Supreme Chef

Chapter 843: Primordial Beast

Chapter 843: Primordial Beast (1)

"What's wrong?" Xue Linglong also stopped when he heard Lin Mu's words.

Lin Mu pointed to the formations around the medicine courtyard, and said, "The formations here are obviously artificially arranged. Obviously, this formation was left on purpose by others."

Xue Linglong said: "So what? These formations are obviously old, and they haven't been opened for a long time. This shows that the owner of the medicine school has not been back for a long time. He is very likely, all It's already dead outside. We don't have to be polite to such an ownerless thing."

Lin Mudao: "The formation has not been opened for a long time, but who cares about everything in the medicine academy. The fruits in this distant place are obviously within the last 1 years. But the idea of ​​this formation is far away. It has exceeded this limit. Moreover, these fruits were obviously picked by people 1 years ago."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the blood spirit dragon was also shocked.

The Blood Spirit Dragon had indeed ignored this problem before, and there were indeed traces of being picked in this medicine courtyard.

"Maybe the people who came in before have been here too?" Xue Linglong said.

Lin Mu frowned, and said: "Look carefully at the surrounding formations, there are traces of being moved from the outside."

Xue Linglong listened to Lin Mu's words, and also carefully observed the formation outside the medicine academy, as expected, he didn't see any trace of being destroyed by anyone.

If it is said that the elixir inside was not picked by people from the outside, it means that it was picked by people or some kind of creatures from the inside.

Thinking that there might still be a creature living in this pharmacy, and it was a creature that was at least [-] years younger, both Lin Shu and Xue Linglong felt chills down their spines.

"Then should we continue to act?" Blood Spirit Dragon asked cautiously.

Lin Mu also hesitated at this time, obviously Lin Mu did not dare to act rashly.

It is very likely that there is a very terrifying existence in it, a terrifying existence that has lived for at least ten thousand years.

"The elixir here has been ripe for a long time, and I haven't seen him come to pick it. Do you think he has left? Or is he dead?" Xue Linglong looked at the elixir in the medicine academy and said.

Lin Mudao: "There is such a possibility, but maybe he is not dead, even if he waits for me, maybe you can't tell?"

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Xue Linglong couldn't help shivering again, and said: "Then why don't we retreat, and we'll find another place."

Lin Mu looked at the pharmacy in front of him, and said, "Although the secret land of the deserted island is still very large, I think that there should be no pharmacy here that will surpass this place."

After hearing this, Xue Linglong also agreed very much. I am afraid that such a heaven-defying medicine school is the only one in the entire cultivation world. If you just give up like this, it is definitely impossible to meet again.

"Why don't we go in quickly and leave immediately after we get our things." Blood Linglong couldn't resist such a temptation and suggested.

Lin Mu hesitated for a while, but he really didn't want to give up, such a treasure house against heaven.

"Let's move quickly, if something goes wrong, we will run away immediately." Lin Mu said.

Now that he has decided to act, Lin Mu will not hesitate any more.

After easily deciphering the formation around the Medicine Academy, the Blood Spirit Dragon rushed in immediately.

"This is really Wuji fruit, and it's a whole plant. This time we really made it." Blood Spirit Dragon hugged a big tree, shouting excitedly.

Promise Fruit is one of the top nine elixir medicines. Although Promise Fruit is a spiritual fruit, its value is far higher than that of ordinary fairy medicines.

The reason why Wuji fruit is worth more than ordinary fairy medicine is because Wuji fruit has a certain probability of making people enter the state of "enlightenment".

Although it is only a certain probability, it is enough to make everyone flock to it.

For people with low cultivation bases, 'enlightenment' may not have much effect, but the higher the cultivation level, the greater the effect of 'enlightenment'.Because after reaching a certain level of cultivation, if you want to improve, it is no longer simply the accumulation of spiritual energy.

And the most heaven-defying thing about Promise Fruit is not only that it can help people 'enlighten the Tao' but that it is also effective for immortals. This is the reason why his value exceeds that of ordinary salivary spirit grass.

"Move this whole plant to the chaotic world, let me cultivate her well, let it bear fruit for me every year in the future, and then I will grow." The blood spirit dragon hugged the Wuji fruit tree, and there was an excited fantasy with.

In fact, it doesn't need to be said by Xue Linglong, Lin Mu is also planning to do this.

Picking some fruits is only temporary, but transplanting the whole tree in, the benefits can be long-term.

The trees were moved directly, and the Promise Fruit Tree was directly transplanted into the chaotic world.

Next, Lin Shu and Xue Linglong started transplanting all the elixir that they liked in the medicine academy.

Soon, in the chaotic world of trees, there were 21 more heaven-defying ninth-grade elixir plants.

"It seems that the person who arranged this medicine house should be a top-level alchemist, but he actually tried to refine heaven-defying pills here." Lin Mu looked at the 21 top-level elixir plants in the chaotic world, and felt emotional.

The so-called Heaven-Defying Pill is a real Heaven-Defying Pill.

Legend has it that the Heaven-Defying Pill is a heaven-defying treasure that can make a mortal rise directly in the daytime, and possess the strength of an immortal.

But such a treasure pill is only in the legend, and no one has seen it.Even among alchemists, this kind of elixir is nothing more than the 21 main ingredients that have been circulated.I have never really seen what kind of Nitian Pill exists.

Lin Shu didn't notice it at the beginning, and it was only when he put the 21 heaven-defying elixir plants together that he remembered this.

"There are really people in the cultivation world who are so crazy that they tried to refine the Heaven-Defying Pill." Lin Mu also couldn't believe that there were people who really took the legends as truth.

"Lin Mu! Lin Mu! Do you think there is something wrong over there?" Blood Spirit Dragon said while pulling Lin Mu's cuff.

Lin Mu followed the direction of the blood spirit dragon's finger and also looked over.But Lin Mu stared at it for a long time, but didn't see anything.

Blood Spirit Dragon pointed there, and said: "I feel that there is something there, and it is very dangerous."

Lin Mu believed in the blood spirit dragon's intuition. Although Lin Mu didn't see anything unusual, Lin Mu decided to leave here on time.

"Let's go!" Lin Mu pulled the blood spirit dragon, and was about to leave the medicine academy directly. As for the remaining elixir here, it was no longer important to Lin Mu.

"Run! I feel that it is catching up!" The Blood Spirit Dragon also roared, and then flew forward directly.

And Lin Shu didn't stop for half a second, and directly activated the speed rule, and moved a distance of thousands of feet laterally.

And when Lin Mu gained a firm foothold, Lin Mu turned his head and saw a scene that he couldn't forget.

Seeing where it was standing just now, Lin Shu was gone and disappeared.That piece of space has disappeared forever.

"Swallow space!" Seeing such a scene, Lin Mu gasped.

"What the hell is this?" Lin Mu looked at the Blood Spirit Dragon and asked.

The blood spirit dragon also had a pale face, and said: "This may be a fucking glutton! Let's run quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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