Supreme Chef

Chapter 842

Chapter 842
The reason why Lin Mu was dumbfounded was because Lin Mu discovered that the "bubble" flowing out of this spiritual spring was not ordinary spiritual liquid, but the best spiritual liquid.

The top-grade spiritual liquid, like the top-grade fairy stone, is rare in the cultivation world, or almost invisible.

And it is precisely because of the lack of top-grade fairy stones that in the cultivation world, the general trading currency is top-grade spirit stones.

Although there is only one word difference between the top grade and the best grade, there are too many, too many things that are poor.If the top-grade spirit stones are broken copper and iron, then the top-grade spirit stones are diamonds.The gap here is simply not known to outsiders.

Moreover, the cultivation effect of the best spiritual spring in the cultivation world is second only to the existence of spiritual marrow.

Lin Mu's cultivation base has just broken through now, what he needs most is spiritual energy to stabilize his cultivation base.Lin Mu originally thought that the top-grade spiritual spring was already very good, but Lin Mu didn't expect that this was actually a top-grade spiritual spring.

Lin Mu waved the formation flag, completely enveloping the top-quality spiritual spring, and then Lin Mu pinched his hands, and directly sent the top-quality spiritual spring into the chaotic world.

Looking at the top-quality spiritual spring that kept gushing out, the blood spirit dragon's eyes were almost straightened, and the blood flowed all over the ground.

"Go over there and eat your divine substance, Lingquan is useless to you." Lin Mu said.

Blood Linglong's eyes sparkled and said: "You don't know that among the best spiritual springs, there are fragments of the Dao, which are useful to anyone."

Of course Lin Mu knows, because Lin Mu has handled the top-grade fairy stone, so he naturally knows that the top-grade spiritual spring, like the top-grade fairy stone, contains fragments of the Dao.And it is precisely because they contain Dao fragments that they can surpass the top grade and become the top grade.

Lin Mu casually placed dozens of restrictions on the top-quality spiritual spring, and said, "If you dare to approach here, you should know the consequences."

Xue Linglong looked at the trees seriously, and also put Halazi away.

"There is such a good thing in this deserted island secret place, let me go out and help you find it." Xue Linglong said.

Lin Mu naturally knew what Xue Linglong was thinking, and directly refused: "No, I have a map, so I don't need your nose."

"The map is still inaccurate. Besides, on the map, can you mark what is precious and what is not? You said that you ran over with great effort and found that it was useless. It was not in vain. Do you have the strength? You let me go out, and I promise that the things I will take you to find are the most precious here." The Blood Spirit Dragon was still unwilling to give up.

Lin Mu pondered for a while, and felt that what Xue Linglong said was also reasonable, and said: "Okay. You come out and help me find it together. According to the value of the things you find, I will give you some of the best spiritual springs as appropriate."

"Okay!" The blood spirit dragon agreed excitedly, and flew out of the chaotic world.

As soon as he left the chaotic world, the blood spirit dragon took a deep breath, and then said excitedly: "Baby, I'm here."

Lin Mu looked at the Blood Spirit Dragon and said, "Let's go in that direction next."

The Blood Spirit Dragon sniffed carefully, then pointed in a direction, and said, "Go over there, there are good things over there."

Lin Mu followed the direction of the blood spirit dragon's finger, and then compared it with the map Feng Xing gave him.

"There should be an elixir garden over there." Lin Mu glanced at the map and said.

Xue Linglong said: "It's over there, there must be something good over there."

Lin Mu nodded, also sacrificed Chi Hong, and flew over there.

The closer the distance is, the more dense the aura will be felt by the trees and the blood spirit dragon.

When he was about to reach the elixir garden, the aura around him was so strong that it could hardly melt away.The viscous aura was like a liquid, and the red speed was slightly affected.

"Where is this place? How can there be such a terrifying medicine courtyard?" Lin Mu looked around, completely blocking his sight and the spiritual energy of his consciousness, and was deeply shocked in his heart.

"One Ninth-Rank Spiritual Medicine must not be able to cause such an effect. There must be several plants, or even dozens of Ninth-Rank Spiritual Medicines growing together to cause such a phenomenon." Xue Linglong also analyzed with a sigh.

After listening to Xue Linglong's analysis, Lin Mu was also excited for a while.

Ninth-grade elixir is not something that everyone can have, let alone a few plants, or even a dozen plants.

Chi Hong flew for another half an hour, the aura completely turned into a viscous liquid, and Chi Hong's speed was greatly restricted.

Finding such a situation, Lin Mu simply didn't use Crimson, and instead flew by himself.

While flying, Lin Shu absorbed the aura around him to strengthen his cultivation.The aura is not very useful to the blood spirit dragon, but facing such an exaggerated aura, the blood spirit dragon can't help being moved, desperately absorbing the aura here.

"No! The aura here has a feeling that I am familiar with." After absorbing it for a while, the blood spirit dragon said suddenly.

"A feeling you are familiar with?" Lin Mu also looked at the Blood Spirit Dragon and asked.

Xue Linglong nodded seriously, then grabbed a handful of spiritual energy and stuffed it into his mouth.

After tasting for a long time, Xue Linglong said: "There is indeed a familiar feeling."

Lin Mu pondered for a while, and said, "Could it be that this place is left by your dragon clan?"

The Blood Spirit Dragon shook his head and said: "It's not the feeling of the Dragon Clan. If it was the Dragon Clan, I could feel it as soon as I came in. I don't know what this feeling is, but it's not that good anyway."

Lin Mu hesitated after hearing what the blood spirit dragon said.

The blood spirit dragon is an ancient creature, something that can make the blood spirit dragon feel bad, without thinking about it, it is definitely not a good thing.If there was really an ancient beast inside, Lin Mu might not even have time to run away.

But if Lin Mu were to just give up like this, Lin Mu would obviously not be reconciled, after all, it might be a few, or even more than a dozen of ninth-grade elixir.

At this time, Xue Linglong was also very quietly waiting for Lin Mu to make a decision. Obviously, Xue Linglong couldn't make a decision on such a matter.

Lin Mu stood on the spot and pondered for a while, gritted his teeth, and said, "Let's go!"

In the end, Lin Mu was still unwilling to give up, and Lin Mu felt that even if it was really an ancient beast inside.After such a long time, I am afraid it will not be too strong.

Lin Shu flew in front, and the Blood Spirit Dragon followed behind, but the speed of the two of them could be slowed down a bit.

After flying for a stick of incense, the two of them finally vaguely saw a medicine courtyard.

"I heard it, the smell of Nine Star Grass. There is also the smell of Promise Fruit, and..." Approaching the Medicine Academy, the Blood Spirit Dragon also became excited.

When it was so close, not only the blood spirit dragon could smell it, but also the forest trees could smell it.Although Lin Mu had already overestimated the value of this pharmacy as much as possible, Lin Mu found that he still underestimated the value of this place in the end.

Whether it is Nine Star Grass or Promise Fruit, they are the top elixir in the cultivation world.Even many things here are worth more than fairy grass.

It can be said that if any of these things are taken out, the entire cultivation world will boil.If all these things are taken out, I am afraid that the entire cultivation world will fight for it.

"Mine! Mine! It's all mine!" Blood Linglong couldn't wait, and immediately rushed into the medicine courtyard to occupy these things.

"Wait!" Lin Mu stopped the Blood Spirit Dragon who was about to rush in.

(End of this chapter)

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