan.

This is a place that no one has ever been to. After Lin Shu casually destroyed the natural restriction here, he saw a "gurgling" spiritual spring.

"The spiritual liquid in this spiritual spring!" Lin Mu felt a little dumbfounded looking at this spiritual spring.

(End of this chapter)

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